Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

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Forgot to note that ages should be 10-18.
OOC for errybody.

This roleplay will remain open until I become inundated with characters. Feel free to hop right in.

"Here at Second Academy for the Supernaturally Gifted, we aim to ensure that no harm comes to your child as a result of bigotry by the general public. Whereas a public school might bring about unwanted interactions with other students who do not possess a liberal mind, we at Second Academy will maintain a safe and accepting environment for all. We look forward to seeing your child at our campus."

It's not what you think, when the faculty come to personally greet you at your own home, luggage in hand and either nervous or excited to meet others like you. I should have been able to hear the strangeness in their voice; maybe I was simply too trusting, too eager to get away from those assholes at school. You step on the shuttle, and away you go, watching as your mom and dad wave goodbye with hope in their eyes. Hope for you.

I wish I kept mine.


It is 2182, far into the age in which supernaturally powered individuals came into public knowledge. For a time, they were accepted by the world, their governments, and their peoples. There were those who scorned them, and those who embraced them. Of the supers, there were the good of heart, and the bad; the heroes and the villains. These individuals commonly did battle with one another, but as the number of such characters increased, so did the troubles that arose from the deeds of villains. It became too much for the public to handle, and the freedom of vigilantes was severed after the combined efforts of super and normal man to vanquish their current enemies.

When they had appeared long before, they were given the benefit of the doubt. A chance. Today, they have been given another. A second chance.

Though unfavorable to the supers themselves, it was altogether the most desired choice by the governments of modern society. Instead of simply culling them were they could, they resolved to design a facility to maintain them, where no innocents could be put to the harms of potentially malevolent supers. And yet, the pure supers were put in with the rest all the same. This is the Second Academy for Public Dangers.

A prison with a facade, is what it truly is. Designed as a tremendous complex to observe the nature's of countless supernatural children, it works to weed out those who might present trouble to the public, eventually freeing individuals who have proved themselves to be good natured and given to the service of all.

You will be playing as one of these "students" -a child aged 18 or younger and possessed of a supernatural power, whatever it may be. Agents of the facility approach your parents with a law that dictates your requirement to enroll in the academy, which has been painted as an advanced place of education for children like you to participate safely and without worry of shame or hatred. To the public it is a good place, but to those who enter its monolithic doors, it soon becomes a prison of paranoia and despair.

Unlike your standard (no offense to anyone participating or controlling such a roleplay) super school roleplay, your actions will be the things that matter the most here in Second Academy. As GM, I will be controlling every aspect of the facility, and how it deals with each one of your characters. For now, I am merely looking for interest. With enough of it, I will jump to produce the OOC and a character skeleton for everyone.

And to that I say, "Watch yourself."


=Character Sheet=

Age: (between 10 and 18 years of age)
Appearance: (either written here or as an image at the top of the sheet)

  • Super powers should be reasonable; as children you will have limited control over them.

  • Personality should be presented as a series of short bullet points, detailing positive qualities and negative qualities.

  • I do not ask for a biography because we are assuming your characters led relatively uninteresting lives. If they did do something particularly noteworthy or the like, feel free to reveal it IC over time, or in a certain situation. Again, like superpowers, be reasonable.

  • Limit 2 characters per players.



  • Standard roleplay stuff. No godmoding, power-playing, etc, etc. Don't do it.

  • Your characters, while possessing of supernatural abilities, are nevertheless mortal and human. They can make mistakes, and they can die. Realize this, as in this roleplay no character will have plot armor. If you do something stupid that lands you in a fatal spot with no way of getting out, your character will die.

  • All of your actions have consequences, and as GM, I expect you to roleplay your character abiding by such consequences. Ignoring them or avoiding them with bullshit excuses will not result in favorable events.


=Character List=

Desmond Freeman - MrShoe
March Blakewood - Animus
Nikki and Micheal Biyung - Mr Allen J
Cormac "Zero Day" Leclaire - Cryptiic
Atticus Rhys Treharne - Malan
Kalk Zelo - Kilo6
Eva Ashton - Ionion
Kirill Yudin - Dead Cruiser
Brooks Moore - athanshadow
Isabelle Beaumont - Penguin
Sophelia and Lucas Baudelaire - Stormberry
Barbara ‘Babs’ Mizell - musicway
Randal Ryan - Smiral
Shane Casoni - Gentle Beast
Lukas Samsa - Card
Matthew and Miguel Garcia - Crazy Guy


Madeline Louis
Cain Trimble
Kira Aberdale
Carnival of Chaos

The continuum of premonitions, those bad omens, did not lend towards a pleasant travel for the target town; Aneura could see well in the eyes of Hanus Wolfblood that little could distract his mind from the letter. That, or he was originally an individual with nothing to say. In either case, she greatly appreciated the relative silence accompanying the group, able to collect her thoughts on the mission given her.

How she had been so quickly allowed a hand in the workings of the Queen's Blades, despite arriving so recently. She wasn't one to trust in her own skills so willingly, but the event had solidified an esteem in her she lacked before. Surely this mission's results could secure her an even greater confidence, in both herself and in others. The people of Renalta were warm and open, but she couldn't yet shake the feeling that her condition still elicited poorer judgement in many.

Spear and shield were in hand long before the town of Arian was even seen, wariness brought about by the appearance of a mutilated victim of crows. Aneura kept her eyes trained on the environment with the nervousness of a rabbit in an open field. The crows' cawing was like an eagle screeching into her furry ears, then, and presented themselves as the most obviously peculiar feature of the town. Aneura stood before the brothers and Hanus, thinking to herself for a brief moment before turning to them and presenting her opinion.

"I'm sure you're all capable of noticing the ominous nature of this town, and I dare not proceed further without gaining a better understanding of it," she pointed with her shielded arm towards a small home at their right, but one of the many establishments in the village, though the closest to its border. "I say we inquire the owners of that building before walking further into the streets, and risk finding ourselves caught amidst something unpleasant," she explained.

The two brothers nodded in agreement and followed suit, trailing just behind Aneura as she walked up the short steps to the building's wooden entrance and rapped upon its surface three times in slow but hard succession. She awaited for someone to hopefully arrive before her, doors open and inhabitant lively; such would at least dispel some of her fears of what had befallen this town. By the crows alone, she thought it to be some horrid and widespread usage of dark magic. If there a villager to answer her questions -happily at that- things would be clearer and less... in the darkness, so to speak.
Iarumas said
pfff, this "god" promises nothing but death. Our great Lady promises riches

Raphae promises drink and party, and anyone with eyes or ears can see that they don't break such promises. :L
OOC will be up momentarily.
In Netflix 11 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
You're right. Especially when they're committing mass genocide.
In Netflix 11 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I still can't get over how fucking retarded Daleks look.
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