Avatar of ArenaSnow
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  • Posts: 6501 (1.88 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

>.> RIP guards.
Disgusting was the word going through Caezel's head as he briskly walked at the end of the long path home. He saw the wooden structure through the trees as he considered the events of the previous day after a walk that pissed him off more than it helped.

Angel in the center of town. Angel, human mage and disgusting fairy over the border and let back home by a demon for which the most basic most base obligation would have been to kill off the trespassers. Villagers letting the angel make horrible noise they called music in the ears of children. It showed a comfort that poked at the core of one of Caezel's worst possible thoughts: Peace.

Peace, where his feeding habits would be frowned upon at best. Peace, where fairies could roam freely. A peace where the Demon King could settle a final score with one he had always suspected, but never proved to be a traitor of the first degree. The last possibility more than... well, not more than fairies, but most else concerned him. War made the Demon King obliged to spend his resources elsewhere. Peace would allow him to do other things... such as hunt Caezel down. That could not happen.

In fact, Caezel decided, there could only be a single option for ensuring that didn't happen. He would have to personally escalate things. He wasn't sure how far he would get, but he could at least see what he could do in the meantime.

He knew of a certain phantom he could follow. He had followed the phantom before, in fact, though never too far - he had indirectly shown Caezel the route to the light's castle and a quick and safe one for a vampire at that. This time, Caezel supposed, the phantom would take him all the way to his destination. What happened after would be a question he would answer when the time came.

He arrived at his home and went into the massively crowded hut, filled with scrolls, potions complete and in the making, and various other items stuffed into a room magically extended slightly... with the extensions further filled with tables of potions affixed to the tables with a custom sticky substance and a large, old torn armchair. From the armchair he pulled a dark grey cloak, and from surrounding tables he stuffed a mixture of potions into a pouch which he added next to the blade on his waist, and covered the setup with his cloak.

He wouldn't stand idly by and watch as the way of things fell apart anymore.

2 Hours

And not just a little bit of stalking later...

Caezel watched as the phantom "passed" the two unsuspecting guards, staying behind as a cloaked figure facing away from the sun. He had gotten there without much trouble, with minimal burn and annoyance, empowered by potent chemicals of suggestion he had taken along the way to ensure he wouldn't turn back. The whole situation had gone even better than he expected - the phantom brought him to the castle and opened the way.

Of course, he wasn't one to miss a perfect opportunity to feed before he followed.

He spotted the young guard and thought I had best have a snack before I enter even as the older guard ran to the alarm...

A Messy 5 Minutes Later

Blood dripping from his mouth and the covered blade in his hand, Caezel stepped over the guard's bodies and followed the trail of ice

He followed the Phantom down the halls of the castle, blade dripping slowly at his side as he walked almost like a second phantom behind the real one. He figured his best course of action would be to follow the phantom... and seize the opportunity to do much more when it arose. Caezel had in his grasp an opportunity he had been seeking for two thousand years, and he would take it.

Even if - no, especially if - it meant he could feed on more exotic prey while doing so.

@Gate Keeper
{A slightly hasty writing, sorry if I ended up going a little below my personal standard ^.^}
I need to combine two parts of my post (one coming from another computer... :/) and then the travels of Caezel shall commence. He won't be as nice with the guards as the phantom was :P

There's a segment that'll be blanked due to it being -graphic, -ultra detailed in a time when others are waiting for me to get off my ass, and -time consideration linked to previous point when considering I'm dualing with a development in a co-gm'ing roleplay.

Edit: Ok then. Said computer didn't save my work, I get to rewrite that segment.

*bashes said machine in* Er... ok... I'm calm now...
Hey there folks, it looks like I'm gonna be the demon prince for this RP. I look forward to working with you all.

Caezel is not the droid your princlyness is looking for. >.>
@Ace of flames01 Wait, is there a one demon limit on here? I know they are rare, but Uriel is the only one we have in the game. Plus we have two angels and aren't they equally rare?

I'm just curious! Unless you're counting on Caezel actually killing/experimenting on one of you and figuring out a way to turn himself into a demon, in which case that sort of makes sense. ^.^

It's been pretty much established that he won't figure it out as it requires means that he does not have access to, unless Flame retcons that bit and adds another way.

<Snipped quote by Ace of flames01>

It was just two guards! ;-;

Any NPC that comes out going "Huh?" is probably going to get mauled by Caezel following up. Though I need to polish up the post and get it up once I get home to do it.
Open is probably going to be the case until we run into overpopulation issues.

For the new character: I believe we are capped on demons, chances are that'll be a closed topic. but who knows, ace might like it.
A post shall arrive before the day is done.

@Gate Keeper shall we be connected or will we just kinda stumble upon each other?
Immediate reasoning, I mean. Besides perhaps drinking some sort of semi-alcoholic substance that induces him to go over the edge :P

Actually, that might not be a bad idea...

Though it begs the question: How well do vampires survive in sunlight in this particular RP?
Uh... Caezel wouldn't mind to join in, but what of the premise? Why should he be there?

I suppose I shall ponder the question this eve. :P
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