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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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The mando’s comments about Ryloth bounced off of Neb like dust off a deflector shield. She was about to reply when a rodian stepped in to try and simmer things down…for all the good that did. Instead she replied with a smile and a slow shake of her head, her lekku swaying slowly back and forth.

That is the problem with you Mando ‘hard boys’…” She replied, waving towards his tense grip. ”Always so quick to take offence.” Yawning a bit, she shifted her rifle from one shoulder to another, a sign she didn’t see the mandalorian as an imminent threat. ”As for Ryloth? It’s just another dirt ball I haven’t been to. I was born a slave to one of those people that like to hire Mando ‘hard boys’ to swagger about and make ’em look like their king shits of whatever dung pile they’re squatting on. You wanna piss me off hard boy, you’ll need to do better than that.”

More folks began to filter in, eyeing one another up, and making a few cursory introductions. Neb found herself shifting from foot to foot as her desire to get on with it built. Easy there, She chided herself. The shit-hole of a city will still be there when you get to it.

Cocking her head, she listened to Kaiden, replying with a chuckle. ”Yeah,” She replied, shaking her head. ”If there is one galactic constant, it is stupidity.” Reaching into her coat once more, she took another swig of Jet Juice, wiping her mouth with the back of a hand. The little wink from Jaida sent Neb’s mind briefly down a dirty little mynoc hole, but she quickly exerted some self-control over that.

More folks approached, one of them being a kind of heavy set human that looked vaguely familiar; the sense of vague familiarity grew slightly when she heard the name ‘Wes Arrel’. She couldn’t put a finger on why he seemed familiar, and it was going to bug her until she got that sorted out. Worked a job together? No…hmmm Trying to run down that thread was disturbed as the newest arrival showed up. Fucking Mando… She thought rolling her eyes. Leaning towards Kaiden once more, she poked him softly in the side with an elbow and made a little motion towards the Mandalorian. ”Republic is hiring Mando ‘hard boys’ now are they? You folks must be getting desperate.” She added, smirking. ”I’ve met industrial droids with better senses of humor than most Mandos.”

@Vampire Stepdad@vancexentan@Riffus Maximus@SantosGabriel77

Neb woke with an annoyed grunt as the ship touched down. Gamorria already? She thought with a yawn. Damn… She’d been running on too little sleep as it was the past few days, and she’d been looking forward to catching up on it, but that was obviously not to be. Standing, she stretched before picking up her F-11 from where she’d stowed it, and slung it over a shoulder.

Following, what she was pretty sure was a Jedi and his apprentice, off ship, Neb reached into her coat for her bottle of Jet Juice. Taking a swig, she stashed the bottle once more and tuned out Gallowin. She’d heard the ‘hardass military commander’ bit so many times it was just background noise. Once the holomaps had been handed out, she took a look at it before dropping it into her bag. Standing there, waiting for the job to kick off in earnest, she sighed before noticing a figure approaching. Shit, She thought, looking over the woman as she walked up. Things must be bad on the ground it they’re willing to hire locals…cute though.

Nodding in acknowledgement, she gave Jadia a smile. ”Neb’cezi, or just ‘Neb’ for short. You our tour guide?” She quipped.
@Riffus Maximus

@Piercing Light EeeeH! Thanks!

Throwing out an extremely rough CS to show interest. I'll finish/clean it up ASAP.
@Krayzikk Thanks. What I had in my head, but I now realize never made it to the sheet, is that the AW is really supposed to just be a test rig built on a handy platform (trying to find a way to get something as powerful as a railgun (or near enough) working on something other than just Gunners)
Yui Ren

Yui replied to Stephan’s words with a grin. “Boss is a man after my own heart.” Taking up her camp knife, she took to extracting the Stones out of the three Snake Men she could make a claim for; bad form to poach off another’s kill after all. As she did so, she also inspected the weapons they had been carrying.

She hadn’t even really looked at the blades before, but after Stephan’s comment, she did so, and found herself agreeing; whom ever had crafted these had been an expert. Yui contemplated taking a sword, but after testing the weight of one, she decided instead to just take a couple of small daggers; she was pretty sure she could get some good coin even for them.


After a quick breather, they were on the move again, heading deep into the temple. Deeper they went, passing side halls that made her a tad nervous about being cut off; but there was nothing to be done about that, they lacked the numbers to leave a watch at each crossing. Eventually they found their mark, dead in front of an open door and surrounded by this fallen guards. ”Surprise, surprise. Rich boy got his ass killed…” She muttered disdainfully, watching Jing collect their proof-of-death.

As Jing laid out their options, Yui found herself automatically checking both her sword and her rifle, to make sure they both would be ready at a moment’s notice. Alm and Nanami both voted to go one, and she was a touch surprised when she realized she’d raised her own hand in agreement. ”The merc in me says ‘Let’s get out and get paid, we got what we came for’…but,” She waved her raised had to what was left of the Lord and his escort. ”I can’t leave and risk that happening to someone else. I vote we push on.”
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