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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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Yui Ren

Yu couldn’t help but be amused as Pox, who had apparently zoned out, jumped a bit when she replied. Thanking him for the water, she took a swig and sighed with pleasure. ”Oh that’s good.” She murmured, before answering his question. ”I use a black powder formula I learned a few years back; has more punch than what most alchemists make. I’ve never tried Fire Dust in it, and I don’t think I would. That stuff has some real kick to it and I don’t know if the breech would hold together, this is all iron after all. She added, patting the rifle. ”I’ve heard rumors that there is someone might be trying to make steel guns that can handle Fire Dust loads, but nothing certain.”


Shortly there, after dinner was ready and she tucked into the stew. Yui considered herself a fair cook, she’d gotten used to good food growing up and realized quickly upon leaving home that if she wanted to keep eating good food, she’d have to learn to make it herself. That said, judging from what she was tasting, she still had much to learn. When we get some down time I really need to bend Alm’s ear a bit.

As Jian gave out watch details for the night, Yui replied simply by waving her spoon in the air in acknowledgement; she was too busy with her lips on her bowl, pouring the last little morsels into her mouth, to use her voice. After finishing off her share of dinner she stood an stretched, shaking as much loose sand as she could out of her gear, before re-lacing her gambeson and jack. Slinging her rifle over a shoulder, she did a quick check to make sure her sword would draw smoothly, before she nodded to Allant. ”Guess we should get going while there’s still food for the other two to come back to”

@Kafka Komedy@ShwiggityShwah
@RoccanIronclad Congrats you mad fool :]
Yui Ren

She hadn’t realized she’d even closed her eye’s until, something twigged and she realized there was another person beside her. Squinting at the bright desert, she pushed the brim of her hat up to see their resident apothecary standing there.

Yawning slightly, she shifted about a bit. ”Hey there Beaky.” She teased. ”Doing a water run, or was there something else you needed?” Unlike a lot of people, Yui didn’t mind the Apothecaries. Sure they could be a bit on settling from time to time, and quite a few were not so good with ‘people’, but anyone who was willing to patch her up after a fight was all right in her books; besides unlike a lot of them, Pox seemed like quite a nice fellow.

Still sitting, she began to untie the cords of her jack, followed by the ones underneath that did up her gambeson. She let out a soft sigh as the marginally cooler air found its way to her body. Should’ve done that as soon as we stopped.

Yui Ren

She let out a sharp bark of laughter as Sybille’s distain for nobility. ”She’s right you know…cost me a nice stack of soverns when a noble tried to stick his nose where it wasn’t wanted; he took offence when I ‘dissuaded’ his curiosity.” As with most other times Yui looked at Sybille, she once again shifted uncomfortably and tried to rub her back; a losing proposition while in armour. Gods above, how is her back not killing her? She thought, not for the first time.

Turning her attention to Alm, she blanched a bit at his mention of Giant Scorpions. "Hate those things. Got to get way too close to put a bullet through it shell, and the Emperor himself doesn’t have enough coin to convince me to try one at sword point." Fortunately she was able to switch to a more pleasant line of conversation as Stephan made his comment. Sticking her tongue out like a small child, she smiled once more. ”Spoil sport.”

Adjusting her hat slightly, she settled into the little bit of shade she’d found while the others conversed. Almost without realizing, she began to hum a song from her past life.
@Arthanus Realized I forgot to add somethings to my CS, and I want to make sure it's okay.
Yui Ren

Yui shook her head and grinned at Stephan’s comment. ”That’s a sucker’s bet and you know it.” She said. Sitting cross-legged with her back against a largish rock, she had the breech of her gun open and was in the process of cleaning the barrel and the various moving parts with a fine oil; the desert dust could be murder on intricate devices like this.

She knew her weapon well enough that she no longer needed to look at what she was doing as she cleaned. ”A more interesting bet would be on what killed them.” pointing the rifle into the air, she tensioned the trigger and dry fired the gun a few times to feel how the action was working. ”I’ve got 50 that says some desert beast got ‘em.” Satisfied by what she felt, she loaded a cartridge but left the trigger un-tensioned for the moment.

Packing up her cleaning kit, she stretched her legs and yawned, taking in her surroundings. What’s with that? She thought as she saw a dark flicker on Jenramo’s face. She realized he’d been looking towards their sentries, and more specifically Gwendolyn. She knew the two of them didn’t really get on, but Yui was still a newcomer and had yet to figure out all of the interplay between the rest of the Irregulars.

@Arthanus Yui would be a new hire for the Irregulars. She's just wrapped up an uneventful but less than satisfying gig.

I've got a sheet in the works, just need to beat my head against it a bit more to get the final bits done.
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