Avatar of Asuras


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4 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

In Q - FLUX 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay



A liaison from Magus Prohibitum, Sanction (real name, Kalia Morfunde), Sanction serves as the occasional yoke to organized Cleaner activity. Technically a Cleaner herself, her connections with Magus Prohibitum afford her access to their activity, which she can relay as a warning or guidance to other Cleaners. Stern, business-like, and with a terrible sense of humor, her presence is preferably transient to most others, though nevertheless invaluable.

Code: CASH //
A powerful shareholder in Heintje, Laurence Slanne came into Cleaner society after a drawn-out experience with a nightmare in his mansion. Two months of camera crews, exorcists both fake and real, and a few Cleaners assuming identities as ghost hunters, and he was rid of the plague. Free time and curiosity getting the better of him, Laurence developed a hobby in nightmare hunting -or, at the very least, funding missions to do so.

Code: DORM //
17-year-old "Drake" Vorsque, for all his somber attitude, loves his work. Though many tease him for being quiet, often melancholy, the Thremont high-schooler truly enjoys company. Once a blissfully unaware student, his involvement with Codename PING eventually revealed to him the underlying existence of nightmares, after which he devoted himself to fighting said entities. One of the few younger Cleaners that still maintains academy attendance, Drake makes for an effective connection to the law-abiding youth of Neo Babylon.

Code: VENGE //
Sole survivor of the Thursday Dawn Massacre, Penny "Double-Take" Viritchi knows the truth; her gang, her blood, her family were not killed by rivals, but by a creature. Swearing to end its unlife, she took her ruthless nature into Cleaner culture where she's been an active member since. Volatile and violent, Penny is frequently the subject of intense reprimand from peers, especially Sanction.

Code: PING //
Though she tends to avoid having to engage in combat, Ping associates herself with the Cleaners as an indispensable resource. Ping is known as a "Natural", an individual born with the ability to use a sort of intrinsic magic. Extremely rare, Ping's intrinsic magic is the ability to 'sense' magic itself. Though quiet, she's an aloof spirit that seems to enjoy the vagrant lifestyle.

Code: MOM //
Owner of the Cafe Thaza, Melanie "Mom" Dresdain is a face known by most, if not all Cleaners of Neo Babylon, thanks to her generous nature and ownership of frequented what is essentially a "Cleaner clubhouse". Her two late sons were the ones to bring her into the Cleaner folds where she stayed after their deaths.
In Q - FLUX 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

A sci-fi fantasy roleplay
Themes: Magic, Crime, Vigilantism, Grimdark
Posting Expectations: 2 posts on average per week.

Discord Channel
Currently CLOSED

Notice: Potential for continued updating of OP thread. Check back for information as you see fit.

"Entropy. That's it. It gripped hold of us, and our minds were muddled, overcome by the intrinsic laws of the universe. It must have been."

Mankind escaped a perfect apocalypse.

In an age long past, men existed as mundane beings,able to handle tools, learn, and naught much else. Normalcy would have us grow as a civilization as one would expect; forging weapons, erecting buildings, aligning into nations. It was our common state, our destiny, our only option. A world not unlike our own today was managed after centuries of progress and strife, and were it not for a fateful discovery, it would have continued as such.

In the final days leading to the apocalypse, man had uncovered the existence of a certain thing that sparked their wonder. Some had initially called it merely Imagination, while others had believed it evidence of the true Spirit. While the name was varied, its traits were uniform, and yet limitless in application.

What I speak of is, for all tends and purposes, a form of 'magic' as we may think of it today. To us, magic elicits images of fireballs and soothing auras, but upon the world of Nera, it was far more apocalyptic. This "magic" was no mere will to send flying energetic bolts and the like, but a reactive fundamental particle that listened to our thoughts; hence the name, "Imagination". Magic afforded humans a means to truly engage in "mind over matter", warping the world before them in whatever ways they could conceive.

It took only a thought, which is why it had spelled doom for humanity.

In single nights, destruction and creation of inconceivable magnitude wrought upon the planet and beyond. Minds with no bounds created changes that ripped and tore at existence until Nera itself was but a glowing ball of flame floating in the vastness of abyssal space. For a moment, not even the sun could outshine Armageddon.

And yet, as some minds destroyed, others mended. In a divine flurry of thought, Nera was in a state of flux, torn and mended infinitely as entire hemispheres lit aflame and were subsequently doused by a wash of imagination. Those few persevering souls that could survive the cataclysm resolved to end it all; to reverse this apocalypse entirely, and return Nera to peace.

Ten minds gathered in the inferno. Ten minds willed themselves into one. One mind, formed of ten, instated the first ruling of magic upon the planet.

The Arcane Decree.

Unmatched in sheer thought-power, the newly arisen entity spread its dominating influence such that no other minds could will their own thoughts into existence. In a flash of light, illuminating the system itself, Nera fused together from its multitude of crumbling and molten parts. All was well, though the loss of life was immeasurable. In its final profound act, the entity created many humans to cope with the loss, hopeful that mankind could truly recover.

These are our ancestors.

Many more centuries later, as humanity started from scratch once more, civilization has returned to its days before the apocalypse.

But, with the presence of magic still looming and remnants of the apocalypse still lurking, the world must keep its wits about it, lest history be repeated.

Nera. Our world.

Though it features but a single supercontinent, it is permeated by many unique cultures and peoples and is far from homogeneous. At the forefront of Nera's story is the city of Neo Babylon, a massive megatropolis residing near the east of the continent. Independent of all other nations, the city-state of Neo Babylon welcomes all into its folds, enjoying customs and faces from every corner of the globe. Truly a modern city, you will find no other place upon Nera with such incredible opportunity... and danger.

Despite its wealth and boundless entertainment, Neo Babylon is not without its issues; vile shadows, terrorism, and rampant greed plague the city's streets and towers, so thoroughly ingrained into its culture and functioning that many question if it's worthwhile to even try fixing them. The factions of Neo Babylon spread far and wide, featuring persons of varying character. From the most disturbed of Painstaker mages to the most valiant and brave officers of Policus, people come from every background imaginable in the City of Cities.


You are a Cleaner (detailed above, in the factions listing); an individual dedicated to the elimination of darkness within Nera, by any means necessary. You have come from any background, be it as a former Painstaker, or a brave soul looking to do right for their friends, family, and civilization. It is up to you how your character came into the Cleaner folds.

You may be of any age, within reason. All that is required is a strong heart, be it young or old. Your characters may know one another as older faces to the cause, or they may be new blood, unfamiliar with the etiquette and names of the secretive society. Regardless of your inexperience or otherwise, you will come to learn that teamwork and trust is a necessity when dealing the nightmares of Nera. Independence and mistrust will result in swift death.

I encourage you to make the character sheet, provided below, look more fancy and pleasant to look at. Kudos. Feel free to rearrange the sections as you see fit.

Please post your unaccepted character sheets in the OOC first. Once it has been accepted, please copy it over to the Characters tab.

[Appearance at top of sheet. Prefer anime/drawn art images. This is not an optional addition.]
[b]Codename:[/b] [Cleaners call each other by their codenames, frequently. Helps to avoid releasing their true name to the public. One word.]
[b]Color Scheme:[/b] [Two colors. Give me the hex code as well.]
[b]Personality:[/b] [As bullet points or paragraphs. Quirks are nice.]
[b]Short Biography:[/b] [Include the important points; how did you come to your current living situation, what important aspects of your history aided in it, what events were important to you, etc. Prefer conciseness over length.]
[b]Magic Style:[/b] [I'm not looking for just a list of unique spells your character knows (though you should include such things), but also a unique 'style' in which they use their magic. Use your imagination here. Rather than describing exactly what I mean by this, I would rather see how players interpret it, and what they come up with. Note that it is not a requirement to be a mage to be a Cleaner; in many cases physical weaponry can do the job. Cleaners with a lesser aptitude for magic may forgo it entirely in favor of guns and blades. They will necessarily have trouble dealing with the more esoteric nightmares, however.]
[b]Membership:[/b] [New or old? As an old character, they will be no more experienced than 2 years on the job.]
[b]Equipment:[/b] [Anything that might come up as important to a scene or your character.]
[b]Relationships:[/b] [As below, Relationships should be filled in retroactively, and should detail things discussed with other players. While not mandatory, I encourage you to use it for improving upon your character build. This is especially encouraged for characters who are older members of the Cleaners.
[b]Character Impressions:[/b] [Not to be included until more character sheets have been submitted. While this is an optional CS addition, I encourage you to participate as a character-building exercise. If your character is new blood, their impressions may be first impressions, while older members may give their more experienced impressions of other characters.]
[b]Theme Song:[/b] [Be it battle music or the song that plays when your character's episode ends in a video game. Go wild.]
7 players is good.

I'll create an OOC momentarily. Note that I'll be adding a discord server link to the OOC, so players can more easily reach me and others in the roleplay for discussion.


1. Is technology advanced enough that would allow for biosynthetic augmentation or prosthetics? (looking into making a character with amputation) Can a Cleaner be a former Policus such as a homicide detective (or the Arcane equivalent) or a deep undercover operative? I ask as I feel there may be some limitations on where someone can be from. (or my medication has worn off and my untamed paranoia is starting to seep out of the confines of my psyche. Just kidding of course and finally should a character be denied is the Roleplayer allowed to try for a second character creation or is that individual done and may not join?

1. Yes. You'd more likely find biosynthetic wares being made by subsidiaries of Retra, though others can be found making them. An augmented character is perfectly within reason.

2. You can be from anywhere. A former Policus homicide detective would actually make for a great Cleaner, I think; coming across a strange case, only to uncover that the murderer was something inhuman. Plenty of possibilities there. As for a deep undercover operative, hm... If you have anything along those lines in mind, I'd ask you to send me details over PM.

3. I'll give people 2 chances at their CS, meaning after I first review it, they have 2 instances of editing to be able to get in if it's not initially good to go. You can scrap the character entirely if you'd like, or just edit it. It's up to you, but you get 2 chances. If it's a more fundamental issue like poor spelling, grammar, or plain writing, it's unlikely I'll even offer that many chances.
You're all a scourge upon my life.

A sci-fi fantasy roleplay
Themes: Magic, Crime, Vigilantism, Grimdark
Posting Expectations: 2 posts on average per week.

Notice: Potential for continued updating of OP thread. Check back for information as you see fit.

"Entropy. That's it. It gripped hold of us, and our minds were muddled, overcome by the intrinsic laws of the universe. It must have been."

Mankind escaped a perfect apocalypse.

In an age long past, men existed as mundane beings,able to handle tools, learn, and naught much else. Normalcy would have us grow as a civilization as one would expect; forging weapons, erecting buildings, aligning into nations. It was our common state, our destiny, our only option. A world not unlike our own today was managed after centuries of progress and strife, and were it not for a fateful discovery, it would have continued as such.

In the final days leading to the apocalypse, man had uncovered the existence of a certain thing that sparked their wonder. Some had initially called it merely Imagination, while others had believed it evidence of the true Spirit. While the name was varied, its traits were uniform, and yet limitless in application.

What I speak of is, for all tends and purposes, a form of 'magic' as we may think of it today. To us, magic elicits images of fireballs and soothing auras, but upon the world of Nera, it was far more apocalyptic. This "magic" was no mere will to send flying energetic bolts and the like, but a reactive fundamental particle that listened to our thoughts; hence the name, "Imagination". Magic afforded humans a means to truly engage in "mind over matter", warping the world before them in whatever ways they could conceive.

It took only a thought, which is why it had spelled doom for humanity.

In single nights, destruction and creation of inconceivable magnitude wrought upon the planet and beyond. Minds with no bounds created changes that ripped and tore at existence until Nera itself was but a glowing ball of flame floating in the vastness of abyssal space. For a moment, not even the sun could outshine Armageddon.

And yet, as some minds destroyed, others mended. In a divine flurry of thought, Nera was in a state of flux, torn and mended infinitely as entire hemispheres lit aflame and were subsequently doused by a wash of imagination. Those few persevering souls that could survive the cataclysm resolved to end it all; to reverse this apocalypse entirely, and return Nera to peace.

Ten minds gathered in the inferno. Ten minds willed themselves into one. One mind, formed of ten, instated the first ruling of magic upon the planet.

The Arcane Decree.

Unmatched in sheer thought-power, the newly arisen entity spread its dominating influence such that no other minds could will their own thoughts into existence. In a flash of light, illuminating the system itself, Nera fused together from its multitude of crumbling and molten parts. All was well, though the loss of life was immeasurable. In its final profound act, the entity created many humans to cope with the loss, hopeful that mankind could truly recover.

These are our ancestors.

Many more centuries later, as humanity started from scratch once more, civilization has returned to its days before the apocalypse.

But, with the presence of magic still looming and remnants of the apocalypse still lurking, the world must keep its wits about it, lest history be repeated.

Nera. Our world.

Though it features but a single supercontinent, it is permeated by many unique cultures and peoples and is far from homogeneous. At the forefront of Nera's story is the city of Neo Babylon, a massive megatropolis residing near the east of the continent. Independent of all other nations, the city-state of Neo Babylon welcomes all into its folds, enjoying customs and faces from every corner of the globe. Truly a modern city, you will find no other place upon Nera with such incredible opportunity... and danger.

Despite its wealth and boundless entertainment, Neo Babylon is not without its issues; vile shadows, terrorism, and rampant greed plague the city's streets and towers, so thoroughly ingrained into its culture and functioning that many question if it's worthwhile to even try fixing them. The factions of Neo Babylon spread far and wide, featuring persons of varying character. From the most disturbed of Painstaker mages to the most valiant and brave officers of Policus, people come from every background imaginable in the City of Cities.

You are a Cleaner (detailed above, in the factions listing); an individual dedicated to the elimination of darkness within Nera, by any means necessary. You have come from any background, be it as a former Painstaker, or a brave soul looking to do right for their friends, family, and civilization. It is up to you how your character came into the Cleaner folds.

You may be of any age, within reason. All that is required is a strong heart, be it young or old. Your characters may know one another as older faces to the cause, or they may be new blood, unfamiliar with the etiquette and names of the secretive society. Regardless of your inexperience or otherwise, you will come to learn that teamwork and trust is a necessity when dealing the nightmares of Nera. Independence and mistrust will result in swift death.

I encourage you to make the character sheet, provided below, look more fancy and pleasant to look at. Kudos. Feel free to rearrange the sections as you see fit.

[Appearance at top of sheet. Prefer anime/drawn art images. This is not an optional addition.]
[b]Codename:[/b] [Cleaners call each other by their codenames, frequently. Helps to avoid releasing their true name to the public. One word.]
[b]Color Scheme:[/b] [Two colors. Give me the hex code as well.]
[b]Personality:[/b] [As bullet points or paragraphs. Quirks are nice.]
[b]Short Biography:[/b] [Include the important points; how did you come to your current living situation, what important aspects of your history aided in it, what events were important to you, etc. Prefer conciseness over length.]
[b]Magic Style:[/b] [I'm not looking for just a list of unique spells your character knows (though you should include such things), but also a unique 'style' in which they use their magic. Use your imagination here. Rather than describing exactly what I mean by this, I would rather see how players interpret it, and what they come up with.]
[b]Membership:[/b] [New or old? As an old character, they will be no more experienced than 2 years on the job.]
[b]Equipment:[/b] [Anything that might come up as important to a scene or your character.]
[b]Relationships:[/b] [As below, Relationships should be filled in retroactively, and should detail things discussed with other players. While not mandatory, I encourage you to use it for improving upon your character build. This is especially encouraged for characters who are older members of the Cleaners.
[b]Character Impressions:[/b] [Not to be included until more character sheets have been submitted. While this is an optional CS addition, I encourage you to participate as a character-building exercise. If your character is new blood, their impressions may be first impressions, while older members may give their more experienced impressions of other characters.]
[b]Theme Song:[/b] [Be it battle music or the song that plays when your character's episode ends in a video game. Go wild.]

I'm calling it. It's gonna be Team CUCK.
Pretty much. If you were good with Terumi, he's actually not that difficult. Terumi experiences very much the same problems, but Susano'o has much stronger tools to deal with them, and a fairly decent mixup game with two standing overheads and of course some lows, not to mention he has very very good reach with some of his moves, especially j.5B.

I was never good with anyone, so... xD

I started "playing" (read: barely) in Continuum Shift original and tried picking up Mu-12, but I never really got into the scene though I wanted to. I told myself after Continuum Shift II I'd wait till Central Fiction and pick it up again, this time being more dedicated. I'm pretty much brand new to the game.
<Snipped quote by Asuras>

Some people say he's good, others say he's bad. He's very stompy once he gets going, but can fall flat against players who are more careful and skilled, thanks to needing to unlock his DP. He's fun as hell though.

Yea. From what I've seen of matches either he gets countered hard by opponents specifically playing to prevent unlocks or just simply never getting the opportunity to, or he gains momentum and starts steamrolling.
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