ALRIGHT! Instead of editing my first post I'm just gonna go ahead and post my finished CS here.
Human Bio:
Name: Arrayah Kuchikawa
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Though no one really knows why, Arrayah is quiet unless she is defending someone. It doesn't matter if she knows this person or not. Bullies are something she absolutely detests, and she would gladly take a blow meant for someone else. Though those who have spoken to her would say she is articulate and intelligent, her grades are low, and she misses more school than she should.. Often, she finds herself alone even though this is what she hates the most.
Backstory: Arrayah used to be a fun and loud girl, but five years ago she turned into what she is today. No one has asked why, and there is no one that she trusts enough to tell. All that people do know is that her strange looks come from an American mother. Despite this, she does not know any customs of the United States and gets rather annoyed when anyone asks her about it.
Skills: She has been taking self defense classes for the past few years, but otherwise she has no skills.
Alter Ego: Moonlit Aegis
Alter Ego Bio:
Name: Moonlit Aegis
Gender: Female
Personality: Her main focus is protecting anyone she comes across. Aegis does not consider herself close to any alter ego, but she would defend them to her death no matter the circumstance. If she feels like someone is trying to overpower an alter ego or take away what she believes are their rights, Aegis becomes furious. This can lead to her killing the criminal, as she sees them, though she will usually feel bad about this later. She is slightly unstable and can sometimes view friends as enemies. She absolutely will not cave under pressure, and if she feels threatened she will lash out.
Weapon(s): A very large, white shield. It can take a blow from most anything and not even dent. It is a defensive tool only. When fighting, she uses her feet and hands as weapons.
Abilities: Self defense and Martial Arts
If there is anything that doesn't fit, please tell me :)
Edit: Added her nationality.