Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

ERode said
So, Nolox, I'll assume he doesn't appear in daylight, or he'll get ripped the fuck up. How far does his necromancer powers go? Hell, where did he LEARN his necromancy, considering it'll probably be banned by Kaien for being heretic, and thus, no one else would even know HOW to make undead things. But come on, Asuras, how could you miss the part where it said that Daear is a continent? Pick a frickin' nation, mang. Oh yeah, by 'steely', do you mean as sharp as steel, as hard as steel, or literally steel?Cause apparently, steel isn't even the stronkest material in this RP.For Drana, where did she get her OPness from before she met Nolox? Vampires in this RP don't actually get that much of a strength boost from being vampires, in case you was wundering. How long are her Tiger Claws, and what exactly are they made of? Cause if she fights against any moderately hard monster, they'd prolly snap from directly impacting hard plates or whatevar. How much has her physical strength increased to by now? Is she on par or stronker than Thao Natural Arts peeps? By increased toughness, do you mean that she can literally block blades with her skin? Or just that she can take more pain and run longer?For her claws and shizz, how many can she bring out at once? Seeing how there's nothing magical about her abilities, I'll assume that regeneration and growth would take a shit ton of calories? Would the amount of calories she has then be her 'mana pool'? Or is she gunna be a mahou shoujo after all?And that reminds me. Have her wear more clothes, or she'll be fined for public indecency.

Sorry, misread the head post in terms on world locations.

Nolox hates the light (sunlight, that is). He'll lurk about in sewers, caves, or abandoned buildings during the day.

As far as necromancer powers go, he's pretty mediocre. He took a crash course from a much more powerful one, but only got to the point where his undead thralls were more pathetic then they were scary. An annoyance. I figured it wouldn't be too much to ask that a necromancer had existed at one point to teach him.

By steely, I mean real steel. He had his undead entourage throw together a pathwork of metal armor. Ofc, it's riddled with holes (which is how Drana managed to punch straight into his body so easily) and tends to fall apart on occasion.

Growing up amongst stronk manly bandits as a child led to her tough-as-nails characteristics. That is where she got her initial stronk.

Duly noted. I'll just get rid of the claws then.

Her physical strength is such now that she could (I suppose hopefully) duke it out fist-to-fist with an ogre of some sort. Toughness is such that blades still cut, but she can keep trucking for some time. Regeneration is calorie-dependent, yes.

Fuck decency.

Battle Theme
Theme of Nolox

Drana Spitel

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: Donaeath

Cold-blooded, barbaric, vagrant...
Drana Spitel is an individual who cannot maintain a good track record within any sensible city for very long. There is just some inherent aspect to her very nature that drives her to break the rules' bones so badly that a farmer inevitably has to mercy-kill the law itself. It is this completely indifferent attribute that has allowed her to survive homelessly for so long, even moreso against the creatures of god that she so revels in slaughtering. Drana is accommodating at times, being quite open to experience and having little qualms with sharing any aspect of her life with complete strangers; why should she distrust them? They would die if they fucked with her, after all. A wanderer with no inhibition to hold her back from spontaneous bouts of success of comfortable living, Drana is the centipede that crawls from the dark corner to dark corner.


  • Nolox - The vile creature is considered a tool for Drana to use at her disposal, and as a recipient of many insults and rantings. Intimidating as he is, to Drana he is moreso a punching bag than anything else. Despite this, Nolox is quite the terrible force, being quite adept at navigating dense urban environments and with stealth -especially in the cover of darkness under night or under ground. Being a vampede, Nolox displays a number of powers himself including enhanced regeneration, night-vision, toxic strikes, nd toxin immunity. His size alone is formidable enough, and with countless blade-like legs, he can rip common men to shreds.

  • Tiger Claws - Drana possesses a pair of long-bladed tiger claw fist weapons, with each unit sporting two individual blades.

  • A seemingly indispensable number of cigarettes.

  • Ability/Magic/Technology:

  • Essence of the Vampede - Having ingested the venom glands of a powerful vampede and lived through sheer force of will and domination, Drana has adopted the powers of a terrible amalgam made by misguided science. Having integrated with her body, Drana enjoys several benefits including increased physical strength and toughness, as well as the ability to see perfectly in any level of darkness. Her saliva has become a toxic substance with an LD50 mimickign that of batrachotoxin. The toxin affects the nervous systems of those it afflicts, causing painful muscle spasms, paralysis, and eventually death if left untreated. Much like her partner, Drana also features enhanced regenerative capabilities, able to regain lost limbs over the course of a few days. Blood loss nevertheless still affects her as per the norm.

    A more disturbing effect of the vampede organ integration, however, is her ability to spontaneously create centipede-like limbs in place of arms that can extend several dozen feet. Their foremost claws can deliver toxins directly, as well as grab objects or smash through fortified structures. These particular limbs enjoy near-instant regeneration.

    In addition, Drana is immune to nearly all forms of poison and toxin, save for magically-created species. In fact, she possesses the ability to ingest particular substances and integrate them into her vile bites and strikes.

  • Additional Info:

    Nolox is a vampede, an accidentally created monster that had escaped its creators clutches (after massacring the facility) and wreaked havoc in the borders of Daear before being subjugated by Drana. Nolox appears as an immense centipede with a more humanoid head than an insectoid one. His body reaches nearly thirty feet long, and sports a disturbing number of steely, blade-like legs along its length. Noxol's foremost pair of legs can inject a lethal poison, as well as suck the fluids from his victim's bodies.

    Indeed, he is a fusion of the Daear ploys at creating a vampire, and a centipede. Thinking himself some noble creature, Noxol dons a rather large tattered cape over his "shoulders" and speaks with a flair few commonfolk can decipher. Well-versed in the ways of necromancy, Noxol was feared as a sort of lich in the towns he haunted; at nights, the vampede would scurry from his bottomless tomb to feed upon the living before enthralling the bodies he left in his wake. Now practically enslaved by Drana, he has since forgone such grandiose behavior. Incapable of defeating Drana himself, Noxol was forced to obey her orders, both out of fear and necessity.

    Post Example:
    Use your eyes.

    Spamming this (dead) thread is completely unnecessary.
    As of now, no one besides Serp has given thought to a human faction. As far as I'm concerned, so long as Serp proclaims this is what he's going to do beforehand, his history takes precedence when it comes to the Earth.
    Rilolia carefully eyed the alcoholic beverage that was placed before her, as if having been presented with some sort of archaic contraption meant to house the spirit of a Muspelheimian spirit. Her face wandered over the top of the mug, staring down into its honey-colored depths like she'd dropped her love letter down it. Picking up the heavy glass utensil, she brought the edge to her nose and took in a quick whiff, smelling its contents. It certainly wasn't bad; it wasn't familiar either. For a moment Rilolia considered actually taking a sip, ignoring her primordial instinct to consume blood alone. Some of her family had taken towards drinking wine on occasion, and that was alcoholic too. They certainly didn't explode, so why should this one kill her?

    Then again, if it was any different she didn't exactly want to suffer from nausea aboard a questionably prepared airship. Did vampires even get nausea? Rilolia put the drink back down and nudged it a tad away from her, conveying her lack of intention to consume any of it. Glancing over to Yazu, she looked concerned for a moment, unsure of if the elf was even bothering to pay attention or not. What was between her and Chad anyways?

    She figured the adorable barmaid- wait. Did she just consider Yazulayne adorable? Rilolia visibly shook her head and grinned the consideration away. She figured Yazulayne was attentive. Turning to Chad, she spoke up,

    "Old airships? Well I suppose we're lucky there are nay at all but...," she rose an eyebrow, "seems a little sketchy. I'll assume Moko can pilot anything I suppose." Rilolia rose from her seat and let off a quick laugh, scoffing at how brief the so-called meeting was. Couldn't Moko have simply approached them alone? "Well if there's nothing more to glean from this, I'll just head on over then." Rilolia beckoned to Yazulayne, questioning for a moment how miffed the tavern would be seeing their brand new recruit disappearing so quickly.
    Serpentine88 said (Think the robots as humanities fanatically psycho #1 fanboy)

    Welcome aboard.
    Serpentine88 said
    Hello again Asuras, been some time uh? I would like to claim a galactic power (If claiming is allowed). If it is not well, galactic power WIP coming...@Sigma: Well here we go again! (Not being UF this time though)

    Good to see you Serp as well.
    I would like to mention that letting me know where in the galaxy you'd like your central homeworld to be located would be very helpful. The galaxy is a spiral form, so just let me know the general area in which you'd like to be (ie; closer to the center, tip of an arm, etc).

    And again, specifying details on your worlds, their stars and the bodies around them helps me greatly. If you don't, I'm left to assume you don't care, in which case I'll take my own liberties at designing them.
    OOC is up. Hop on in.
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