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    1. asanono 8 yrs ago


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Goodness, that was a long post ;w;. 10k Characters...
.:*:・'゜☆ Sugar Homingwell ☆彡

The timing was perfect. Just as she had finished putting away the rest of her belongings, and made a list of things she still needed, the speakers came to life. In the previous years, it had unfortunately been in the middle of her packing, and she hated leaving things unfinished with a passion. But this year it was just... perfect. While the man spoke over the intercom, Sugar proudly observed her little corner of the room, a wide smile on her face. A poster neatly stuck above the head of her bed, photos on the bedside table, alarm clock and wireless phone charger next to them. It was looking less like your standard dorm and more personalised, or as she liked to say, 'sweetened'. As though someone had taken honey and spread it on a bland, plain piece of toast.

Supressing a squeal of excitement as the voice and static stopped, she rushed out of the room. In previous years, she would've dreaded the walk to the assembly hall, but this year it was filled with happiness. It took all of her effort not to skip. She found herself walking next to an anxious Freshman, who was shaking so much she could feel it since they were forced into such close proximity. You'd have thought the school would've knocked some walls down and made the hallways wider, but usually there wasn't such huge crowds. The girl exchanged light conversation with the Freshman whilst they walked, but the shaking didn't cease. She was almost thankful when the hallway opened up.

A bounce in her step, she forgot about the dip and slope in the floor, and ended up falling, practically skidding into the hall on her stomach. Thankfully she hadn't hit her face too badly, but sliding in on her stomach... Whilst a unique enterance, it was one she hadn't desired. Blushing from embarrassment as she felt pairs of eyes on her, Sugar quickly got onto her feet and dusted herself off. It would be best to just laugh the incident off, since she hadn't sustained any injuries except a potential bump on the head, but a vast majority of students who saw wouldn't be so forgetful.

Checking to make sure she wasn't bleeding, Sugar hurried forward and took a seat at the front, directly in the middle. Not many students sat there, because it would be in direct view of whoever was conducting the assembly, but she liked it. It was easy to get in and out, rather than having to shuffle past other students to move. Her embarrassment from the earlier incident had dissipated as the lights dimmed, her excitement coming back stronger than ever. Every year was the same. A few students would go up on stage to introduce themself, rather than the Headmaster going on and on about everything. Each one said something different. Some just said their names, some said their interests, some said their clubs... It was like reading a leaflet about everything the school had to offer, but it came out of the mouthes of those who attended, and it wasn't so boring.

She was surprised when her roommate was the first to go up. She hadn't even seen him when she entered. Oh, how she wished he wouldn't say anything stupid. At first, what Jae said was normal, but that dream was quickly shattered. As he spoke, she picked up on a few whispers from Freshmen next to her. It seemed like they were actually believing the school censored e-mails that students sent out to family and friends. She was sure that his intention wasn't to scare the Freshmen, but more to anger the elderly man who had a very, very displeased look. The girl made a note to ask him about that later on.

Next up on the stage was a smaller boy, though she couldn't exactly say he was small. He seemed rather charismatic, and just seeing him grin like that was enough to illict a small smile from Sugar. She had always liked seeing people be happy and confident, it was one of the few joys of this ceremony. As the boy -- Felix -- spoke, the girl figured that perhaps she ought to get to know him. They had a lot in common, from the sounds of it, he reminded her a lot of a little brother. For someone who said it was their first year, which she assumed was true as she hadn't seen him before, he did seem like he was confident in himself. Not many people go up on stage on their first year, regardless of what grade they were in.

Once the younger boy sat down, Sugar looked around the room quickly. Was anyone else going to get up? It was only the beginning of the ceremony, and Jae had dashed hopes of any Freshmen going up, she guessed. Taking a breath, the girl made her own way up onto the platform, grimacing as she was barely able to look over the podium. Giving an angry look to one of the staff nearby, she could hear a few murmurs from the crowd as a wooden stool was brought over for her to stand on. Stepping onto the stool and dismissing the staff member with a hand gesture, she cleared her throat, grabbing the attention of the small crowd.

"Good morning to you all!" She started, almost scaring herself at the sound of her voice. She wasn't used to hearing herself speak through a microphone and sound system, and it sounded ever so slightly distorted. Then again, she didn't exactly have a strong voice. It was like hearing something just louder than a whisper. "I'm Sugar Homingwell. I'm a Senior, Eighteen, and I'm known around here for dabbling in multiple Martial Arts." She continued, smiling all the while. "I hope we can become friends and I'm looking forward to my last year here!"

Hopping off the stool, she made her way back to where she was originally sat, taking care not to fall flat on her face again. It would've been absolutely humiliating if she fell down the stairs, or tripped over her own feet whilst on the stage. Thankfully, neither happened, and she made it back to her seat safe and sound.

.:*:・'゜☆ Vermilion Middleton ☆彡

As soon as the intercom came to life, Vermilion was out of the door like a rocket. Without paying any attention to her two roomies, she practically jumped down the flight of stairs and bulldozed through the doors. Introductions could wait until later, but she loved the annual introductory ceremony. Loved would probably be an understatement. She got to the assembly hall before anyone else had shown up, and did a small jump from excitement. Last year, she had gone up, and it was the best decision she'd ever made. This year, she would do the same.

Taking a seat at the back of the middle set of bleachers, she watched as everyone else entered. A few she noticed, a few she didn't, and a few she wished she didn't. Thankfully, nobody sat on the same row, so she could easily get up and make a dash for the stage when she wanted.

The first person to get up was Jae Hwan, a male she vaguely recognised as being from one of the poorest families in the school. How she knew that? She may or may not have stalked around the student files the previous year. She had to stop herself from yelling when he stated the school censored outgoing e-mails. It was so tempting to call his ass out on it right there and then. But she'd get her turn, and she'd make good use of it.

Next to go up was a cute chap who she hadn't seen before, but his last name was familiar. Most likely from when she had filed the student records earlier that day. He seemed cute, almost. Perhaps he was the type to like older women? He seemed like a little bit of a flirt, but there was nothing wrong with that. The girl made a mental note to invite him to one of her many parties in the year to come. Maybe they could become friends, and she could hook him up with someone. Maybe.

Or maybe she was just getting a tad over her head.

Next up was definitely a face she recognised. Sugar. Though Vermilion didn't personally know the shorter girl, comments on her name had reached quite a few ears. She seemed rather sweet.



That was humuorous.

A few seconds passed without anyone getting up, and Vermilion saw this as her chance. Standing up and bolting her way to the stage, she stood behind the podium and cleared her throat loudly.

"First, I would like to say welcome to all new students! I'm sure you will settle right in to our cozy community." Taking a breath and listening as a few people broke out into applause, she savoured the moment, and continued when it died down. "I would also like to say, Mr Hwan, the school does not under any circumstance censor electronic mails. The only people with access to those, are the student council, namely myself. I must say, while we don't censor or stop them from going out, it is quite fun to snoop." She took a moment to observe their reactions. A few students looked relieved, a few looked unaffected and bored, it was hard to tell what the rest were thinking.

"Did you know that last year someones aunt choked on a frog leg? Or one time someone sent their family a collection of photos of every student in school asleep? Do you want to read wacky stories about people getting crushed by books? I mean, you can't blame me for snooping." She continued on, aware that the headmaster was annoyed with her. What was the worst he could do, anyway? "Anyway, I should introduce myself. Vermilion Middleton, Student Council President and professional e-mail snoop."

Making a hasty exit before she was forced off, she jumped off of the front of the stage rather than using the stairs, and made her way back to her seat. Before she sat down, she yelled out "Oh! Last year, someone's father died because he couldn't get out of his pants!" Watching as a few people sniggered while most just looked utterly horrified, she took her seat, proud of herself and really rather quite smug.
Oh goodness, I'm late to the party. I'll get a post up soon!
Posted ^w^. I did my best to make it shorter. Now I'm back off to sleep.
.:*:・'゜☆ Vermilion Middleton ☆彡

Grinning as she finished singing, Vermilion did a mock bow at his compliment. "Thank you, there'll be more where that came from. I have a tendency to sing in the shower." She returned the smile and almost raised an eyebrow when he carried one of her suitcases in. It was an act of chivalry that she had assumed died long ago. Ah, right, he introduced himself. It'd be rude to let that go unreturned. "Vermilion Middleton, but that's probably a mouthful, so you can call me whatever you'd prefer." Pausing, she took a breath. She had a small habit of going on and on and on about things, even if they weren't really important. "Nice to meet you properly, Luca."

She chose not to comment on his singing capability, or anything that happened before he spoke up, for that matter. While she enjoyed a good joke, she didn't like them to be at the expense of someone elses comfort or dignity. Looking to the bed he'd gestured to, she made a small 'mm' and nodded. Pondering the question for a moment, she didn't have time to respond before a third person entered the room.

'Who tops and who bottoms,' Vermilion stifled a laugh at that. Too much partying and late-night drunk conversation had given those words a whole nother meaning. Not that she'd ever consider it, but regardless, the presumably unintentional innuendo was humerous. The person who'd entered seemed to be rather an interesting character. Their appearance was what she would call 'slightly edgy,' and perhaps even delinquent-esque. But their attitude seemed to be rather different.

"I don't mind taking either bunk, so you can pick first." She said to the person who'd introduced themselves as 'Jack'. They certainly didn't look like a Jack, but Jack they were. She took their hand eagerly, giving it a shake. The three of them were quite similar in height, which was a nice change from her dwarfling of a roommate the previous year. "Nice to meet you, Jack!" Beaming, she continued on. "I'm Vermilion, the guy is Luca. Do you need any help with your bags? You seemed to have a bit of trouble with one earlier. Oh, and thank you for the compliment, you're rather attractive yourself." She babbled on, inching closer to Jack as she did so, before realising what she was doing. Laughing sheepishly, she let go of their hand, realising just how close she was and how tightly she was holding it, and took a step back.

"Sorry, I get really carried away. You're both huge upgrades from my roommate last year. As far as rules go..." She looked between the two, "Although I'm on the council, I think rules are a bit of a bore. So long as you don't mind my parties, everything else should be fine."
@aeuternus I'm guessing that's an okay for me to make another post? ^w^. If it is then I'll type one up when I get home. I have a question though, and it isn't really important so you don't have to answer it, but what 'endgame' do you have in mind? I mean, since this is a pretty laid-back thing and isn't really based on a fandom or such.. There might not even be an 'endgame', but I'm curious to see if you do have one.
@Buddha Oh.. I see! I've seen a few people in Casual who post 10k characters or so, I'm used to writing around 3k, but I'm trying to get it up to around 6k or so..

@aeuternus Thanks for letting me post, what a sweet little sister. I promise I won't post again until a few more people do, I just get hyped too easily. So I'm heading off so I don't get tempted.
.:*:・'゜☆ Sugar Homingwell ☆彡


She had expected to be rudely insulted for entering the room, but instead, no such thing happened. It would be a lie if she said she didn't feel intimidated or vulnerable as he eyed her, but so far, nothing bad had happened. Perhaps she got too worked up. After all, considering the attitude her new roommate had, it would be pretty difficult to just act as though they were friends. Especially after her embarrassment last year. Fidgeting with her photos, adjusting them to the point where she could comfortably see them from any angle, she was surprised when she heard him laugh.

The comment about her name was nothing new. In fact, it was almost normal. Ever since she'd started middle school, she'd recieve remarks about how awkward or strange her name was. Frankly, it didn't bother her in the slightest. Her name was one of the things that gave her youth, and set her apart from everyone else. She'd much prefer to be called 'Sugar' than 'Emily' or 'Claire'. Not that she disliked people with ordinary names, but she just found them... normal. She could tell that he wasn't interested in her, and she hadn't expected him to be, so rather than responding she just kept it to herself. It was better to have comfortable silence than awkward socialisation. Setting up a third photograph in the same manner as the previous two, she was taken aback when he kept talking.

Looking over to the bed on the other side of the room, she nodded slightly. She already knew he'd claimed that bed, so what was the point in saying it? Sugar guessed it was just to strike up conversation, but nevertheless, it still seemed pointless. "That's convenient." She mused, choosing only to comment about the club times. She didn't want to sour the mood by mentioning that, in actuality, she wasn't late. As far as she knew, the gates were still open for at least another hour, according to her watch. He was just probably early.

Pulling a box out from her backpack, she set it down on the bed, opening it and looking at the contents. It was filled to the brim with assorted stationary, mainly patterned papers, envelopes, and postcards. The majority were green in colour, with intricate floral designs along the edges, but a few were variants of pink and blue. Carefully, she placed the lid back on the box and slotted it into the bottom drawer in the bedside table. She decided that if they had a third roommate, it would be polite to let them use the top drawer. Sliding it shut, finding the sound pleasant, she looked over at Jae as he asked his question. What was his reason for wanting to know what martial art she did? "I did Taekwondo two years ago, as a Sophomore. Then Aikido last year. I signed up to do Karate this year." She replied, sliding her backpack under the bed, knocking one of her photos in the process.

As she focused on adjusting it again, the sudden music made her jump slightly. It was rather loud, not that she minded. Jae was being surprisingly tolerant of her being there, nice even. Something she hadn't expected in the slightest. The least she could do is not critique his taste in music, although she was fairly sure she'd get mouthed at for blasting her own. By the time she realised he'd asked a question, she could only stare at him dumbfounded. Did she smoke? It was certainly an interesting and out of the blue question, but Sugar convinced herself he was just trying to be nice, not trying to get her addicted to something she'd never even considered doing.

By the time she opened her mouth to politely reject the offer, he'd said something else, and then left. "Ah..." She started, staring at the closed door for a moment. "That... Could've gone worse." The girl thought outloud, her eyes trailing to the bag that he'd motioned to. Her interest was piqued, but she knew it was extremely rude to rummage through someone's belongings. Taking a few moments to push the thought to the back of her mind, she unzipped her suitcase, looking at the spectacle of colours inside. Her few favourite outfits had been neatly folded with help from her mother. They still smelled like home. The scent of cinnamon and vanilla spread around the small room, as though a scented candle had been lit, or an air freshener plugged in.

Atop the clothes was a small notepad, sky blue in colour, with a pen attached with an elastic band. The girl took it out, removing the band and retrieving the pen, and opening it to the first page.

"Right... First, I need to unpack. Then I can write a list of what I need."
@Buddha I didn't get a chance to respond but thank you ;u;. I was worried it was too much.
@Buddha I'm sorry!! T-T I tried matching everyone elses post length and I had two characters to write for..
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