Name: Aneura Shivan
Age: 20
Race: Human (Aasimar/Mechanist)
Sex: Female
Homeland: Rheinfield Republic
History: Malian and Belev Shivan, a commoner and a crusader, gave birth to Aneura during the low of an internal conflict in the ranks of the Rheinfield Templar Order, and while initially satisfied with the political atmosphere of their homeland, the Shivan family eventually removed themselves from the increasingly despotic hierarchy within the Order. The exodus alongside others of similar mind brought them to the newly formed lands of the Rhienfield Republic, certainly the type of place they wished their daughter to grow up in. Though clearly distanced from the Order and its militaristic lifestyle, Belev still maintained a high sense of honor and appreciation for the martial arts and respectable mind that came with it. He was a kind man, and devoted to the Republic's cause, but nevertheless pressed a certain behavior upon his daughter, Aneura.
Aneura was raised as if she were still a child of the Order; strictly, forcefully, and actively. Her friendships with other children were distant and rare, and celebrations few. On one particular birthday, however, while alone, Aneura discovered a rather tasty cupcake warm and decorated within her room, though she does not know where it had come from. When she had come of a skill to wield the sword and shield, her father often called her his, "Little poster child," though by no means famous or active militarily. Aneura adopted notable skill in use with the blade, but never quite went as far as her father expected her to. Throughout her young life, Aneura never truly experienced a sort of rage from her father, but in one particular freak incident, in which the right atmosphere and turn of events whipped up a storm in his heart, he lashed out angrily (but not physically) and forced her to enroll in the Republic's military, unsatisfied with her stagnation and half disappointed in his own ability to teach her.
Aneura eventually came through and willingly accepted his decree, entering herself into the young and hopeful Republic military at the age of fifteen. There she furthered her military career and skills, but never saw combat until one fateful mission into the dreaded
Coldwood. Located in a particular section of the Republic's Eastern forest, the Coldwood had come to be known as a forest of surreal terror; it was beyond hope of saving with their understaffed forces, but at the very least they could stand to protect local villages from the horrors that scurried from its trees. Aneura was sent along with a convoy to take a single drive through the Coldwood and return to relay what they had recorded and seen. If they could better understand what went on in its roots and branches, they might have a better chance at combating it.
The party entered cautiously, and rightly so, as the reports of ghosts, dead, and demons flourished. Their convoy's mind for safety, however, would not be rewarded with an unscathed return. Their forces were attacked by an unseen force amidst the trees, and in the chaos many of their soldiers were lost, scattered, or left unheard of. Aneura was one such casualty, and as her eyes faltered, she could see the convoy and its disarray of warriors running into the forest. She was left for dead, face in the mud and weapon lost amidst the brush.
Aneura awoke with only her shield and a lack of direction, battered and hungry. The spooks that had attacked the party had since disappeared back into the trees, though she felt no less frightened. Struggling to find her way out of the forest, she collapsed of exhaustion under a gnarled tree and fell asleep once more. She dreamt that she was still in
the Coldwood, had developed angelic wings and was approached by an unseen figure, though by some hidden knowledge, she could understand that it was a demon.
Eventually you'll tear those wings from your back with your own hands, it spoke, taunting, with a surety that made her shiver. Aneura awoke to a voice in her head, the very same in her dream, which spoke of its nature and intentions.
You have the blood of angels in you, and judging by your sincere and kind demeanor, I can assume that the minds of this land might, just might eventually turn an eye to the true nature of the gods' winged avatars, and once more the heavens will grasp the hearts of mortals. I am here to show them that these angels are no different than men; so easily corrupted.The demon offered her unbridled demonic powers at her whimsy, and refused to leave her body until it got what it wanted. Eventually finding her way out of the forest (albeit by the help of her infernal parasite), Aneura returned to the Republic's ranks, but was sorely disappointed to encounter a priest in their presence. Detecting the evil living in her soul, she was cast out from the military and the Republic as a whole, scorned as a demon and, "No longer the Aneura that had entered the Coldwood."
Aneura became a wanderer within the lands of the Order, never staying in one area for too long in fear that they too might discover what lies within. Unlike the Republic, her fate if such an event were to occur would not be so merciful. Nearly without hope, Aneura was saved by the love of a being that preceded her; an angel. Going by the name of Terahneul, the angel bestowed a drive in her that washed away the muck that dragged her down closer and closer to corruption at the hands of the demon.
Terahneul told her to resist it. To fight back. To show how, in the face of untold power at her disposal, she would remain firm in cleanliness. From that moment on, Aneura resolved to do her very best to not only fight back against the demon, but to spit in its face all the same. She would take up arms against the Nine Hells, and slaughter their forces in the demon's very face.
And so it was that she moved to join the Queen's Blades of Renalta. There she could be accepted, she believed, for the curse she harbored, and there she could find the medium with which to enact satisfying revenge against the demon within. Since her encounter with Terahnuel, Aneura has remained a steadfast worshipper of The Mother, ignoring the scorn of others in Renalta that forsook such practices. Though steadfast in her decision to combat the demon in her, Aneura still occasionally brings forth the power granted to her in direst of situations.
Motivation: Aneura's motivation to join the Queen's Blade is founded upon acceptance, a drive to prove her worth, and revenge. The greatly religious nature of Rheinfield banished her from their lands due to the infernal creature inside her, and as the Renaltan kingdom is often seen as more accepting than others, she ventured to its lands in hopes that she might be seen with pity instead of fear and hate. Terahnuel's words inspired her to fight against the Nine Hells, and her hatred for the demon presses her to fell as many forces working for the Nine Hells as possible.
=Stats & Traits=StatsStrength: 4/10
Agility: 4/10
Charisma: 2/10
Magical Endurance: 4/10
Fighter: 4/10
Spears & Polearms, One Handed--
Shields, SmallSniper: 0/10
Leader: 4/10
Seducer: 0/10
Sneak: 0/10
Mage: 2/10
Demonic/UnholyExperience Traits--
Shield Maiden--
Bloodline, Aasimar--
Unbreakable Faith--
Mechanist BloodlineUnique--
Ethereal Rooting: Aneura naturally creates an invisible (at least to the untrained, non-magical eye) aura about her surroundings that forces ethereal entities such as ghosts, demons, or magically-empowered entities to materialize upon the physical plane, and thus subjecting them to the blade of a sword as if they made of flesh and blood. The aura only extends about ten feet around her person, and does not negate any inherently magical qualities to rooted entities' attacks. A materialized ghost that causes frightening visions to those it strikes, for example, will still retain such an ability.
=Personal Section=Romance: I'm open to anything, really, but just know that I'm not one for romantic relationships occurring within a few posts. It needs to actually
mean something for me to work upon it.
Play style: I prefer a mixture of action and dialogue-oriented missions. Slaughtering minions can be just as important and entertaining as debating with an important figure. I greatly prefer having choices in missions, as well as those missions having many endings. Anything and everything my character does should generally affect what happens to varying degrees. Complexity is always more entertaining and worthwhile.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Wat.
Signature: Asuras