Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Most towers range from 1 to 2 kilometers in height, either hanging from the ceiling or protruding from the bottom of the ship's interior. Considering you're in a hanging tower, and there's about a mile in between each tower, you'd need some sort of flying mechanism, or the ability to fly, to get to another tower effectively. That, or somehow activate the shuttle system that links your tower to another.

If you choose to fly, you'd have to deal with the numerous drones placed in the ship's interior walls, along towers, etc, that actively target specific entities they locate. It'd be quite a lot of eyes on you if you choose to fly.

There are 280 towers in total.

About 50,000 adults.
Towers are isolated from one another, capable only of linking by way of shuttle (AKA the elevator you guys just stepped off of, which is now effectively dismantled).

They're numbered simply by which one was built first, second, etc. The letter after the number indicates how large the tower is in terms of population. In this case, it hosts a population of about 3000 individuals.
Keep the praise up and I might just look into getting it. :I
We need moar posts.
Cryptiic said
Those armours look like they were made for wrestling tanks... XD

Sometimes they have to. ;)

But in reality their heaviness varies, along with other aspects to their tech and gear. It all depends on who they need to deal with, or who they're trained to deal with.
I meant it when I said obscuring helmet. :L

The first and -as far as I can recall- the only musical taste we shared strongly.
Animus said
Puhleeaze do not criticize my short post. I don't have a standard post size so they're usually based on how much stuff I need to say.In which case, not a lot. Unless I go through the troubles of re-enacting all the introductions which Crypty took the liberty of doing.Crypty reminds me of Cormac.

They should always be based on what you need to say. Purposeful, meaningful, shortness is better than a long post stuffed with crap filler. ;)
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