@bloonewb Yes your character is a bit underdeveloped to start this RP. Take a look at the detail the others put into theirs and use it as a guideline. We want to get to know your character through the character sheet. If you want to flesh it out a bit more then I'll PM you with any things that need to be edited/changed before it's ready for play. Also there are only 23 posts in the in-character; I would prefer that you read them as having other's paraphrase does not do any Advanced RP justice; we write in detail to create a indepth story.
to the rest of you I'm sorry I didn't get it up last night; I had every intention of waking up to write and slept the night through instead. working now. only got the forest portion done...
to the rest of you I'm sorry I didn't get it up last night; I had every intention of waking up to write and slept the night through instead. working now. only got the forest portion done...