Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

ImportantNobody said
We could form Team Dragon and Evvie can join both that team and Team Bear Naked.Team Dragon is unstoppable.

Sounds fair enough. Vera will likely gravitate towards those similar to her kind anyways.
I find my character to be pretty uninspired, actually. :\

I just enjoy the concept of the multiverse more than anything, and I felt like making a dragon-motif character.
LeeRoy said
Depends on the size of the blast, if it's the size of a watermelon it's just gonna be a VERY painful scar on his gut. A blast big enough to totally engulf him would be something out of Dragonball Z.

That's like... World-destroying shit though.
I'll probably have a few other characters come out of the Aurora Universe, so I might also create a thread for it too.
Skallagrim said
Asuras your fire immunity allows you to withstand the surface temperature of the sun...I think you are safe from most people able to generate heat/fire as I doubt, save for a few anyone can generate that great a temperature.

Well shit. I miscalculated. I tried to go a quarter of that temperature (the sun's surface temp). I'll fix that.
Put up a WIP, just gotta finish the history.
"Neither side will go unscathed."

Name: Vera Threi Shivan
Aliases/Nicknames: Catastrophe Fang, Airguard, She Who Avenges, Ashstorm
In Vera's Dragonborn culture, both human and traditional names are given to as to function in both their own societies and elsewhere without causing confusion. Each is born with a traditional name (in this case, Vera's was Ashstorm), but this can change with time according to miraculous deeds the individual has committed. During her time as an Auroran sphere guardian, Vera was given the name Airguard due to her diligence. After the end of her sphere, she was given multiple names (Catastrophe Fang, She Who Avenges) by sympathizing non-dragonborn.

Gender: Female
Race: Dragonborn, Weredragon
Called many names across the multiverse, they all share the common trait of being capable of shifting into a larger draconic form at will, among other dragon-associated abilities.

Age: 26

Origin: Aurora Universe
Aurora is an especially peculiar universe in that it is devoid of an "outer space" as if found beyond the atmosphere of earth-like planets in other universes. Instead, it is an endlessly flat plane covered in an unfathomably deep ocean that is seemingly off-limits due to an invisible and impenetrable barrier. Above, small spherical bodies, dubbed "Spheres" for simplicity among the countless races in Aurora, hang forever. Each is varied in size, sometimes being as small as a mountain, or as large as an entire country. Each displays the same level of gravity upon its inhabitants regardless of size. A bright "sun" looms overhead, periodically dimming and brightening to simulate daylight and nighttime. Through use of magic airships, individuals from Spheres can visits others, powered by the dense mana-streams that circulate in the sky.

Vera hails from the Drerie Sphere, home of the dragonborn and ruled by its people as a sort of tribal government. The Drerie Sphere has since been obliterated and its pieces fallen into the ocean below. She is the last of her kind, save for an unhatched egg of hers.

Height: 5'10
Weight: 140 lbs

Family: As-of-yet unborn child in the care of dear friends.
Occupation: Formerly a Sphere Guardian working in the Drerie Dracon's Canopy, now unemployed and wandering the Multiverse.

Alignment: True Neutral
Personality: Unbending, vengeful
Vera is an individual seeking justice upon all who wronged her kind, be it intentionally or by accident, she sees no difference and offers no extra mercy to those one might see as deserving of it. Her goal is simple and etched as a burn into her mind, and no one can deviate her from this path. Though volatile and angry, Vera is still willing to accept aid from others, and is a powerful compatriot to those she teams up with; anyone would be lucky to have her as an ally, as her devotion to good-hearted souls is fierce.

Character Tier: Intermediate (Low-Intermediate)

Natural Skills/Abilities:

- Dragonborn Strength/Dragon Strength: In her human form, Vera exerts physical prowess that can compete with most any huamnoid being, even a beefy ork or a werewolf. As a dragon, she can sweep aside armored infantry with a simple swish of her tail, and crush metal in her jaws.

- Fire Affinity/Immunity: In both forms, Vera gains increased physical prowess and energy when subjected to heats upwards of 3,000 degrees F. At a certain point, however, the heat begins to damage even her dragon form.

- Pyromancy/Fire Breath: In human form, Vera can ignite the air around her to create flames, and furthermore manipulate them with telekinesis. In dragon form, Vera can unleash a jet of flame from her maw that can melt steel within seconds.

- Flight: In dragon form, Vera is capable of flying for long periods of time at up to 80 MPH.

Attained Skills/Abilities:
As of yet, Vera has achieved no extra powers beyond her own, or any mystical objects for that matter.

- Clawed Gauntlets: A pair of weapons she holds over her hands and forearms, these gauntlets can serve each as a small shield, a blunt weapon, or as a bladed claw.

History: Vera was born a child of the Iron Keep Clan, one of the many tribes calling its home on the Drerie Sphere in the Auroran Universe. While at an early age she displayed a certain docility compared to her brothers and sisters, her adherence to tradition and driven attitude proved that not even the largest of boys her age could stand against her tenacity. Vera proved herself a worthy addition to the Iron Keep, and soon her renown had attracted the attention of the Sphere on a greater scale.

The victor of a smaller gladiatorial tournament, she was invited to participate in a training regiment, the final exam of which involved involvement in the largest arena match of Drerie. Vera accepted the invitation, went through the military training, and came out in third place at the tournament, just behind two of the most powerful Dragonborn already well accustomed to the military. Despite her own feelings of shortcomings, the clans at large still saw her usefulness and granted her a spot on the Drerie Dracon's Canopy as a guard; one of the highest-ranking jobs in Drerie.

In the Canopy, she worked as a well-paid but often quite bored individual, as few nations in Aurora were brave enough to attack their Sphere. Instead she served her time fighting off dim-witted bandits and banished Dragonborn wishing to do harm to more remote towns and cities. During her years as a guardian, Vera met and fell in love with another Dragonborn of the Gale Clan, a man by the name of Rorark Ven Innes "Earthtower". As her term as a guardian began to close, the two married and Vera eventually gave birth to several children.

Amidst turmoil in the Iron Keep Clan vying for power as the Lord succumbed to old age, Vera and Rorark found solace in awaiting for their family to hatch. But in a flash, their hope for a peaceful life was shattered. The attackers of Drerie came not form outside, from Aurora, but from beyond their reach of time and space. A vast force known as the Angar-Ryllans steamrolled across the Sphere with a superior force, held at bay for a few days towards the end of the short war only by the ferocity of the Dragonborn. Apparently they had arrived en masse through an inter-dimensional portal of sorts, right on the very surface of their home. With no hope left to spare and their numbers dwindling, the rest of Aurora took action, but not a way favorable to Vera, or the Dragonborn for that matter.

As the war raged, Vera took her brood to a nearby Sphere for safety, a place called Wulpat, and home to Aurora's largest population of dwarves. Rumors spread of the Bulwark Sphere readying to take action with its most powerful tool; the Deep Cannon. Word of the Angar-Ryllans wishing to invade Wulpat too forced the nation to completely prevent any transit of air vehicles to or from the Sphere, and so Vera was left stranded. She could only wait, and watch, as her Sphere burned for several days until the fire was extinguished in a single, bright flash. Drerie was vanquished, subject to the power of the Bulwark Sphere's superior technology.

The power of the Deep Cannon was so great that even the Angar-Ryllan's portal was warped, turned into a lingering maelstrom that tears apart everything that approaches. The remains of Drerie fell upon Wulpat from above, and the meteoric storm that ensued destroyed much of the hemisphere she had taken refuge upon. In the fiery chaos, all but one of her children were left alive, which she took with her into the company of the fae of Wulpat. Trusting in the peaceful nature of the fae, she entrusted her child to their care for the time being.

She would find a way to take revenge upon the Angar-Ryllans... and the Bulwark Sphere.
To be clear; The Angar-Ryllans have sought the Nexus of Worlds to have better paths into other universes, correct? They're currently capable of universe-hopping, but not as efficiently or expediently as they desire?
Don't even know what Exalted is, so no. :3
I don't know. At least in the arena, I find duplicates (well not perfect copies, but w/e) to be less than ideal.

EDIT: But, as I read Beta's CS it seems quite a bit different from what I intended.
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