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    1. asanono 8 yrs ago


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@aeuternus Posted ^o^. Let me know if I did something wrong, It's been a while since I've forum roleplayed.
.:*:・'゜☆ Sugar Homingwell ☆彡

"Dear, are you listening?"

The warm, motherly voice snapped the young adult back to attention. She had been daydreaming again, staring absent-mindedly out of the window of the small car. Turning to face the person beside her, Sugar frowned slightly and shook her head, the expression quickly turning into a small smile.

"Sorry, Mother. Could you repeat that?" She asked. Her voice was quiet, yet not weak. It was something akin to a sweet honey or caramel.

She had expected her mother to drone on about the five rules of school, like she had the previous two years. Sugar knew the rules by heart, but never talked back to her parent. She knew that her mother was only looking out for her. Instead, the older woman just gave her daughter a smile, the corners of her eyes creasing and wrinkling.

"This is your last year, I hope you'll make the most of it."

Sugar nodded, some of her hair loosely bouncing as she did so. Through the window on the drivers side, she could see the large, open gates of the school. So this was it. She wrung her hands together in her lap, feeling slightly nervous. She had enjoyed the last couple of years at the school, and she was glad that her parents had allowed her to attend. The feeling of independance and freedom was absolutely amazing, and yet... This year, she couldn't help but feel a bit hesitant. It was her last year. That meant she would be leaving next year. She didn't want to enter a world of adulthood just yet. But apart from that...

"Mother, will you be alright on your own?" She asked, concern lacing her voice. The older woman merely responded with a smile.

Sighing, the girl opened the passenger door, climbing out of the car, taking care not to wobble or stumble in her new heels. Making her way to the trunk, she opened it and took out three bags. A suitcase, a backpack, and a duffel bag. Each was neatly labelled, and after checking to make sure she still had her necesseties in her pockets, she shut the trunk and made her way to the gates, waving as the car drove off. Taking a deep breath, she made her way straight to the dormitories, greeting people as she walked past.

As she approached the desk, having waited behind several other students, she struggled momentarily to get her previous years ID from her pocket. but succeeded after a minute of bumbling and fussing. Sliding it over to the rather misfortunate man behind the screen, she flashed him a sympathetic smile, understanding all too well what it's like to sit on your own and have to do the same process over and over. 'Freshman year was a dark time... I can't even remember why I volunteered to do door duty that day.' She thought, adjusting her backpack as she did so. It didn't take long for her card to be returned along with a new one for the year ahead. She was unsure if all the cards were the same colour, recalling one year where some people had red cards and others had white or grey, but she liked the minty green colour of her own this year.

Her room was fairly easy to find, and she was grateful for it not being on a higher floor. Putting her ear to the door gently, she heard what sounded like drawers being opened and closed. So her roommate was already present. She wasn't much for dramatic enterances. If anything, she hoped that they might not notice her enter. But then that would be rude, or at least, it would be if she didn't say anything.

Swiping her card in the handle, she saw the light turn green. Supressing a mix of excitement and nervousness, she turned the handle, stepping into the room with her suitcase in tow. It wasn't glamourous by any means, but she supposed that, like any other room, it would be personalised soon enough. As she suspected, her roommate was already present.

Oh dear.

It didn't take long for her to recognise him. It would be impossible for her not to. She had met him originally in the martial arts club, and thought that they could've gotten along due to having a common interest, but boy was she wrong. The man was such an ass.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Sugar took a moment to compose herself before surveying the room. Two beds were left untaken, both were on the left side. Moving quickly, she dumped her duffelbag and backpack on the one closest to the door. She wanted to be able to get in and out as quickly as she could, and be as far away from that man as possible. She saw him as a lost cause, and trying to be social with him would get her nowhere. Though... it was no reason to be impolite.

"Jae, is it? You might not remember me, we were in the Martial Arts club together, Homingwell, Sugar." She introduced, choosing her words carefully as she unzipped her backpack, picking out a few rectangular shapes in bubble-wrap. Unwrapping them carefully, as though she was unwrapping a blanket from a newborn, she said the objects -- a couple of photos -- upright on the bedside table between the two beds, making sure to keep them towards her side.

.:*:・'゜☆ Vermilion Middleton ☆彡

Power-walking through the halls of the school was not what Vermilion wanted to spend enrollment Sunday doing, but, alas, it was her job. It fell to her to fix any errors, recruit people to hand out handbooks, and make sure each room was spic-n-span before classes started tomorrow. Arriving back in the council room, she got a quick drink from the water cooler in the corner before sitting back down, adding a bright green checkmark next to an item on the list in front of her. Her two suitcases stood near the door. She hadn't had chance to settle in and unpack yet, but she had gotten her new ID earlier. Picking up a pen, she scrawled another thing on the bottom of the list, 'Unpack'. There was just one more thing to do before that, and strangely, it was the most exciting of them yet.

Paperwork. Kind of, anyway.

Booting up her laptop, she logged into the school database with her council login. As the blue loading circle went around, and around, and around, she leant back in her chair, her thoughts drifting to the previous year. She was a Junior now, which meant one last year before she'd have to start being slightly more serious. During her Sophomore year, she threw so many sick parties that her roommate moved out. Hopefully her roommate this year was more tolerant to those kinds of things.

She noticed the loading circle vanish, and the screen popped up with a list of every student who had signed in. All she had to do was print their page out and file them neatly in the cabinet for student files. She didn't really know what the point of it was, since technology existed, but she guessed it had some importance. Clicking around and pressing a few keys, the printer at the back of the room whurred to life, spitting out each piece of paper in a matter of seconds.

It took merely two minutes for the printer to finish printing all the files, and the paper was still warm to the touch. Vermilion picked up the stack in one hand, yoinking open the drawer to a filing cabinet with the other, and got to work. Divider, file, divider, file, divider, file. That repeated until the last file was placed at the back of the drawer. Heading back over to her checklist, the girl tore it up and trashed it, running out of the room giddily, only to return a moment later for her belongings.

Room 48... Room 48... Vermilion stalked the hallways of the dormitory looking for her room. She had thought it would be on the first floor, but to her dismay, the first floor rooms stopped at 45, the rest were all rooms for the 'special' kids. Sighing, she hauled her suitcases up the stairs. She had a lack of muscle from barely ever working out, so it was quite the challenge. However, she was excited to the point where stopping to catch her breath wasn't necessary.

Pulling her suitcases through the hall, she found her room rather quickly, and could hear some quite unique singing from inside. Maybe unique was... a nice way to put it. At least it seemed like they wouldn't mind parties. Sliding her card into the slot, she could barely hear the 'beep' and 'click' over the dying cat inside. It reminded her vaguely of her previous year when she roomed on the fourth floor, and the people underneath kept complaining about the noise.

Opening the door, she was greeted to the sight of her new roommate singing whilst unpacking. For a moment she stood and stared, unsure of how to feel and react, but then she slowly began to realise exactly who it was. He was a year her upperclassman, so they never had classes together, but they'd exchanged hello's in the hallways more than once, and she was faiiiirly sure he'd attended a couple of her parties, but couldn't be certain. Stepping into the room slowly, she shut the door behind her quietly and left her suitcases standing in front of it.

She knew the song that was playing, and what better way to make an enterance than showing off her vocals? Clearing her throat as quietly as she could, she sang along to the next line of the song, hoping that she caught her new roomie by surprise.
@aeuternus I changed Vermilions surname because someone else had the same, juuust letting you know :3

@Buddha I had a feeling it was something along that line, I've heard it before, but I'd completely forgotten the language it was from.

Thank you, though c:. I'm guessing you are Dutch?


Like my sister, I'm terrrrrible at introductions. I'm trusting her to save me from the awkwardness of having no responses. But I learned my lesson about trusting her when she ate all my cookie dough while I slept.


I'm Asano!

I have a younger twin sister @aeuternus and we share everything. I'm older than her by an hour. Don't let her fool you.

I like manga and games and dominos pizza. Dominos > Pizza Hut. Anyone who disagrees can fight me.

I have a tendency to go on and on about useless crap and overuse certain emotes. Blame my sister.

Yes we are identical.

The horror.
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