@megatrash I really appreciate your words. I told two of my best friends, one of them being lesbian who has been with guys in the past so she's a little comforting, but she right away wants me to shout it to the world and while I've no problem doing that per say I just get scared because it's like when I tell people I'm spanish instead of white. The whole shift in them changes. It's all assumed I'm full of shit because I look extremely white, but I'm Puerto Rican, Mexican and Spaniard. When I was in school it was very bad with racism so I felt that shift when people would find out I wasn't "one of them" and it's like I know that shift is going happen. I've tried talk to my mom a little bit by saying gender doesn't matter to me, but I never came out and said I'm bisexual.
I also don't want her thinking it's me being confused since I just had a big surgery on my brain. I'm all over the place, I'm sorry. But thank you for your words, they really helped take some of the edge off the whole thing.