Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria
The situation seemed to very rapidly take a turn for the worse before Artemis' eyes. While she wasn't overly eager on the plan at hand, fearing for the life of one of the newfound friends she had made, it seemed another in the group had much stronger opinions than she. Siegfried, was it? She wasn't certain of their name, but his determined voice shook her from being lost in her thoughts. Her eyes widened as she could feel the tension suddenly shoot up in the tavern. Becoming so thick, that she swore she could see electricity sparking between Graves and Siegfried.
She wanted to speak up, to tell the two to calm themselves... yet found her voice caught in her throat. Who was she, trying to barge into a group and tell them what not to do? Surely Seele would get a grip of the two, even as she moved between them. Artemis stayed silent, slinking back into her seat in silence, though she kept a hand on Graves' wrist in a move she hoped might bring him back from the dangerously escalating tensions. Why did they have to fight over this? She understood why they weren't seeing eye to eye on the plan but did it really warrant going at each others' throats? Artemis shook her head, hoping that Seele had what it took to stop the two from coming to blows.
She was wrong. Oh, she was terribly wrong. Her eyes shot wide as Graves yanked away from both Seele and her own hand, the two men making for the door as if to duke it out in the streets. N-no! Don't do this! She wordlessly pleaded, even as the woman sprung to her feet to follow after them. Still, she wasn't certain what she could do to stop them. After all, she had no clue just how dangerous these two might be once they got into it. Still, Artemis felt she had to try to do something to stop their meaningless fight! With a hint of determination in her heart, she followed the others out into the street where the fight seemed to just be getting started...
...And was immediately hit with a scene of horror. Blood, a mess of the crimson liquid was clearly visible on Graves and in their immediate surroundings. Seele seemed to be casting something on the two fighting, while the other involved seemed caught off guard by the actions of Graves. Her momentum from earlier stopped as the previous determination died in her chest, clear as if Graves' soaked knife had found its home there. Her eyes widened in horror as Artemis took an unknowing step back, towards the safety of the tavern. Away from the violent scene.
Suddenly the air cooled, and the world darkened around them. The sounds of the tavern faded, and the street disappeared. Graves, Seele, and Siegfried, all disappeared in the moment. Ghostly mirages of those she had known before covered their forms instead. Her back pressed into the door, yet instead of the wooden tavern door, she felt the cold stone door from that horrid dungeon. Rodents swarmed, and a cacophony of screams roared through her ears.
Light tore back through her vision, and the air warmed once more as that arcane crack ripped through the air. Then scene reverted to modern horror. Seele's chains tore towards Graves, who had just finished stabbing himself in the chest. The girl stumbled lightly as the sickly scent of blood hit her nose. Making her wond-
The dark returned. She had to get out of here! The screams had stopped, replaced by a horrific moaning of people who had lost the ability to resist their pain. The scents of their wounds filled the room, and the scent of the swarming rats, along with their horrid screeches assaulted her. They turned to lu-
Light burst forth once more. Seele's chains gripped harder, tighter around Graves' form. Covering him despite the hideous wounds he had inflicted upon himself. This was wrong, everything was wrong.
"MAKE IT STOP!" The girl screamed out, uncertain if she was outside the tavern or hidden deep below in that dungeon once more. Her frantic mind flipped between two scenes, even as only one certainty was drawn forth: Her friends, new and old, were in peril. She was the only common factor between them. She was the cause, the only conclusion her mind could reach. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she tried to make sense of everything, anything. The scenes continued to violently change before her, and in her panic Artemis moved without thinking. Fingers danced along her bow, igniting the Fos rune, even as a glimmering-white arrow marking Ekrixi appeared in her bow. She had to distract these monsters her friends, break their attention from the violence.
She fired, straight into an empty portion of the dungeon street. Upon its impact, the spell created a small explosion of blinding light and a mighty roar from the explosive impact. AS the effects faded, a whimpered, weakened "Just stop!" fled Artemis' mouth, as the girl fell to her knees in the street, and promptly ejected the contents of her last meal onto the street next to her.
"S-stop dying..." She said in a soft whine, pleading with anybody who might be listening to the poor, broken girl.