Name: Feon Gilman
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Personality: Feon is a very sarcastic person, she normally gets annoyed by things easily but then there are times where the former demon lord will take over. When this happens her personality changes drastically and her eyes glow purple.
Class: Monk
Equipment: A pair of gauntlets which she uses as her weapons. She also keeps a pair of claws on her when she finds need for slashing instead of blunt force. Feon also has the power to imbue her fists with different elemental powers, however she can’t summon anything like the power of ice and lightning yet as those are hard to maintain for her.
History: Feon was born into a very unfortunate circumstance. Her mother and father were both cultists. As such they had prepared Feon as a sort of vessel to be used. As such she can be easily possessed or even controlled. Thankfully Vert was liberated from the cult thanks to a group of mercenaries. Those same mercenaries took her in as they had pity on the poor girl and knew what she was in for if they weren’t the ones to take her in.
So Feon grew up with a group of mercenaries, learning the value of coin rather quickly. She also showed promise in the way of her strength. Already at the age of 12 she could carry more than most of the group’s rouges. However around the age of 23 she was possessed by a rather nasty demon. As such she ended up killing the entire group with ruthless force.
After realizing what she had down a group of traveling monks found her and offered to train her in controlling the spirits that decide to possess her. However once the Hero betrayed the world she left the temple where she was training. When the Demon lord died his spirit was left behind and as such he quickly found Feon whom he came to for help. As it was the Demon king himself doesn’t want the world to end. Though he has no problem with causing damage when he takes over for Feon.

Name: Sven Heavensward
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: N/A
Allignment: Evil
Class: Mage Knight
Equipment: Sven carries with him a sword of legend, said to use both dark and light in unison in order to destroy all in his way, be they corrupted people, or demons. He can change the element of the sword at will. Sven also wields several different kind of magic, mostly holy magic but he has been gaining magic of darkness lately as well.
History: Sven grew up in a small little farming town. He was a rather humble boy until he learned that he was to become a hero of legend and save the world. Once he learned this he slowly became more and more arrogant throughout his journey. As he traveled the world he saw more and more of it’s injustices eventually once he defeated the demon lord he chose to take over for the demon lord, and destroy the world in order to start it anew as he believed that the world was too corrupted to be saved. There is much more to his story that will be told throughout the rp.
Name: Remus
Age: (dead)
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Personality: Remus is cynical and often laughs at the face of danger. However he has quite the soft spot of dogs.
Allignment: Evil
Class: Demon Lord
Equipment: None- unless Feon counts as a equipment because he is the only person he can talk through.
History: Remus rose to his position as the demon lord through many trials and quite a few political favors. He was born a demon, but one that had no name, in fact it was like he had a bit of every kind of demon in him but never too much. He was for the most part an everything demon. (Not to be confused with the everything bagel).
Once he had risen to power through gaining a following and a vast network of political spies he proved to be the most prosperous demon lord in ages. To the point where he saw the need to take over the over world. However he was opposed by the hero.
Just as he was dying the Hero asked him the reason for his conquest. To this Remus answered “This over world of yours is a problem for us. So I want to take it from you to make it prosperous.” However what he wasn’t expecting was the hero’s answer. “You believe that this world can be fixed? No, it must be destroyed and rebuilt. And I will use your empire to do so.” With that Hero cut off his head.
About three weeks later Remus found himself floating in the air. When he tried to touch the ground he found that he only phased through it. Eventually he met Feon, the one who could not only see him but also the one whom he would get his revenge through.

Name: Remus
Age: (dead)
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Personality: Remus is cynical and often laughs at the face of danger. However he has quite the soft spot of dogs.
Allignment: Evil
Class: Demon Lord
Equipment: None- unless Feon counts as a equipment because he is the only person he can talk through.
History: Remus rose to his position as the demon lord through many trials and quite a few political favors. He was born a demon, but one that had no name, in fact it was like he had a bit of every kind of demon in him but never too much. He was for the most part an everything demon. (Not to be confused with the everything bagel).
Once he had risen to power through gaining a following and a vast network of political spies he proved to be the most prosperous demon lord in ages. To the point where he saw the need to take over the over world. However he was opposed by the hero.
Just as he was dying the Hero asked him the reason for his conquest. To this Remus answered “This over world of yours is a problem for us. So I want to take it from you to make it prosperous.” However what he wasn’t expecting was the hero’s answer. “You believe that this world can be fixed? No, it must be destroyed and rebuilt. And I will use your empire to do so.” With that Hero cut off his head.
About three weeks later Remus found himself floating in the air. When he tried to touch the ground he found that he only phased through it. Eventually he met Feon, the one who could not only see him but also the one whom he would get his revenge through.

Name: Hilda Grenwald
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Personality: Hilda is a bit arrogant due to her noble lineage however she has been known to let loose quite a bit when drunk as her entire personality has been known to change when drunk or under any kind of spell.
Class: Red Mage
Equipment/powers: Hilda commonly carries a rapier with her that is highly imbued with gems. What these gems do however is help to store magic energy as she can use it to imbue her sword with different elements. She can also imbue the sword with certain poisons or drugs. Hilda is also not afraid of fighting dirty as she has been known to throw dirt in the faces of her enemies or knee men in the groin.
Hilda can also cast various elemental magic though she often uses magic mines more often than not.
History: Hilda was born into a noble lineage and was picked up by Sven along his journey to free the world from the Demon King Remus. However Hilda found her self constantly outmatched so she did what she had to. She started to fight dirty, even throw money at the face of her enemies in order to distract them.
When Sven decided to betray the world Hilda found herself with a choice. Gain an even higher status, or leave Sven and follow good morals. Hilda chose to follow good morals and left Sven. Hilda questions if life would have been better if she had joined Sven, maybe her family would still be alive.