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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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She nodded and smiled to her teammates replies. “Excellent, I’ll give my folks a call after class and give ‘em a heads up.”

The trip to the site was uneventful, though once they got there Silvi found herself getting progressively more bored as they moved through the cavern. The professor was talking about something, but between her lack of decent sleep and general disinterest in the topic at hand, she was barely listening to the words being said.

Listlessly eyeing the rock-like lumps of what were supposedly ancient Grimm, her mind began to wander. She started thinking about what she needed to tweak the next time she was servicing Moonlight Shard; while it was a well-made weapon, and her mum had made sure it’s modernization was a top notch job, the age of it meant that it still needed a level of regular maintenance greater than a newer design…like Aegis Hammer.

Her wandering thoughts were interrupted when she spotted an out of place shape on the cave floor. Being a lava formed cave, it was primarily all smooth, flowing lines and forms created by the movement of molten stone; the angular and reflective shape stood out like a signal fire in the forest. Taking a few steps towards the object, she chuckled quietly to herself when she realized what it was; a damaged, but obviously fairly new, pair of glasses. “Well somebody had a shitty day.” She muttered. Must’ve belonged to one of Dawn’s colleagues…or maybe an assistant.
@Arthanus Damn well that sucks, but real life does have to take priority.
She’d missed Aiden’s reply as his voice was drowned out by the yawn she was trying to stifle by not opening her mouth. The wadded up note however did get her attention; reading it, she shrugged before giving Aiden a thumbs up after which, she poked Mika in the side and handed her the paper.

"We are taking a field trip!"

“Huh?” She started, blinking in confusion. She was already standing and a on the move with the others before she twigged on where they were going. “Fuck, I need a better bed…” She muttered. Stretching her arms out over the heads of Aiden and Mika, Silvi yawned more openly. “So you two have any plans over the weekend?” She asked her class/team mates. “What to go see the Wulka factory? I ask because I know my folks will give me no end of grief if I don’t at least offer an invitation…just don’t ask my sister about whatever her newest project is…you’ll never get her to shut up.”
Classes went about as well as she’d expected…the twins ‘double talk’ still grating on her nerves, but Silvi resigned herself to just having to get used to it, though it made paying attention to their talks a bit trying. The only thing of real note during the first week was the arrival of a new teacher, a biologist specializing in Grimm of all things.

As Professor Dawn went on about fossilized Grimm, Silvi opened her mouth in a yawn that threatened to pop the top of her head off; the bed she’d been provided with seemed to be both completely bagged out and yet rock hard at the same time. She’d been more than a little tempted to try and convince Berun to bring her bed from home…but that smacked a bit too much of spoilt rich girl. Next time I talk to my folks I’ll see if they can make a donation to buy to better beds…I doubt Mika’s or Aiden’s is any better.

Tired, sore and a tad bored, she hadn’t really been listening to what the new prof had been talking about. Stretching in her seat, she rocked back slightly and put her feet up on her desk with a soft ‘clunk’ from her boots. “What does it…” She yawned once more. “What does it matter what old Grimm were like? All a huntress needs to know is how best to kill a current one quickly…” She added.
Was getting a little worried there, but since there are signs of life, all is well.
Laughing, Silvi waved to the old man. “As much as I’d like to agree with you Aiden, I’m pretty sure Mika is right.” She replied, before looking at Mika. “No semblance? Interesting…well I guess we better get going.”

Waving to Uncle Ube and Aunt Levi, who’d been watching with some concern from inside, Silvi started making her way back towards the academy with the others. “So Mika,” She asked. “At some point could I get a bit of help with my aura control, my aunt says that’s where my biggest area of improvement is needed.” Looking at her two team/class mates, a small shiver ran down her spine, making her tail twitch slightly; she felt so awkward and out of place as she towered over them.

“Say, Aiden…” She added, starting to fiddle with her braid as she walked. “Do you have a semblance yet? Mine is sort of a ‘hyper awareness’, lets me notice subtle things about what I’m fighting…though turns out it’s not much good against someone who can teleport…”
Silvi let out a slightly annoyed sigh as the twins vanished. “Is anyone else already sick of that ‘double-speak’ shtick of theirs?” She asked, tapping the tip of her blade on the ground; there was a sizzle and ‘pop’ of electricity as the trapped charge dissipated.

"Fuck that hurts my head....thankfully aura is pretty sturdy."

Sheathing her blade and collapsing her shield, she chuckled a bit as she placed a steadying hand on the still wobbly looking Mika. “Maybe, but you did get punted pretty hard.” With a deep and calming breath, she shut down her semblance; the faint glow receding from her eyes and the world growing a bit duller in colour and fuzzier in detail to her. She always felt a bit sad when that happened, but maintaining her semblance for extended periods of time was not something she was strong enough to do…yet.

Pulling out her Scroll, she looked at the time sighed again and stretched. “Well, I guess now we should get back…UNLESS SOMEBODY ELSE WANTS TO RANDOMLY ATTACK US?” She added, drawing a few chuckles from some of the locals who’d stopped to watch the display.
Gerad snorted at Gabriel’s comment about the twins. “You are using inferior tactics or gear then.” He replied matter-of-factly; mentally started to rough out how he would bring them down, though first he’d need some specific information on their species.

Those thoughts however, were put on hold as this ‘Mack’ individual approached. “I would take cover if I thought there was a need too.” He muttered, reflexively attempting to bat away Mack’s tail with one of his false hand. The implication that any of the down and outers that lurked on Trylin had the firepower to pose a genuine threat to him or his armour, got under Gerad’s skin. Blasted sky gazer…

He snorted once more, and brushed some invisible specks of dirt off of his armour. “All right then.” He said finally with a bit of a huff. “Let’s go see this Ence machine and get your equipment. I want to extract what is owed me from the insects carapace sooner rather than later.
It's all right, just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten about us. :p
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