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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon looked over to see the lizard approaching her. "The texts are rare. I would say about one per town if we are lucky. Thankfully before starting this whole mission I was able to gather some information on this. I have a bit of knowledge on where to find them." Feon added before looking over to the Alionna. "What is to stop us from becoming more of a threat from this power? If you were listening earlier you would have known. I already stated, this power has a back side to it. After a year, you will forget all of the knowledge you have learned with it." Feon repeated. She was starting to think that this Priestess was thick headed.

"And as for destroying it. I have no intentions of it. It has it's uses, and I don't plan on it." Feon added walking closer to the priestess. "If you have a problem with this then you don't have to take part in the ritual. You don't even need to be here." Feon added getting annoyed by the Priestess. With everyone doubting her and being so ready to kill each other Feon was starting to get to the end of her own wits.

"And before I forget anything." Feon added picking up the goose she had knocked out earlier. She threw it into the air before kicking it into the statue on it's way down. Her foot crushing it's heart against the concrete on the statue's base. The statue seemed to glow a bit green before wisps of energy seemed to flow into Feon's head. It felt like her mind became unclouded in certain respects. She had gained the power of the statue.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Seeing Astiroth curve off to somewhere else, Vreskrr shrugs. He was so close to getting her name right too. Once more dropping to all fours, spear wrapped in her tail and bouncing up and down with every movement of her slender body. Nearing town with some good distance between herself and the bear, the bear looked as if it was about to quit pursuit. Getting back up and using her spear to shoot a few beams at the bear she quickly regained its attention as one of her beams grazed the bear's shoulder.

Shooting back into town on all fours, Vreskrr stood up and waved to Leila "Hi there, beautiful." Turning her attention to the group she told them to back off a little pointing her thumb back for argumentation. Her "argument" would soon arrive in the form of an angry bear. Pointing her spear at the ground and scratching a sloppy symbol in it, Vreskrr shot another beam, purposefully next to the bear as to drive it towards the symbol. The bear charged through the village, not caring about any lame zombie in its way. Vreskrr rushed back a little, impaled another zombie on her spear and faced the bear. Waiting a moment before levering the spear around herself and positioning the impaled zombie between the bear and her. The bear lunged in and struck the zombie in between them. The bear, now over the symbol, was hit with a bolt of electricity, but it didn't do much more than slow it down a little.

Almost completely ignoring the bolt, the bear blew the zombie's head clean off. Luckily, though not quite so for the bear, Astiroth approached the from behind and did the same. Blood splattering from the neck as the bear dropped against the statue, some of it got on Vreskrr. She frowned for a moment, before casually wiping it off. "Well, Jason, you might not be the best at giving a compliment, but I guess you are useful to have around. I suppose I owe you an apology for letting the bear chase you here."

@BKburke @Cuccoruler @Lightning @Hammerman
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Garen felt relieved when Ali told him that she would be okay, but a part of him knew that she would never really be fine again. A wound such as hers needed more then mortal magic to heal. If he had the power to help her through the curse, he would, but Garen was no wizard. He mistrusted magic, just like the other man had said earlier, and it was always beyond him.

When Feon began to talk, he moved to stand next to Alionna, then faced the monk girl. What she said was almost a crime, and could have saved a lot of pointless bickering he was sure, if she had just told them the rest about the statue. All of it seemed underwhelming now, with the downside of it having a cap for a year there wasn't a lot to worry about besides who would abuse the power during that time. It might be a threat after Sven is destroyed, but Garen didn't see that happening for awhile. There was no guarantee that any of them would even survive.

After Feon walked over to them, he listened to the two women talk to each other. Alionna's concerns were justified to be sure, and he was inclined to agree with her about destroying the statue. Perhaps if they survive everything, one day they could but not now. He would have told her that he never say any indication that Sven had the potential for necromancy, but he let her finish her thoughts. Feon then interjected, restating what she knew about the statue and that the knowledge would disappear after a years time. He could tell she was growing agitated, with her remark about leaving.

He spoke up finally, "Now listen here, I think you need all the help you can get, so telling her to leave would not be in your interest. Her concerns are what many of us 'moral' folk are also thinking. You make a fair point however, Feon, the statue is needed right now to face an even greater threat. So let's put aside our differences and come up with a game plan. We're already wasting time."

Garen was then forced to watch that bitch of a demon bait a bear into being killed for the sacrifice. He always liked bears, seing one killed wasn't something he enjoyed watching.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Leila made sure she paid attention when Feon gave her explanation. So it wouldn't give her any power right away, but it would allow her to learn magic far quicker than normal. However, she would only be able to do so with the help of ancient texts and writings and the magic she learned would disappear after a year. Seemed reasonable, Leila thought. This way, even if someone decided to turn back and became the next tyrant by their newfound powerful magic, they could easily take them out when a year had run out. This quite relieved Leila from her paranoia.

Leila then saw Feon throwing a stone towards a bird flying on the sky. She was impressed by how she could hit the thing even from this distance. The goose fell down to the earth. It seemed Feon was going to use it as her sacrifice.

Feon then approached the newcomer, and then introduced herself. But the newcomer responded with coldness, as she stated her displeasure and distrust of the ritual they were about to perform. Leila would agree with her if she had spoken up just a while ago, but now, she felt she was more on the monk girl's side. Feon responded patiently, though Leila could certainly hear the annoyance in her voice.

After that little drama, and Feon answering the lizardman's question, she then started her ritual. She simply threw the poor thing into the air before jumping towards it and kicking it down towards the statue. They landed just in front of the statue's base, with her feet crushing the goose's heart. And then, Leila saw it. The green glow manifesting from the statue, heading towards Feon and then entering her body.

"Y-you alright there?" Leila asked her.

Before the monk girl could answer however, they were interrupted by Vreskrr coming in and bringing with her a rampaging bear. And she had the galls to flirt with her while she did so. Leila quickly moved out of the way, grabbing Feon's hand as she was afraid she was still disoriented from the ritual. Luckily, the bear was taken care of right in front of the statue, by the combination of efforts between the demon girl and Astiroth. SInce the latter got the killing blow, perhaps the statue would accept the sacrifice as his instead of Vreskrr's.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kythe's eyes widened slightly and he blinked in surprise at the number Feon gave these 'rare' texts. One ancient magic text per town, granted she said that was if they were lucky so they likely aren't quite that frequent but still, he knew at least one scholar from his home that would give his left horn to get at that many texts. He chuckled loudly at the thought of young Nybras running around here and driving the humans mad.

As some others made their own sacrifices to the statue he realized he was getting a bit behind and so he left to get his own, thinking he'd try for a stag like the knight caught. Even with the presence of undead in the village the lack of many living people meant that the wildlife was creeping back into the area so he didn't have to go far. He stalked through some bushes as he closed on a promising deer, bursting out and tackling the thing before it got to far. They thrashed around a bit before Kythe landed a headbutt and knocked it out with his horns.

Before he went to carry it back he remembered that he was going to find something for Kolonis while she studies the magic in the area. He left the stag where he could find it again and set about finding another critter. After a bit of holding still and glaring he managed to get his hands on a rabbit, tying the thing on his waist so he could carry the stag back to. Unfortunately, it seemed he's taken long enough that the thing had woken back up an run off. He sighed and effectively facepalmed.

He finally returned after another short venture that netted him a smaller doe, carrying it over one shoulder as he walked up to the statue. He laid it out on the base and brought his head down to snap it's neck with his fangs and powerful jaws. He shuddered lightly as the little wisps flew into him but otherwise didn't feel much different. With that done he stood back up and walked over to Kolonis, holding the rabbit he caught out to her "Here, the rabbit I promised" he smiled while the little thing blinked at her curiously.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Kolonis had arranged the runes in her lap, scarcely aware of the events occurring around her, though it would have been very hard for her not to miss the dramatic sacrifice of the bear. Yet she didn't let that event or any other distract her from the task at hand, which, from an outside view, was scrutinizing a dozen or so small stones in her lap and rearranging them periodically. It was only when she was satisfied with the results that she looked up to find the lizan offering her a rabbit for sacrifice. She hadn't given much thought to her contribution, if anything; statues such as the one before the group were odd constructs often designed for a purpose, and the exact purpose and quality of its design were still not entirely clear. Still, she smiled and took the rabbit with both hands and offered Kythe a smile.

"Thank you," she said to him while holding a hand over the little creature's head. She gently pressed down, filling it with feelings of warmth and comfort, both of which were total lies in the outside world, but irrelevant to the weak-willed and quickly satisfied animal that curled and began sleeping in her arms. The others had been very brutal in her sacrifices. She, for whatever reason, was quite the opposite. Lifting her hand from the rabbit's head, Kolonis gathered the runes and returned them to an obscure pocket on her thigh.

The runic mage stood, rabbit still in her arms, and approached the statue. It was still an object of her suspicion, but she was satisfied it would have no irreversible ill effects. Perhaps, if the repayment it gave for the sacrifice was sufficiently useful, she would attempt to make its power more permanent, though she knew such an effort would be long and complicated.

She took up the rabbit by the neck, still maintaining the light illusion that left the rabbit motionless and happy, and with a tight squeeze of her fist, engulfed the figure in flames that quickly disintegrated the rabbit into ashes that fell from her fist to the ground. Immediately the statue gave her its knowledge, but she remained stoic as she turned around and returned to the same seat as before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Astiroth watched as the bears head rolled onto the ground. His posture, stance, and quality of his cut showed that of a style similar to the Warriors of legend that hailed from the far east. He pulled back his blade and pulled out a cloth to wipe it. After he cleaned the blood from his blade, he sheathed it.

His gaze met Vreskrr as he sheathed his blade and listened to her remark. "I'm not much to care for apologies. Next time, I hope you return the favor...not the ditching part but if you did then why not. Have fun." He turned and began to walk on the outskirts of the village. "Such knowledge that will be granted will benefit you all more than me. Just tell me when to carry the burden. I'll be waiting for you all by the entrance of the town."

Astiroth walked along toward the entrance. He examined the undead that roamed. "For such ill fate to befall someone..I understand it well for Sven has left a terrible mark on the world. I wonder if others have formed their own group of misfits to stop him"

When he reached the entrance, he set his sheathed blade to the side. He kneeled down to meditate for a moment. Slowly rising, he postured himself in a way that resembled Wing Chun. He didn't have a training dummy so performing the striking and grappling movements would be a little awkward. He didn't care though. Astiroth needed to be strong, fast, capable of overcoming his lack of versatility, he would be swift, deadly, and powerful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lightning
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Alionna was not intimidated by the woman, her reactions had proved the priestess right about her. Alionna wanted to point out what a threat Sven had become in just a short time, however, at this point it would just be a waste. She had let a sigh out as Garen agreed with the monk, she had a bad feeling about this but if Garen would trust this girl, she would stand by him.

The priestess watched as the bird gave its life for the magic that had filled Feon, she bit her lip to keep silent. Alionna took her holy symbol in her hands and said a small prayer, asking for Sarenae's guidance.

Alionna stepped back with Garen as the Demon baited the bear and watched as the forest creature was beheaded, then the doe's neck was snapped. there was no turning back now and if the situation wasn't so dire she would have took the monks advice and left, yet she couldn't leave now. After the attack on the demon lord and Sven's turn to evil, strong individuals that could stand up against the tyrant were few.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tony was walking back to the city center. He'd gotten enough wood to cook a bear, plus a bit more for keeping the fire and a little more than that for cooking whatever else it was the others had picked up. He assumed that the rest would have small game, as he didn't think the rest would feel the need to show off like the demon and her accomplice. Speaking of which, the bearded man... Tony had definitely heard the phrase "demon powers", but he wasn't sure what that entailed. It didn't necessarily make him a demon, he could've made a demonic pact to gain demon powers, or maybe he was a half demon or something. He couldn't be sure what the man was, but it didn't really matter in the end. They were on the same side, for now, and the man's demon powers would only help Tony and crew to get to their eventual goal. So Tony, the great thinker as he was, decided to stop thinking about it. He had better things to do.

Tony entered the town the same way he'd left, close to the house he'd requisitioned to temporarily house his supplies. He considered using it to help prepare the meal he would set up but decided against it. While most of it was fine, the kitchen side of the house was mostly gone. The chimney was intact but the opening was too small to fit a good fire and cooking pot, so he'd have to relocate. Tony picked up his gear and slung it over his shoulder before moving out of the dilapidated house.

On arriving at the center of town, he noticed a few key things. A dead goose by the weird statue, alongside a headless bear. And finally, an apparently alive deer at the feet of the female knight. He took one look at the scene, eyed the others talking nonchalantly amongst themselves, and quietly sighed.
"You better have been planning to eat that." Tony said out loud.
He walked over to the bear corpse and took it by its hand with his unoccupied arm, dragging it over to a nearby house with a large smokestack. His suspicions were proven correct when he entered the house and noticed a large fire pit, a cooking fire pit if he ever saw one. And the house even came with a bonus oven, which would be very useful indeed. Tony set down the bear's headless corpse along with his equipment. He fished an apron out of the pile and fastened it to his body before taking his large cooking pot and several of his tools.

Tony exited the house and headed over to the fountain, washing his tools and hands before drawing some water for his pot.
"Hey, girl with the deer." He said to the female knight (@Hammerman) as he studied his knife. "You better sacrifice that thing already. Bring the body to me once you're done."
He put the lid on the pot and balanced his tools on it before picking up the stack of equipment.
"I'm going to cook up something nice so I'd appreciate it if you cut off the bits you can't eat." He said.
With that, he went off to the house he'd set up in and began his preparations.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As Leila stood around watching the bear getting sacrificed, she was out of the corner of her eyes Kythe leaving, most likely for the purpose of getting his own sacrifice. Her gaze turned back to the one that sacrificed the bear. He seemed to be wiping his blade, no doubt cleaning all the blood that got stuck in it after he decapitated his bear. Leila herself was lucky that she could enhance her blade with light, meaning no blood or any kind of waste, grime, or filth could touch it. It was holy, and it would stay eternally sharp as long as she kept protecting it with her spell. Leila then saw him conversing with the demon woman. It seemed he had become somewhat of a pair with her. Well, she wouldn't complain, if that meant Vreskrr would stop bothering her. After all that, he left the center of the village. For what? Leila had no idea.

Leila was snapped out of her stupor by the musclebound man telling her to sacrifice her deer. She almost forgot that she had not done that yet, as she watched the others do it first.

She came towards the statue, carrying the deer in her arms. She then put it down before summoning her sword in her right hand. She then kneeled down, looking at the deer with respect. And then, With one swift movement, she decapitated the deer. The cut was clean, so there were no blood spattering around. It just flew cleanly off the deer's neck and head.

After she did so, she suddenly felt a rush of power entering her. Her mind now somehow felt... clearer, as if a veil had been taken off of it.

Is this... is this the power of the ritual?

Wasting no time, she stood up again, before dragging the deer to the musclebound man's place. Noticing the head that was going to be left behind, she conjured a ball of light in her palm before sending it towards it. And when they touched, the head immediately turned into dust. It was a holy spell designed to clean up corpses in a short time, to prevent necromancy. It could also work against ordinary zombies.

"Here, my deer," she said to Tony when she arrived at his cooking house. "Feel free to cook it all. I am not a picky eater."

@Lord of Evil
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tony had set up the fire pit by now. The kindling was glowing a light red, and the fire was nibbling at larger logs. He'd already set up his cooking pots, his big one and a slightly smaller one, on the a spit above the fire pit that had so helpfully been left intact by the tyrant's armies. He was currently in the middle of skinning the bear, using his skinning knife to carefully cut the leather off of the bear's flesh. He looked up as the knight entered with the kill and grunted his thanks before returning his gaze to the task at hand. He finally extracted the bear's pelt and let it sit under the bear's meat, so that it wouldn't make a mess.

He walked over and picked up the deer by one of its legs.
"I'll be cooking enough for everyone, so stay a while. There's a few things I'll need to clear up. In a moment." He said to the girl.
He noted the clean wound on the neck of the deer as well as the absence of the deer's head itself. It was nice that he didn't have to skin the head, as it was the trickiest part, but he wondered where it went. Not like it mattered much though. Tony remembered that he was missing something and went out to get it, taking a third pot with him. Scant moments later he reappeared with the dead goose and a pot half full with water. If he was going to handle 3 different types of meat, he'd need fresh water to wash his hands before handling new meat.

Tony noticed that the goose's head was still attached. He would have to change that quickly. He sat down by the fire and picked out a chopping board from his backpack and placed it on his legs, laying the goose on top of it, neck outstretched.
"There are ony 2 ironclad rules in my kitchen." Tony said to the knight. "First of all, don't get in my way when I'm cooking. Unless it's important."
He picked up one of his meat cleaver and carefully lined it up with the goose's neck.
"Second." He said, bringing the cleaver down with a weighty thunk. "Don't waste food."
Tony set the chopping board aside, severed head and all, and checked the fire. It was going strong, so it was time he started working. He extracted from his bag some kind of dark sauce, some vinegar, honey and various spices, including black pepper, salt, and garlic. He put it all in the smaller pot above the fire and stirred it around a little before turning to the oven. He picked up a few logs and a some dry twigs. Tony set the twigs down under the oven first and then carefully arranged the logs above the pile. Finally, he took a particularly long twig and set it alight with the cooking fire and set it under the logs with the rest of the twigs. He let that go and turned to the deer.

Tony took up his skinning knife, wiping it on his apron, before he turned it to the deer in front of him. As he did, his mind wandered as it often did during menial tasks. He found himself wondering about the deer's neck and decided to better acquaint himself with the person who'd made it.
"Hey, deer killer girl." He said as he began to skin the deer. "What's your name? How'd you bring this thing down?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon watched as Jason left after finishing his sacrifice. "Such a shame he had to leave, he's gonna miss one heck of a meal. Not to mention I plan on us camping out here tonight." Feon added, there were quite a few empty buildings that could be used for shelter. Many of the undead were outside anyways and none of them knew how to use a door it seemed as many of them just walked into the doors only to be bounced back.

"Smells good." Feon added walking over to Tony who was currently cooking. Due to Feon's unnatural strength she often required quite a bit of food. And she chances are she would eat about a quarter of all of the food herself anyways. "So now that everyone has finished their little sacrifices I should state the next part of the plan. There is said to be a book in another town about a days walk from here. This has knowledge on a sort of finding spell. Will help us find more than just the books of spells. So for those of you that can't seem to get magic from this ritual, can get artifacts." Feon stated she had alot to explain about her plan after all, and she still had more to tell.

"Oh and chef man, how good are you at mixing drugs in with food or drink? Because taking down Sven is gonna take a bit of playing dirty." Feon added. Part of her plan to take down the Tyrant, was indeed to drug him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kythe watched Kolonis as she sacrificed the rabbit he brought with a quick incineration, before returning right back to her seat. He decided to leave her to whatever she was doing for now and turned around. Jason seemed to have wandered off after his sacrifice, that knight whose name he still has yet to hear, he really must get that fixed, has taken her deer off with Tony to get it prepared for cooking, at least they'd get a feast out of this as well.

Garen and the other elf were still standing about though and he figured he might as well meet some of the people he doesn't know yet. He walked up to them both but spoke more to the elven woman "Excuse me, you were one of the later arrivals yes? I recognized your friend here" Kythe made a gesture at Garen "but I don't believe I know your name" he stepped back slightly and gave them a slight bow before extending a hand in greeting "My name is Kythe Vazarin"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Leila watched as Tony did his work. She herself wasn't entirely unfamiliar with the cooking process, seeing how she was born a peasant and all. But she never really ate a deer before. Village folks mostly ate pigs or cows or chickens, and that was only on rare occasions as they were quite pricey to buy constantly. Most of the time, they only ate bread with some vegetable soup and broth.

Tony then told her about his rules in his kitchen. She certainly had no plans to disturb him and she could agree with number 2 wholeheartedly. Her parents always taught her not to waste food, and when she grew up she finally understood why. Peasants weren't exactly rich, so they took what they could get everyday and made sure not to let them go to waste.

He then asked for her name, and how she brought down the deer.

"My name is Leila. Just, Leila. Unlike most of the knights, I was born to a peasant family so I don't have a family name."

"And as how I get the deer, I brought it down with the blunt end of my sword. Hit it straight on the head."

She then noticed Feon entering the makeshift kitchen. She could certainly agree with her remark on the smell. Her mouth had started watering a while ago and she tried to not reveal that to Tony as it would be quite unbecoming for a knight.

She then explained their next plan, to find a book that will grant them the ability to find things. They were going to do it to find the required spell books and runes, to finally employ the quick learning capability that had been granted to them, or just to find artifacts in general. Leila certainly could get behind that plan. Better to get a searching spell first over just searching around blindly.

Feon then asked Tony how he was with putting in drugs in his food. So she planned to drug the Hero. She wouldn't know how they would do that. How they would sneak poison into the food the Tyrant ate. Sneaking into his kitchen, perhaps? Maybe before confronting him so he would fight them not with his 100% capabilities?

She didn't really like the concept of poisoning food. She felt it rather... cowardly and was something a villain would do rather than a hero. And she intended to talk to the Tyrant first before deciding whether or not to kill him. Poisoning him beforehand would just be declaring that they intended to kill him right away.

Leila stayed silent however. Bringing it up would just make her seem like an unreasonable person. Which she may be considering how she still wanted to talk with him even after all that he had done.

She simply couldn't forget that day when he saved her after all.

@Cuccoruler@Lord of Evil
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Settle down, I haven't even started cooking yet." Tony said to the female monk.
Leila, then. She'd just mentioned a sword but Tony didn't see one. Magic shenanigans, undoubtedly. This made him slightly uncomfortable, as it was always easier to predict someone when you know what they've got swinging. She seemed fairly innocent though, and also rather young. Tony gave the girl a brief nod of acknowledgement befote switching his attention. He had food to prepare and the monk had just had a very dangerous suggestion.
"Poison's aren't exactly my field of expertise." Tony told her as he cut off the last of the deer's skin. "I've never exactly had the luxury of studying alchemy, I just cook."
He started gutting the deer, leaving the entrails on the cut hide.
"I don't really have any problems with doing it, but if you're asking me to cook for that bastard then you've got another thing coming." He said calmly. "Now don't disturb me. I need to get cooking."

Tony noticed that the sauce pot, the pot which he'd put a series of ingredients in, was beginning to boil. He gave it a quick stir to dissolve the larger spice chunks and took it off the heat, putting it on the floor nearby. He then washed his knife and moved on to the bear. He began cutting its entrails out similarly to the deer but he also cut large strips of meat and put them in the sauce pot. He continued like that, cutting strips of bear meat and putting them in the pot, but left a large part of the bear meat for later. He put his gutting knife in the washing pot and cleaned his cleaver to prepare the next set of ingredients.

A meat cleaver obviously used to cut meat but Tony found that its weight was also rather useful for cutting tough plant material. He took out the wild herbs he'd picked out, some more garlic and another chopping board. He chopped them roughly and dropped some of the mixture into the pot of boiling water. He also threw in some of the bear bones and entrails and took it off the heat, stirring it a little before putting it back on. He was making a bear soup stock, and it would take a little while to fully complete. He set the rest aside and picked up the board with the goose. He de-feathered and gutted it like the rest, then stuffed it with another portion of chopped wild herbs, tying it with a particularly stubborn length of wild herb, and let it sit to the side while he continued cooking.

Tony wiped the sweat off his brow. It was a little hot in here but he needed to keep going. Next, he took out his spices and the took the rest of the chopped herbs to the deer, rubbing the meat with spices and herbs, as well as some olive oil to help it roast. He had some goose fat so he decided to add that too. Fat would help it roast better as lean meat burned easily.

Only now did he realize that he'd need a third fire to roast the deer, although he at least he still had his cooking spit. He threaded the spit through the deer and carried it outside. He collected some stones and set up a fire pit on an exposed section of the floor before setting up the spit itself. Tony now had a dilemma. He needed to watch the roast to make sure it didn't burn, which meant turning the spit near constantly, but he had other stuff to cook. Thankfully, he had a method of dealing with that.

He reentered the broken house and addressed his guests.
"Hey, you two. If you're going to just sit there then help me out." He said.
He gave Leila his flint and tinder and gave the monk a fork.
"The firewood's off in the corner." Tony said, pointing out the stack of wood he hasn't used. "Light a fire and keep turning the roast outside. It aint hard. If anything worrying happens, I'll be in here."

With that, he turned back to the rest of his cookng.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Garen watched Feon walk off after mentioning Jason, who must have been the man who left to the gate. He was slightly annoyed that her plan was to camp out here, Sven was already days ahead and most likely killing more people as he went. When the monk girl wandered off towards where the muscle man was cooking things, Garen was dumbfounded.

"Did she just ignore us and wander off Ali?" he mused. What was it with these people? Can't even hold a decent conversation to save their lives. Well then again, half of them were demons and the other half were just... oddities.

He had already made his choice, while everyone else was sacrificing animals to the statue, he would do no such thing now. Since it was permanent, there wasn't much incentive to do so. He had never used magic before and would probably just end up hurting himself, or worse. However, he was no fool and Feon had also said that artifacts would come into play. Something the archer could really use, was a better bow. Having a magic item was the only thing that Garen found acceptable and if he could get his hands on another bow that didn't require physical arrows to fire, he would be a happy elf.

Fond memories came back to him as he remembered his own magical bow. It fired magical arrows that always seemed to hit his target, whether they went through armor or a shield was another matter entirely. That bow was lost well before Sven fell.

The lizard man then arrived in front of Garen and Alionna. He introduced himself as Kythe Vazarin. It was a name he had never heard of, which didn't surprise the elf. What did peek his interest was that Kythe seemed to know who he was but not Alionna.

He spoke before Ali had a chance, "You know of me? How? I don't remember ever seeing any of your kind before. But if I have and I killed them, sorry about that."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon nodded to Tony going off to help with the cooking in the way of getting wood and watching the roast. After the meal was ready Feon ended up eating a good amount of the food. The next day she had instructed the rest to head for the town of Catze, one of the few towns that was yet to be touched by the Tyrant.

Several Hours Later

After a day of traveling the came upon the town of Catze, however something wasn't quite right. In fact quite a few things weren't right. For one screaming could be heard and quite a few people were seen running away from the town. It was under attack, and right in the center of it all was Sven.

He had a sadistic smile on his face. He had brought a few of his generals along, in fact they had come before him to scope out the area. Sure Sven was powerful and could have taken down this town on his own, but he valued intelligence quite a bit. Knowing they Enemy was one of his favorite sayings, he wasn't about to get cocky now that he had even more power than before.

Feon approached the town with a look of frustration on her face. "Shit... not again." Feon said her fists clenched, she was silent for a moment as if someone was talking to her. "Don't you tell me to calm down, I need to save someone. I can't let it happen again when I can do something this time." Feon added before taking off towards the town at a running pace. There were quite a few beasts it seemed that wanted to fight here. Quite a few of them seemed to be orcs, although these weren't normal orcs. They seemed darker, stronger, but also bonier. These orcs were already dead, and being used as puppets.

Quite a few of them were fighting off the towns guard while others seemed to pillage the town, all with red glowing eyes.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tony sighed loudly. First rule in the soldier's manual of not dying: don't go in outnumbered without a plan. That wasn't to say she didn't have a plan, just that if she did, he wasn't exactly seeing its brilliance. But Tony had never been payed to plan, so he could at least respect the girl's willingness to join the fray, regardless of the amount of thought in that decision.

Tony dropped his pack as the monk ran off, equipping himself as he did. A freshly sharpened axe and polished shield were his weapons of choice, products of having the luxury to relax and perform weapon maintenance.

Tony turned to the rest of the group, ready for battle but not quite ready to jump straight in.
"Well, lookd like our glorious leader is joining the fray." He said sarcastically. "What are we going to do about it?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Leila's eyes widened once she saw the town burning from a distance. Her fist clenched as she realized they, no, she had been late again. Late to save these people from their terrible fate.

"I have to go," she said to the rest of the group before following Feon to the town. She summoned her trusty sword, charging towards the orcs that were surrounding the town guard. Without any kind of hesitation, she killed them all in one single continuous strike, cutting them in half using her enhanced speed and strength. The holy property of her sword certainly helped since they were undead.

"Are you alright?" she asked the man, who was still clearly shaking in his boots.

"T-the Tyrant... t-the Tyrant's here! R-run! W-we must run! W-we're no match for him!" His pupils dilated as he became overwhelmed with fear. His whole body was trembling. Clearly, he was in no state to fight.

Leila however, only caught his words. Sven, Sven is here?, she though to herself. She had to meet him. She had to.

And so she rushed in towards the centre of the town. And sure enough, there was him, The Hero, The Tyrant himself in the flesh.

"Sven!" she called out to him. "Is that... is that really you?" she asked him, her voice full of disbelief. Gone were the quiet kindness of him. Now she could only see his sadistic smile that was plastered to his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Astiroth gazed at the village. "Well I'll be damned." He watched as the monk Feon and Leila ran to the village. "Hey! You got a death wish!?" He stood in a brief silence after when his words were not heeded. "Well guess we could die together. Fight him before he gets stronger." With those last words. He readied his katana and rush after Feon and the village.

Right beside Sven stood a horrid abomination of a creature. Purple skin and snow white eyes with tentacles draping fron where his mouth would be. Masrith looked down to see a book. He picked it up and opened it. "Oh. I don't have this in my collection, I-." He was caught off by a detection of new thoughts. Thoughts he could not read but thoughts he could detect. "Sven, a group is approaching from the east." He turned to a human who was running in panick. His mind immediately became dominated. "I will find out more." The human would begin to run toward the group to act as the one who got away. With this and the classic hero group in mind, he would easily get a better look at the group.
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