Still a WIP
Kingdom of Latoria

=-=General Information=-=
=-=General Information=-=
- Basically your summary
- Races, religion, government type
- Be thorough but vague
- Currency, language, the basic type of nation it is
- A reasonable population size
- An even more reasonable total army size, 2-5% of the total population basically.
- Status of wealth and espionage, I suppose.
- Like I said, really basic stuff before looking fully into the nation's lore.
The local/native population of Latoria is predominantly human meaning they’re a majority of the population and are the highest in power at the moment.
Since Latoria has opened itself to trade over the centuries in some of the more trading communities other races ranging from dwarves, elves, beastfolk etc have travelled through Latoria usually as merchants selling items to make some coin.They are yet a small minority compared to the amount of humans living within Latoria.
Explanation of the nation's culture. Essentially, for my own nations, I tend to have this long list which explains many parts of the general culture; Appearance, Craftsmanship, Traditions, Family, Law, Rights, Entertainment, Views on Slavery, Physiology, Cuisine, Education, and Pets. You don't need a list that extensive, but I do expect effort to be put into what these folks are like, and I do enjoy if you could take it from real world medieval cultures
Overview of the military, it's style of recruitment, organization, and favored tactics. This is where anything you have for your military and what they will field in their campaign can be read up upon.
How the government works and who is in charge of what, basically an explanation of how the nation runs itself and who is in charge of what province or who is responsible of what task. No government needs to be perfect, and it can be as cruel or incompetent as it needs to be for your story.
A Polytheistic religion dating back to the foundation of Latoria, it involves the worship of 12 different Gods/Goddesses. Most of them either rule over something found in nature such as animals and plants, or in emotion such as wisdom or anger. Latorias people consider these Gods to be all powerful and must honor whichever one is appropriate for whichever specific occasion takes place, an example being that soldiers tend to pray to Militaurus for a victory in battle or sailors pray that Atlantus shall guide their ships through his oceans.
Names of the 12 Divines
Kalleus-God of the Skies/Mankind
Atlantus-God of the Seas
Herocles-God of Heroism/Strength
Helius-God of Sun/Light
Militaurus-God of War/Victory
Promechanus-God of Smithery/Fire
Necronus-God of Death/Judgement
Eranerva-Goddess of Time/Wisdom
Amazonis-Goddess of Hunting/Animals
Lunara-Goddess of the Moon/Darkness
Isseus-Goddess of Fertility/Harvest
Celenus-Goddess of Celebration/Wine
Names of the 12 Divines
Kalleus-God of the Skies/Mankind
Atlantus-God of the Seas
Herocles-God of Heroism/Strength
Helius-God of Sun/Light
Militaurus-God of War/Victory
Promechanus-God of Smithery/Fire
Necronus-God of Death/Judgement
Eranerva-Goddess of Time/Wisdom
Amazonis-Goddess of Hunting/Animals
Lunara-Goddess of the Moon/Darkness
Isseus-Goddess of Fertility/Harvest
Celenus-Goddess of Celebration/Wine
Helius has recently become a popular God amongst the twelve divines. His domain is over the sun and light yet he’s become recently worshipped by soldiers more than the war god Militaurus, even the current monarch of Latoria Titus Basileus favors this deity as he prayed to him during his battles. Some rumors say he is a member of the cult and part of the reason why Latorias flag has been switched to a golden sun.
Isseus is one of the twelve divines the Goddess of Fertility,Parentage and Marriage she’s commonly worshipped during the practice of marriage, recently she has become quite an influential figure to the people of Latoria for reasons that are more mysterious unlike Helius’s cult.
What resources your nation has, what kind of economy it uses, what is the lifeblood of the country itself? What are the trade and tax policies of the nation, who handles taxes, and what resources are best (or worst) exploited? Information on imports and exports will also go here.
A local map will go here, with provided information on cities, terrain features, and information on local states will go here. The bare bones minimum for this section will require general information on local territory.
Lay of your nation's land and internal states, along with information on any beasts and horrors which prowl it. I've mentioned monsters and horror before, but this isn't exactly fully necessary. The more important information is on important landmarks and their relevance for the nation.
Information on internal factions such as rebel groups, internal political groups, mercenary companies, secret orders, public orders, religious orders, and other relevant factions and guilds.
This is a page where you place personal information on known rulers and characters likely planned to end up in the RP. Characters don't have to be fully associated with the nation, but do have some association. Any character can be placed here. Just no god modding or weird shit.