Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

In Living in Utah 11 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
At least you have dead utahraptors in your soil.
The Nexerus said
Math is Satan.

Smiral. Why are you so not nice.
Stormberry said
I'm really sorry, but I have a boy character named Lucas. :( I just posted, too.

But his has a 'k'! :D
Cryptiic said
I hate to be that guy, but the station is in the middle of the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt which is 2 to 4 astrological units away from the sun which would make it, on average, 222.9 million km away from earth. It would take on average approximately twenty two minutes for to reach earth, let alone cellphone signals. Besides, I'm pretty sure commercial cellphone satellites don't reach that far. Even if they did, I strongly doubt that the signal would be particularly good... XD

I'm afraid Cryptiic is right. :L One of the primary reasons it was put in the asteroid belt was because it screwed with radio signals students used, not that a commercial phone could even work properly outside of the field. It's meant to counter people like Cormac, who might create a decent satellite dish and attempt to use it.

Lukas is accepted!
>Needs reasons
>Uses Doctor Who as an example

Also, in any case. Pretty sure Marvel's One Above All is uncontested. There is simply nothing above him. Lol.
BrobyDDark said
Learntoread. He can also do just about anything by thinking it. And then there's the rest of my argument, but I guess your brain shut down before reading that. This is also probably the only fight The Doctor could win because your 'Demonbane' is made from technology. And if it's so fucking huge, then how the Hell was it made?

Except Lagann requires thinking. Demonbane just does it naturally, without thinking.

Also you must not have seen the Gurren Lagann series, considering you missed the part where the robot was eventually taken down to its first form because it wasn't strong enough to defeat Super Grazeboma.

I looked up Zetman and found nothing on resetting or w/e. But I did look up Noein, and I see now what you mean.

Fuck don't ask me how it was made. It's a fucking anime. Also it's partly operated on magic. So no, it's not just technology.
BrobyDDark said
Gurren Lagan breaks galaxies. It also has the ability of fuck-all on it's side seeing as how it's a giant robotic man powered by believing in one's self. So, say. If the guy riding it believed in himself that he could break all reality, that could happen. Also there's the Main character from Zetman who is an instant reset butto. And then there's the Noein, who controls all of space and time.

You just attempted to one up Demonbane, but you went in the opposite direction? lolokay.

>Demonbane destroys universes by brushing against them
>"But Gurren Lagann can destroy galaxies!"

Gunshin Kyoshuu Demonbane. A mecha so large and powerful it simply breaks the universe it's in and subsequently obliterates other universes simply by brushing against them.
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