Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Anderiel said
I don't think it's RP.At that level it pretty much qualifies as actual combat.

Still begs the question. Why German music.
Anderiel said
Pen & Paper too softcore for Russia.

>Russian larping
>German music
You Don't Know Me and Event Horizon have been updated with a post. Now that Gaul has posted, I'll be able to work on a Massachrist post later tonight.

The astonished waiter, moreso surprised than angry or troubled, picked himself up with the aid of Ki, brushed himself off, and silently picked up what he could from the wreckage. With his tray, he retrieved the porcelain pieces Ki attained and mopped up the spilled liquid with a white towel slung on his apron. Before he could even take her offered cash, however, a boisterous voice commanded Ki lower her hand and keep the change.

"Wahahaha! No need lass, I can take care of this. I'm rather sure my pockets can handle the bit of loss." From behind Ki and Mai, a tall, muscular, and dark figure approached, his crimson cape trailing behind like some sort of flagrant superhero. His lizard-like, eyeless face grinned merrily as he retrieved a small wad of cash from his pant's loose pockets. "More than enough to compensate!" he roared.

"I can see by the markers placed on y'all that you're the ones I need to meet, eh?" the champion flung a finger at some unseen object above their heads, likely placed there by Zade... Zane sometime ago. It was invisible to the three champions, but Reilcall was adamant in seeing them. "Where's the third?" he asked, scoping out the cafe with a hand held over his non-existent eyes. "Ah!" Beckoning for Mai and Ki to follow, he found his way to Marian's table, and plopping himself onto the fancy chair, nearly flipped the table with his crashing weight.

"Good, we're all here, yea? I'd love to get along. Got a TV series I'm missing, actually," slapping the table, he went on, "mission statement, blah blah, there's this guy. His name is Sprite. He wrecks stuff. We need you to find him and capture him, or kill him if that seems impossible. If he respawns at the hub, he'll be captured in an instant. 'Capiche? Now obviously, three pretty dope champions have failed getting him themselves, me included, so don't take him lightly." Reilcall (or at least, that who he presumably was) pulled out a small folder filled with documents and threw them onto the table, their contents sliding over to the seated champions.

"In there is what info we got on him. Use it as you like, cause it's all we got. Questions?" he darted his gaze between the three girls quite rapidly, as if conveying he expected them to have none, really.


"Opposition?" The man considered for a moment as Vydia took the box into her keeping, "Not that I can think of. We've managed to keep pretty hidden thus far, so I doubt anyone in particular is looking for us, or you for that matter now. Can't say sky pirates won't try to rob you blind, though," he winked playfully. A look of recollection overcame his face, and he rose a finger as if to raise a point.

"Ah! And that brings us to the next step." The man rolled up his sleeve to reveal a watch-like device around his wrist, which he quickly tapped on. One of the open windows meant for allowing sky ships in and out of the flight deck was suddenly covered up slightly with an immense shape. From invisibility to opaqueness, a large ship made itself apparent, quite obviously the transit they were destined to take. "Miss Helia will be your guide to Nihon. She'll be on board." As the man said as such, the back cargo bay door to the ship hissed open, lowering its ramparts onto the flight deck and beckoning the champions inside.

"If you've got any concerns, ask Miss Helia, as I will not be in contact with you. She'll still be just as informed, rest assured."
She'd probably remain just as careless as ever, yea.
Waiting for Mai and Ki to find their way into Puella Cafe, then I can post for You Don't Know Me. After Rodey posts with Averus in Saint Material I can post for that again.

After Gaul and Sariel post once more for Massachrist I can do that post too.

Currently working on a post for Event Horizon.
Post for Massachrist and Saint Material is up.

Amidst the ruckus inside, argument had diverted attention away from the single elderly individual in the city hall. So hunched and slow, quiet and unobtrusive was he, that the man approached Sariel, Ekho, and Theow completely unnoticed. Only when he coughed a few times and a butler hurried to his side with a glass of water did their focus finally return to the situation at hand.

The mayor, presumably, was of such an old age that they might have figured him to be powered by the very necromantic machinery of Stitchenstein himself; how else was he standing? With a weak but genuine smile, he greeted the three that were present, head and arms shaking as he suddenly looked confused. In a soft, wheezing voice he began.

"There are... three of you? I heard there would be a fourth, no?" he asked. The mayor reached for the glass of water presented to him, and with some aid, took a small sip before exhaling with satisfaction. "I'll simply assume they are late, and you will brief him in my stead." Wetting his lips, he continued on, eyes closed under wrinkled bags and thick eyebrows. He hunched over a wooden cane shaped as a gnarled tree branch, clothed in ruffled and faded wear that looked as if it were layered over several other uniforms to keep warm.

"I'm glad we have received aid. Poor Fran has had her hands tied doing our dirty work for quite awhile now. She will surely appreciate some extra aid." The butler had since disappeared and arrived again with a wooden stool, placing it behind the mayor and urging him to sit. With a heavy sigh, he relieved himself from standing and spoke in much more strong voice. "As I'm sure the mission board has notified you, we under duress by the vile monster Stitchenstein. Or rather, his creations. We ask of you to help us in defending against the abominations until Stitchenstein inevitably leaves, for leave he will." The mayor coughed, sipped some more water, and continued, "There will be no need in venturing outside the town, but if it suits your work... so be it. We only wish for our people to be kept safe. You should find Mother Fran out by the Northern city gates. Do any of you... have any questions?"
Unfortunately for Gaul, the jangling of bones and his coated appearance did not make for a pleasant approach. By the end of his question, the priestess had turned to find herself met with a skeletal visage; not exactly the thing she was hoping to be caught with her back turned towards. With speed quick enough to dodge the drizzles of rain falling, her sword found its way to Gaul's vacant neck. Being of the living dead, Gaul could sense a tingling in his bones at the very spot, testament to some sort of holy magic bound to its steel.

With a brief moment of consideration, however, Fran realized the necromancer was unlike any of the modified undead she had been fighting for days. He was simply a cloaked necromancer, a champion at that.

"Forgive me, I hazarded from your appearance..." she trailed off, "I presume you are the champions who have accepted our mission?" Casting a glance over his shoulder, it was clear Fran was searching for the rest of his crew, and finding none became a tad confused, or rather, disappointed.


Ulysses outburst was met with a stare so neutral in understanding or consideration, that even with the doctor's featureless face, it was clear he comprehended little of Ulysses' words. He was a programmer, and not a psychologist, so trying to make sense of his intents were lost. The doctor, foolishly, neglected to consider he was actually that rampant and stupid. How could he have possibly accepted a mission such as this? At a loss for words, he moved on.

The doctor cast his overhead gaze upon Koemi, swinging his loose lab coat in a wide arc despite the short movement he underwent. He took very little time to answer, but seemed almost suddenly devoid of emotion as compared to before, as if his words were common knowledge and he were speaking to a computer itself. No doubt he was traumatized by the previous individual's behavior.

"We know of no hits on her, not that it would be something to be expected so earlier in her existence here in Agar Mythos. Nevertheless, there is always someone or something that wishes to hinder scientific progress in this world, or to otherwise hinder our progress specifically. Certainly keep a lookout, but do not let it keep your nerves on end."

Upon Averus trying to placate Ulysses, it became clear to the doctor that the armored man truly did wish for destruction to occur at some point in this mission. It did not calm his nerves, and his darting glances between Averus and Ulysses reflected this. Averus's much more intelligible and relevant questions managed to soothe him, albeit slightly. The doctor's eyes kept themselves traced upon Ulysses as he responded.

"It is... a bit more complicated than that, I'm afraid. I will say that Delphia is possessing of emotions, subdued and difficult to bring about as they are. You will find that she learns quite quickly," his leer strengthened upon Ulysses as he continued, "so be careful what you offer her." Upon Ulysses persisting in his speech, the doctor could muster only a palm to his rounded face, revealing spindly, mechanical arms underneath his lab coat sleeves.

"I advise you hurry along," the doctor tried to remain respectful.
Nron said
My next post will be in the morning I fear so if one of the others in Massachrist would like to post before then be my guest.Now to go nurse this wrist.

Uh oh what happened?
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