Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

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C-c-c-c-comboooooooo pooooossstttt.

The angel, having had disposed of Shrieker for the moment, took the opportunity to survey the damage, looking about for whatever hostages may require his aid; the chaotic nature of Shrieker's yells more than likely had disrupted a few ears, and sent several innocents careening... or things careening into them. A woman in particular suffered from the worst of it, having a wooden piece of shrapnel embedded in her stomach. Zaphkiel rushed over to her side, examining the injury and intensifying the natural aura that surrounded him; one that aided in soothing the minds of all that looked upon him. With a quick gaze about, he noted a man with an arm in pain, and a few scraped persons -nothing in comparison to the life-threatening wound the woman faced. Zaphkiel hovered his hand around the shrapnel, as if to derive some information by it.

The angel scooped up the woman as tenderly as possible, taking care to keep her abdomen in the same position as it was before. With a few flaps of his wings, he gently lifted through the hole in the ceiling and made his way to the exterior lot, looking for anyone with greater medical expertise than himself. An ambulance sat in the back of the police-car barricade, surely there in preparation for whoever might survive. The angel dropped to the ground slowly, and left the woman to their care, awaiting to see her fully rested and looked over. Zaphkiel flew back to the second floor, and began lifting individuals in twos, threes, and fours to the sanctity of the outside world; he could hear that the fighting still transpired on the first floor, and so he carried them in a different direction than by the stairwell.
In RWBY 11 yrs ago Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
It shows. However, being given such an important role means, at the very least, more effort could be taken. Voice acting takes practice sure, but enthusiasm and effort are easily accessed from the very beginning. There seemed be absolutely no attempt at being more than "just a cosplayer".
In RWBY 11 yrs ago Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
Kidd said but I couldn't take Cinder seriously...sewing and shit.

I just couldn't stand her VA. Sounded absolutely uninteresting and half-assed.

Zaphkiel's wings beat before with a single, fierce swing, disrupting the sonic waves that assailed him for a moment. "Enough!" he shouted, not one to speak often, much less yell so loudly. His body vibrated with an unseen energy, causing the armor to clang about even as he stood still. The sound waves were of no effect to his mechanical senses and hardened body, only serving as a physical nuisance that prevented him from carrying out his mission; the sanctity of the hostages. How many ears were already damaged by this villan's careless usage?

Zaphkiel stomped across the distance between himself and Shrieker, his metal feet pounding cracks into the floorboards that barely held his weight. The angel closed the distance rather quickly, charging through sound waves like they were but dense vegetation in a jungle environment. As he got closer, the sound became more intense, and thus the force, and so Zaphkiel brought his shield to bare, blocking much of the sonic waves from ever impacting his true body. Within seconds he was upon the villain, sword-like arm raised to bring heavenly fury upon Shrieker. With an overhead swing, he sought to knock their very upper body into the wooden ground.

Hye Su

Outside of Maroni's, the newly joined, former police officer Hye Sun had made her way to the scene, accompanied by a few extra hands to help with the situation. Being "unaffiliated" with the CPD meant little to her, and she gladly took the opportunity to hitch a ride in a police vehicle for Maroni's. The officer, now called Neon by her League compatriots, stepped out of the vehicle with her gun cocked and ready to go, though her stance indicated patience and restraint; as far as she could tell, things had already begun to stir within Maroni's, likely taken care of by the League.

A particular moment of frantic movement in the air, however, caught her eye. Hye Sun gestured to the helicopter that had so suddenly been painted with clear blood, indicating to the CPD that it had in fact been hijacked. Neon herself had nothing in the way of an aerial presence, and simply left it to the police organization to take care of the escaping piece of property. It wouldn't get far, she though, considering how obvious a blood-stained helicopter in broad daylight was.

Instead, she resolved to aid someone familiar; an individual not unlike herself. One who had also joined the superhero band recently as well. Hye Sun dashed over the hoods of police vehicles to MC's aid, holstering her tangible pistol as soon as she recognized that Ghost was punching through MC. Bullets would have no effect, she concluded. Neon nevertheless feigned a gun with her fingers, a burst of light collecting at the tip of her index finger into the shape of a bullet. With a flick of her thumb, the light bullet made its way for Ghost's chest, unlikely to be at all lethal, but hopefully of a nature that could still harm him.
Shit I forgot Shrieker was still in play.

She was quick, but he suspected that even with her little iron toothpicks, Stalker would ultimately fail to severely harm him. Zaphkiel's leg was pushed to the ground after the woman used it as a springboard, actually helping him return it to a standing position quicker than normal. The two daggers scratched across his golden armor, leaving ugly grey marks on their surface but failing to penetrate past its thickness. Zaphkiel maintained a complete aura of calmness even as Stalker stood atop his shoulders, awaiting a strike by the woman before bursting into action. As soon as the daggers sunk centimeters into his armor, leaving clear fissures in it but still failing to go the whole mile, the bladed weapons were left embedded in his body painlessly.

Zaphkiel reached up behind himself just as Stalker stabbed him, attempting to latch onto her wrists with massive hands and a titanic grip. His coming move would be devastating, quick, and reminiscent of some fantastical world wrestling match... if he was able to intercept her hands before they could go anywhere else. With a quick jump upwards using his wings to gain extra distance from the floor, he would boost into the ceiling, knocking Stalker's body slightly if only to stun her. As Zaphkiel fell, he would pull Stalker from over his head, fall into a kneeling position and bring the villain headfirst into the floor with a slam.

Might she escape before all this, Zaphkiel would simply resort to pulling the daggers from his armor, being the only one even remotely strong enough on that floor to do so. Hopefully Stalker would also realize the fruitlessness of her little game, and surrender.
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