Avatar of RoccanIronclad
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    1. RoccanIronclad 8 yrs ago


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Milo Ventri

Milo took the bottle from Sio and before he could say anything Paige was already twisting her cap off in his shirt, he slowly pulls out his keys where a church key hung, "Really?" And he pops the cap from his bottle off while chuckling. Things like this were something he had missed from when he was in Delta with Ana, cookouts and barbecue, nights drinking with friends, it had been a long time, though he left it all once, he could do it again.

Milo looked over at Joel as he came out, "Hello there, nice to meet you, Sio talked about you a few times, I'm Milo." Sio introduced Ryan and gave a stellar review of Vika, Milo just chuckled, "Well, I don't honestly think I have the desire to listen to Vika's drama twice in one day, so if y'all don't mind maybe give the boy a break for a bit." Milo took a drink and looked at the guy, "Ryan was it? Only thing I'm gonna add, if she is your friend, fine, keep her at arms length, she doesn't know how to build a healthy relationship, with the way her and that musician fight..." He just shook his head, "... But that's not my business anymore." Milo just tilted the bottle back again.
Milo Ventri

Milo sat back in the seat and kept a minor grin on his face, he knew that the inconvenience of his mishaps would be a task but it made for a good joke. He caught Paiges eye for just a moment as they passed the bridge, he had a feeling he knew what she was thinking, and all after he had finally thought he had found a place to stand his ground, but, if he had to leave, at least he would make sure he wasn't alone.

As the car pulled up and Paige got out, Milo went ahead and stepped out, he stretched himself out and looked over the group of people, the only one he actually recognized being Siobhan. "Well, Miss Murphy, I can already smell quite the cook out." Milo said as he walked up next to Paige and wrapped an arm around her waist to walk up with her, giving her a smile as he walked. Milo could see someone with Sio and two others messing with a car, presumably the mechanic Joel, however this party was a bit bigger than he expected, but, he had held boils bigger back home, he guessed it had just been some time since he had been around so many friendly people. He looked to Paige, "Come now, haven't lost your southern charm have you?" He held her hip a little tighter, something between egging her on, and keeping her close like a shield from his own difficulty in putting it on.

Anders Folsom

Anders sat up in the bed that he had been assigned, the room was empty aside from the bed and a couple of his belongings, though he hadn't had much when he arrived anyway. How on earth did I get to this place in my life? he wondered as looked around the room for his backpack, he had tossed it around somewhere. Half of the clothes and items that he had were all stolen, including the very nice hiking pack that he was pulling onto the bed, he dug around for a bit until he pulled an engraved silver case, he smirked a tad before standing and brushing hair from his face as he walked to the door.

Outside of the dormitory he stood back to the wall and opened the silver case, inside he had what looked like small cigars and a lighter. No smoking inside the dorms, ppffftt. he thought to himself, as if anything had ever stopped him before, but he figured it would be best to not rock the boat until he had a little rapport built up to not get just handed over to cops right away. He had been lucky that the institute was able to make a few moves to get him out of trouble. He pulled one of the cigars out and lit it, the scent of cloves wafting out, the same scent he gives off when he goes incorporeal. "I really need to get my bearing around this place, figure out how to leave if I need." The words came out loud, and not in his head, sometimes he gets mixed up having been alone a while. The campus was nice and really was a great place for him to maybe figure out what to do with himself, now that himself is a topic that he really isn't sure of anymore.
Milo Ventri

Milo shook his head as he got back indoors, those two were gonna rip each other apart. Milo set his glass on the table and sat down for a minute, he wondered what he was going to do to about knowing when Paige arrived, she will likely just honk or something. Milo thought a bit about the coming party, he had known Sio a bit, but this Joel fellow whose shop they were going to, he had never actually spoken to the guy. There was that one race, he was pretty sure Joel drove in it, but he hadn't paid that much attention, that too was back when he and Victoria had been together, he was never the one to gloat over an ex, but every memory still left him glad that Paige kicked his door in.

Speaking of the devil, the sound of a honking horn came through and Milo got up and went out into the drive to see Paige along with someone else in the car. Milo half sauntered to the rear door of the car and got in, adjusting a bit on the iron in his belt, "Well, looks like you made a friend, I'm Milo, though I assume she told you that." He clicked the seat belt and sighed, "And before you ask, no, I do not have my phone on me, I threw it in the ocean." he sort of chuckled, "I had a rough afternoon."

@Pilatus @Otterpop

Milo Ventri

Milo looked on as the sports bike rolled into the drive, and when the driver revealed himself as Ethan, Milo just shook his head. The man walked up and began to just press Victoria down verbally, it was a disgusting display, however they were not his problem, and this was not his fight. "Alright, well as much as I would love to listen to you air your dirty laundry, I don't, if you want to have this argument take it off my property." Milo blatantly refused to shake the mans had, he was acting like a fool and bringing this disrespect to his doorstep.

"Vika, you take care of yourself, and honestly if this is the way this guy talks to you in front of others, I don't think I would blame you for wanting someone better." he turned to Ethan, "Treat a woman like trash, they will ruin your life, now if you will excuse me, I have to go." Milo turned and walked back inside not waiting for a response, only giving Victoria a wave over his shoulder. Can't even have a conversation without drama following that poor thing. he lights a cigarette after the door shuts. At least it isn't my drama.

Milo Ventri

Milo looked over as Victoria pulled in to the drive, she thought he was inviting her in, under other circumstances, maybe, but right now, he had to get ready for the cookout with Sio and Paige. He had only planned of frying a filet and doing a quick fish taco anyway, but tea was possible, besides, they hadn't left things great, and maybe with things changing, maybe she had as well, at least enough to understand what it was he needed to say.

"Well sadly, it wasn't and invitation. I am actually going to a cookout that Sio is throwing, you remember Siobhan Murphy, artist your family held that show for. Eh, hold here a sec though, least I can do is give you that glass of tea." Milo went in the side door that lead to the home side of the shop, filled two glasses of tea and looked over, to the fridge, "Hopefully Sio can cook a decent steak, looks like I'm missing lunch." He shook his head and went back outside, handing one of the glasses to Victoria. "Would go inside, but, wouldn't look good to have my ex over when Paige gets off." Milo took a drink of the cold sweet tea, he wasn't honestly sure whether it was decaf or not, he makes it in a stock pot anyway. "Not to be rude, but also not to beat around the bush, Are you ok?" Milo looked over with a steely concern, "I have heard some things, don't want to presume, but."

Milo had heard a but from Sio and Paige, about the goings on about town, and as much as he tried to just ignore it all he still felt bad for Victoria, when they had met, it was clear she was going to have a rough go of it, but no one deserves this. "I heard you and your fella had some trouble, not gonna pry, don't really want to know, just hope you take care of yourself." Milo leaned against the door of his truck, "You know, I had wanted to talk to you, that art show, didn't really get what I wanted to say across, and at this point none of it matters. I'm glad you came here, even if by chance, cause I wanted to tell you I'm letting everything go, no hard feelings on my end, just the good ones, like the coffee." He smiled and chuckled at he mention that she still remembers that morning.

Name: Ashley "Ashe" Mercier

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Year: 3rd

Dicsipline: Illusions

Bio: Ashe was born and raised in the French quarter of New Orleans, the first son of a fortune teller and a gambler, he had carved a way for himself by hustling tourist and making whatever he can in the gulf. Ashe first learned that he had been called to Brokmarts while trying to con a man by doing some simple card tricks, however when he went to reveal the card, he draws the Joker, a card he knew was not in his deck, yet there it was, and with the mark walking away with his money unmolested, on the back of his Joker, was the address and a name, Brokmarts.
As it happened, the location was in Brooklyn, unable to pass a chance at embracing the magic of things, he only had to mention it to his mother before she was encouraging him to chase destiny. The trip was not too terrible, greyhounds run everywhere after all, and people were willing to bet some money of the trip, that or snacks.
Brokmarts at first was a disappointment, a seemingly unassuming little bookstore, he couldn't have gotten the deck from this place, but what was that Joker doing there, this place had to be something. As he entered the building the man behind the counter asked for his invitation, Ashe handed him the Joker and was led into the academy proper, now things were starting to pick up. The testing began, a stern woman conducted the majority but at the end of it all, they accepted him into their Illusory program.

Applicant: Ashley Mercier

Problem solving: Applicant proved extremely capable of creative maneuvering.

Ethics/Morals: Applicant shows a certain lack of moral integrity, when given opportunities to assist other for minimal benefit he often chooses to ignore it.

Magical Aptitude: Applicant show slightly above average aptitude, unless his slight of hand was better than I thought.

Learning speed: Applicant shows great mental elasticity, his history with cardistry and sleight of hand proved to be of his benefit.

Teamwork:Applicant was willing to work alongside others, though often it seemed only when he had more to gain than if he went alone. there is promise, but does need improvement.

Milo Ventri

Milo stepped out into the street out in front of his shop, pulling hard on his cigarette, just trying to not think about that new shore rod swimming out into the blue. The idea that he had actually lost both a phone and his rod was just mind numbingly frustrating, mostly seeing as it meant he was going to have to redo all his contacts, if only someone had showed shown him how to do that cloud back up thing everyone suggested and he vehemently believed he would never need this wouldn't be a problem. The sound of screeching tires brought him from the reverie, his hand dropping to the handgun in his belt, however he loosened at the sound of Russian, thank the light it wasn't Italian.

"Only awkward if you make it that way, Victoria." Milo grinned, part of him still wasn't used to using her full name but she really wasn't the woman he knew. Milo took another deep drag on the cigarette not stepping out from in front of the car. "Honestly, I haven't been ok in what feels like a long time." He looked around and back at the girl, "And really, chicken wings? You must be having the cravings or something, only thing that could possess anyone to eat the equivalent of hot sauce on cardboard." He chuckled a bit at his own terrible jab at the entirety of the chicken wing industry, then sighed, "Well I shouldn't keep you, I'm going to go ahead and make a bit of lunch myself, I think I have fish I caught the other day, besides, I can't be out fishing all day, especially as I left my alarm at the bottom of the pacific this morning." Milo grinned and chuckled. As Milo stepped away from her car he raised a hand to wave, "Try not hit anything out there, be careful. Enjoy...tex mex?" He visibly shudders at the thought.

(Interactions: @PrinceAlexus)
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