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Same I still need to post so I'll to get ot it now.
Gonna try n get a post out before we move on. I'm trying to get in the mood rn.
Ayy, posted. Sophiel feeling a little flustered rn.
Sophiel Sargute

"Is that so?" Mandi couldn't be far from the truth. While it was touching that her fellow classmate was trying to compliment her, she felt nothing of it. She was still trying sort her feelings prior to her meeting with Mandi, so it was in a bit of a mess. "I think that is an incorrect statement, Mandi, just because-" She couldn't finished with what she saying as Yvain came over. After being prompted to tell her name, Sophiel was about introduce herself again until Yvain claimed her hand with one of her own. Just like Mandi, she felt rather surprised at this directness and was slightly flushed for a split second. No one held her hand before.

Though what shocked her was what Mandi did next. "M-Mandi! What are you doing?!" Sophiel said in a embarrassed tone. How informal... No informal was not the word for this situation, crass was the much more proper word. "You shouldn't just do that out of the blue, no matter if we're classmates or not." Shaking her head and turned towards Yvain. Clearing out her throat she made eye contact with the slightly taller girl, "I'm sorry for that, my name is Sophiel Sargute. Just like Mandi, I hope we'll be close friends in the future... Though not that close." She said the last part as a mutter.

Moving on from that strange event, Yvain mentioned something about pastries. While, she never did like them, she wouldn't mind going out for some. "I wouldn't mind, I wondered what they taste like." Sophiel said offhandedly before hearing Mandi 'compliments'. Could they be called compliments? If anything they sounded like flirtations. Shaking her head and signing, she began to resolve herself. She will not be flustered by Mandi's strange personality. "Indeed, I guess we should get in line before the line gets too long."

Following after Mandi, and Yvain if she decided to lead them, she looked at Mandi. "Also, Mandi, I'd appreciate if you refrained from exhibiting such behavior. People can take your actions in the wrong way and a misunderstanding may occur. I'm not asking you stop, but please stop doing it excessively." Sophiel said with a sign. At least she had forgotten that wretched feeling.

btw is this still open? If so, what spots are left?
Oh, there will be soon.
There I posted, it's a bit of a mess but now I'm caught up.
Sophiel Sargute

Chaos erupted in the class when Alberta began to barrage her classmate with a variety of insults. Before she could speak up to defuse the argument another one of her classmates, Ty if she remembered his correctly, spoke up in defense of Eris, the girl who was insulted. Everything then escalated with Sophiel's voice being drowned out in the chaos. She looked towards the professor in hopes he would help with diffusing with the situation, but only to be met with disappointment as he didn't seem to know what to do either. She shook her head, now wasn't the time for that. She still needed to deal with her classmates. "Everyone please calm-" The announcement rang and everyone quieted.

Sophiel shared the same thoughts as her professor as the announcement really was a life saver. She turned to look over towards him just to see him pass something towards Kiara. The ugly feeling manifested as the professor gave Kiara charge of being class representative. Just like that? She didn't even get to prove herself! What did that girl do during the entire ruckus? All she did was stay quiet and watch things escalate. "No, I shouldn't think like that." Sophiel muttered to herself, berating herself from feeling these wretched feelings in the first place. To think she was that shallow... No, that didn't matter now. The class was moving, and she needed to follow them.

Sophiel half listened to the speech that the Headmaster gave out. As much as she wanted to pay attention, she punching herself over the fact that those wretched feelings manifested again. She thought she was through with them finally last year and was happy after so long. Applauding whenever prompted, she looked up to the Miracle Seven. There they were, the seven strongest students that were likely going to become legends. That wretched feeling came again, but Sophiel tried to focus on admiring them rather than the feeling that had erupted again. If she was going to be a hero, then she would have to be just or strong- No, stronger than them to be recognized for her deeds. She clenched her hands and was about to turn away until...

"-miss Sargute? We are to be roommates by the way~"

Someone called her name. She turned around to look at the source of the noise. Ah it was one of her classmates, Mandi if she remebered correctly. Sophiel blinked for a second before she regained her composure. "Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you Mandi. I see that you already know my name, but let me reintroduce myself again. My name is Sophiel Sargute, I'll be looking forward to working with you." Sophiel said with a small bow before looking back up at Mandi. "Much to my chagrin, I wasn't paying attention to the ceremony," She shook her head in disappointment at herself.

Mandi turned her head to somewhere else and Sophiel followed her gaze. Her eyes landed on Yvain. She was a pretty girl, Sophiel would admit as her gaze lingered for a bit before returning to Mandi. Once again, Sophiel blinked at Mandi's straightforwardness. What a direct girl, Sophiel would think to herself. She smiled before taking Mandi's hand and shaking it. "Of course, I hope we'll be good friends in the future.'
Yeah, I know I should shift my gears a bit. I'm use to turn orders, so that's why I didn't post often.
May I ask for a summary for what is going on rn?
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