Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Favorite Game: Dark Souls series
Least: Call of Duty series (not because I'm a hipster who hates everything popular, but because it was a sinkhole of money for me that ended up becoming shit-tier)

Favorite Moment: Finally making it onto the ship at the the end of Halo 3's campaign on Legendary with my 2 friends and my little brother. After several painful hours of playing through the campaign, we made it and got the achievement. It really was an utterly magical moment.
ASTA said
This is what happens when seafood no longer wants to be ruled over (and consumed) by the Ursidae menace.

Poor Snarg was just trying to get to a fresh water source to reproduce.
This is turning out to be like, just one big sumo fight. But with crab claws and teeth.
Y'all need mothafuckin Jesus.
LeeRoy said
With my HEAD, I am doing a head thrash.

In Dark Souls 2 11 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Dark Stone Twinblade + Dark Weapon Hex + Whisper of Despair + Stone Ring combo too stronk.
In any case, after watching Van Hellsing I really want to make a ghoul/monster-hunter and help Sukoh against Snarg. :3
Snap an abrahm's tank? Jesus. >->
It certainly was a time in need of any extra hands. The Angar-Ryllans were swiftly mobilizing on countless fronts, and even a swordsman and his company could do damage in multiple ways. Cathrel crossed her arms, lifting a finger to her lips as if in contemplation. She traced over her memory of various universes, deducing which would be best for these so-called 'Burning Wings', that or which one needed the most help. Mystique came to mind; several blips of foreign entities were making their way into the universe from elsewhere, slowly but surely, consistent with the use of sabotage and espionage. Large as the Burning Wings might have thought themselves, they were nothing against a true Angar-Ryllan force. Cathrel did not know if the assailants of Mystique were Angar-Ryllan in origin, but it was much more probable these men could serve as guards and lookouts moreso than a formidable fighting force.

"I am unfamiliar with the energy you and your men exhibit, so I cannot say I know of your home universe either. What I can do though, is help you along the way towards giving your Burning Wings a purpose here in the multiverse. You'd be surprised how useful your skills can be out there," she smiled. With a twirl of her staff, a portal opened up at her side, revealing an image of a phenomenally darker world than the Nexus's tranquil atmosphere. She waved a hand at her nose and grimaced. "I forgot how musty the place was." With a gesture, she beckoned for Talon and his entourage to enter, the portal just big enough to allow two men through at a time.

"I'll clarify you on where you are to go and do once we're all through. Chop chop!"
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