Avatar of ArenaSnow
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

@ArenaSnow I appreciate you not adding to Tony's workload but come on man, that was a perfectly good chicken...

*Shrug* Different priorities, I suppose ;p
In Oh shit. 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Forgot spam? Old man.
Kolonis had arranged the runes in her lap, scarcely aware of the events occurring around her, though it would have been very hard for her not to miss the dramatic sacrifice of the bear. Yet she didn't let that event or any other distract her from the task at hand, which, from an outside view, was scrutinizing a dozen or so small stones in her lap and rearranging them periodically. It was only when she was satisfied with the results that she looked up to find the lizan offering her a rabbit for sacrifice. She hadn't given much thought to her contribution, if anything; statues such as the one before the group were odd constructs often designed for a purpose, and the exact purpose and quality of its design were still not entirely clear. Still, she smiled and took the rabbit with both hands and offered Kythe a smile.

"Thank you," she said to him while holding a hand over the little creature's head. She gently pressed down, filling it with feelings of warmth and comfort, both of which were total lies in the outside world, but irrelevant to the weak-willed and quickly satisfied animal that curled and began sleeping in her arms. The others had been very brutal in her sacrifices. She, for whatever reason, was quite the opposite. Lifting her hand from the rabbit's head, Kolonis gathered the runes and returned them to an obscure pocket on her thigh.

The runic mage stood, rabbit still in her arms, and approached the statue. It was still an object of her suspicion, but she was satisfied it would have no irreversible ill effects. Perhaps, if the repayment it gave for the sacrifice was sufficiently useful, she would attempt to make its power more permanent, though she knew such an effort would be long and complicated.

She took up the rabbit by the neck, still maintaining the light illusion that left the rabbit motionless and happy, and with a tight squeeze of her fist, engulfed the figure in flames that quickly disintegrated the rabbit into ashes that fell from her fist to the ground. Immediately the statue gave her its knowledge, but she remained stoic as she turned around and returned to the same seat as before.
Welcome ;)
Welcome ;)
Welcome ;)

I'm open as well if you need something.
Welcome ;)
@lord of Evil Actually I have to agree with @BKburke with tony telling the others. Tony does seem like the type to tell them. For now I'm using my power as GM to have Tony have no idea on this so we can get past this.

With respect, Tony had no idea in the first place, and Evil should have a pretty good idea what his own character would do.


One is an illusionist?

Kolonis has illusionist capabilities.

You would detect it like any wizard casting detect magic. You would know something is three that is magic and that would be it. Literally know information other than that would be given unless you took the time to appraise the item. Same with the ring.

Cucco has made his ruling, and while I don't see the logical sense in a senior demon being unable to detect a senior demon she would be at least well aware of it not familiar with, the fact that there is no defined system or reference means it really doesn't matter to me. Thus it shall be. But as for your other bit,

@ArenaSnowI wouldn't consider it an overeacation as far as seeing the pace. Almost half the party knows/suspects him as a deconomic and they just met him today. If this same course were to keep up then he will basically be figured out by page 5 or 6.

Did you miss my above text? Everyone is suspect. Everyone. A demon lord in a monk's body who instigated the meeting? A mysterious statue used by cultists (as per demon lord's information)? Two confirmed demons, one of which is an illusionist (though most of the party wouldn't be aware of the fact)? All in a town full of zombies that a "hero" massacred? For all Tony knows, you're just another manifestation of Remus. Trust will not be freely given. It might take until page 5 or 6 until people can draw proper lines on who to trust.

The necklace just gave him a random human appearance. They wouldn't be able to identify him anyway because he didn't get this necklace until after the demons lost.

That works, then.

As for identifying Astiroth, according to the intelligence of your character that you have stated, you kinda put it out thhat all it would take is a quick glance.

It's less intelligence so much as it is pure experience. The study of runes and such wouldn't make her plumb ignorant to spells which may well be, depending on interpretation,

only requires you be level 4.

And if it's more fancy, the amulet itself is suspect. IC she's processing magical streams. Does the amulet itself not have a magical stream, faint as it may be, that keeps Astiroth in human form?

By my cs, there is only one character who would actually have the ability to detect Astiroth and that's Alionna. Sue is a holy class worshipping a holy figure that takes care in hunting demons.

Then what's the problem, exactly? This conversation was founded on the basis that your character is compromised. You have exactly 1 threat at the moment, and I don't think that's proper grounds to stomp the amulet into the ground -- for no apparent reason as nobody actually said anything that would tip Astiroth off to being compromised by anyone.

He was going to try and build trust, that was his idea. However, now that 3 members of the group know/suspect he is a demon, there is no point in keeping the necklace, might just have him tear it off and crush it when he gets back and on the way power is going to be obtained,

There's literally no grounds IC to change his plan, and indeed, the OOC reasons are faulty at best to me. As you haven't provided a quote that indicates Kolonis revealed him to the group, and you probably don't have a valid quote from Remus to that effect, and since suspicion is hardly "He's a demon! Burn him!", there whole affair strikes me as a bit of an overreaction. But that's just me.
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