@redbaron1234@Jasonhero@Mr Rage@Dragoknighte@ApollosarcherThe operation on two fronts began, with Black Star spearheading the frontal assault. Zim saw that his synchronization readings returned back to stabile even after the wide shield energized from the machine's arm caused a slight drop; the experience from the simulation helped with the pressure that the new weapon placed on the system, yet the pilot couldn't help but feel that there was something else going on; like a lingering wish for something resembling redemption. Whether Black Star actually responded to his words of encouragement or he imagined it was a mystery.
Other units followed behind; Paladin formed a great wall before the aliens, and Devors swooped around, wobbly at first, but soon gaining a somewhat stable flight trajectory. Ribasu and Hou-Yi came behind Black Star, and Jason activated his personal shield and tactically aligned the sights on the M-810C so that the first shot would be unobstructed by his allies. Krista also prepared to open fire on the imposing crystalline structure right before them, using her Plasma Cannon. Both guns glowed as they gathered in charge, the heavy hitters of the squad all working as a single tight battery of impending destruction.
"Affirmative," Elise responded to the calls her squad made, her eagerness for the fight showing through her voice. "Ribasu, prepare to aim for that left cluster like you are. Hou-Yi, blow up the crystal, and Paladin too." She groaned when she heard Devors over the comms; even if his voice didn't show it, she heard the splashing sounds well enough to know that she was drinking. She first spoke in a cutesy tone: "Well first off, Devors, I would like you...to DROP THE DAMN BOTTLE, and focus on the battle!" She grunted out. "Wait for the Cruxi to converge at the center, and then flank their left! Yeager takes right! Let's try and get a pincer!"
Elise smirked at the sight of the massive guns as Prometheus deployed at D10, and took position behind Paladin's protective shield. "Siggy, take out the snipers! We'll cover you!" In a cold, almost emotionless tone, she responded: "Acknowledged, Sargeant." Eiswolf, deployed at H9, moved up to H8, and took aim as she stabilized her thrusters. It was a difficult shot, especially since it was the first time she experienced the void of space, but her incredibly high synchronization levels with her Framewerk made it possible for her to accurately hit the core of the Cruxi Sniper, causing it to explode in the vast distance, the remains gently drifting around, as they were particles in water.
"Good job Siggy," Elise said with a mischievous grin. She was aware of the risks involved in huddling up, but she felt the triple threat was a good opportunity to cause a bit of psychological damage to the Cruxi, not to mention the layering the unit performed in their defenses; no angle was left fully unprotected, with Paladin forming the left side, Black Star forming center, and both Ranius and Yeager ready to flank the main force. As a whole, the team has grown, both in their understanding of their strengths and weaknesses as well as how they understood each other.
The Cruxi, while on the defense, were not going to stand idly by, and waves upon waves of CWM launched themselves at the heavy units of Squad Sigma. Elise breathed heavy as she had to keep an eye out at the enemy units, while still charging her weapon. Once she felt like they were in suitable range, she screamed: "FIRE!"
The Moonbreaker, true to it's name, launched a far-reaching shot, and it hit right between two squads of CWM, destroying a total of three at once in a spectacular explosion, and knocking two backwards. One of the mysterious new units was also knocked back, but it quickly managed to reposition themselves. Its many stumpy arms then began glowing ominously.
"Wait, what the hell's that?" Elise wondered, and her eyes were shot wide at the horrible sight: the scattered wreckage that was left of the Cruxi also glowed, and they converged together, until they formed two machines that were mangled and broken, yet were whole Cruxi War Machines. Elise simply stared. "So the Cruxi can bring back destroyed machines...Now that's BULLSHIT! FIREEEEEE!" She screamed once again, and reached outwards with Prometheus's arms while the palms were together and opened; in a maneuver resembling a Kamehameha, she launched a powerful beam at the right side, destroying a single squad of CWM in a single, massive blow. "How you like that?" She asked smugly, but was then angry to see that the other stumpy unit also used it's powers, forming two new CWM's from the scraps. "Ok, those have got to go, ASAP!"
Hou-Yi and Paladin fired at the same time as Elise, and attacked the crystal. In response to that, one of the orbiting mini-Mists suddenly shifted course and intercepted the two shots. This proved ineffective against Paladin's Pompey, as the kinetic shot passed right through, while the Plasma Cannon directly caused it to be destroyed, not that differently from the Mist in Leviticus. However, it was impossible to say which one of the two shots caused the following reaction to happen; the Crystal suddenly released an rainbow-colored ray that was aimed at Paladin and Hou-Yi, only to hit Legion, Paladin's trusty wall. The energy-resistant wall managed to resist the beam, but was damaged in the process, charred by almost sun-levels of directed heat. It could only take one or two more shots of that caliber before breaking, but the two were safe from the counter-attack.
@DarkRecon@Evil Snowman@AmmokkxAs a vicious battle took place in space, a smaller squad led by Katya made their move, and took a more subtle route. With most of the Cruxi forces distracted by the frontal assault, only a few CWM sentries were left guarding a hangar, swiftly taken out by the combined efforts of Mai and Jake, with Serah handling the clawed units and Katya directing the attack. They entered the hangar, which held row upon row of dormant Cruxi mechs; there were ten in total, unmanned and easily destroyed if the squad wished to do so. The floor was swarming with Cruxi workers and soldiers, who ran around in an obvious panic, often running into each other and writhing around in a clustered mess. The squad members had to be careful not to step on them, but if they so desired, their path would be stained with squashed puddles of the dead numbering in thousands.
The corridor leading away from the hangar was also massive, but was not designed for mass movement of mechs, resulting in only two Framewerks being able to walk side by side. They continued on, destroying the occasional sentry, until they reached the bottom levels, where an area resembling a laboratory was housed. The halls to the sides of the corridor had glass-like domes numbering in about twenty or forty, and each held a hundred humans, trapped in vats or tubes, observed by what could only be scientist Cruxi; worm-like beings with engorged brains and numerous tentacles. However, these domes were situated in halls which were too small for a Framework to fit in. The walls and ceilings of the area were not built for defense, so it was possible for a Framewerk to force their way in through sheer force, although there was a way to reach the smaller area without causing such destruction. At the end of the laboratory area was an intersection that split into three ways. There were hostile sounds coming from far behind the infiltration team, and they had to decide on what to do.