The Arts droids flipped upside down, heads dangling as the glaring mechanical eyes turned away. They could not swivel completely around on their necks, and so even as they turned in an attempt to stare down the group, they could only face the buildings on either side of the street. But even if their attacks didn't hit true...
...they would certainly terrify.
Compared to the brightness of the light being emitted, the world around the operators seemed as if to darken. A purple beam of seething, violent energy blasted out from a space mere inches in front of the Arts droids, slicing into the fake buildings. The heat of the attack itself was enough to ignite air, and the countless small explosions only made the building shatter even further. Each side of the street beside the Arts droids collapsed onto the street, raining pristine white rock-like material all over.
Chariot had only just finished cleaving the final normal droid attacking the forward group when it happened, a sudden cloud of shadows looming over her, Vlad, and Dragoon. Huge slabs were descending upon them and the two armored drones assailing Dragoon. One such massive stone slammed over the top of an armored drone, pressing it onto the ground.
The second armored droid threw a fist into the space where Dragoon was just standing, and in a blink of an eye later, something hidden within its arm units whirred and then slammed with greater force, breaking up the asphalt below its fist.
As Thunderer showed up and pelted the two armored droids still around the forward team, he foudn one of his targets suddenly obscured; the stone slab which had fallen on the aforementioned armored droid, serving as a somewhat-lucky impromptu shield against his bolts. The other one which had only just begun retracting its arm from the hole it created in the ground was not so lucky, and experienced a sudden surge in its components, jerky movements and slow movement towards Dragoon indicating his attacks were working on it.
Strix's four shots struck true, hitting each Arts droid exactly where she place the bullets, but as they continued hanging in the air -and moving- it was clear that those would not be enough to fully take them out. The bullets knocked against sturdy armor, denting their headparts but not fully penetrating. Thrones' grip on them was waning, as the scent of her own blood became more apparent.
The approaching armored droid which Strix had in the end fired upon had a chunk of its head blown away, exposing vulnerable electronic pieces hidden beneath the helm. Its lensed eye remained intact, focusing on the operator which had damaged it, and made for the ranged gunner.
Mule's steadfast gunfire dismantled two more normal droids approaching her, and further fire into the legs of the remaining four managed to dismember one of them. A leg severed as it fell to its side, relegated then to crawling along the ground with its hands, no less determined to get at her squad.
Two armored droids remained in the fight against the forward squad, one of them slowed by Thunderer's support. The other was breaking itself out of the stone prison that crumbled over it.
Two normal droids continued the assault upon the rear group, both of them quickly upon at Thunderer, though one of them could only swing at his ankles, being forced prone by Mule's dismembering shot. The third, fourth, and fifth armored droids seemed fixated upon Strix, and were just within reach of Mule, readied to trample right past the defender in their quest to pummel the gunner.
The two Arts droids heads glowed with a dwindling heat, clearly cooling down from their massive attacks.
The canines were quick to their actions, meeting Feral with near-equal speed, but far less maneuverability. As she charged, so to did they, and just after she had already leaped for the walls did they skid to a halt, swiftly turning on their four heels. Her blade struck into the long face of one of them, severing half the head and disabling it after several seconds of wobbling.
The arc also cut away the antennae, drawing out a crackling malfunction from the immobile machine. Though it still blinked and flashed, it seemed unlikely that it was still able to work. Just as soon as Feral landed, the remaining dog leaped at her with bladed fangs and a wide maw which was loaded to clamp around any limb it could find.