"I cannot teach you. Do you know why? It is because you are falling. How does one expect to stand up when you are still crumbling away? I will let you continue to fall until you reach the bottom. Then...I shall teach you to stand!"
was followed by,
"Descendant of the Yakimura-clan! Praise in your work and line of duty! Always remember what you are standing on. The ground, yet not the ground you are standing on...."
Key was KO'd. Was that her soul leaving her body in such a wriggling fashion? Just her mind running away from her again. If she was less shocked, she may have realized that this was a coping mechanism to help distract her from her anger, but as it was, she was just trying to understand what Daichi had said. Falling? The ground crumbling? She looked down, thinking perhaps he had meant it literally. After all, his "enthusiasm" was shaking the whole school. But no, the ground was still intact. For the most part.
The anger was back and for a second, Key wondered why after all the trouble that it caused she still could not control it. Then the second was gone and her voice was raised again. "She wouldn't need to be repairing the door if you hadn't broken it! What kind of health inspector ARE you? You're making the school LESS safe!" Her hands were pushing against her head in an attempt to force understanding into her mind. It wasn't working. The gods were laughing at her, she was sure of it. It was their cruelty that had sent this man to her domain first.