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Oh my god.
Sophiel about to kill everyone around her.
There we go, please @ me if I missed anything.
Sophiel Sargute

"Is that so?" Sophiel replied. What was it like to live within a village? From what she had currently seen from Ty, it seemed like he wasn't raised with proper manners, in terms of living in the city, and was rather a little ignorant with technology. She'd need to ask Ty later over his experiences in living in his village. She'd like to call it... research. After all, her runaway sister was now living somewhere beyond the city. While she could care less if she was okay or not, she was curious on how was she living her life. "If you have time later, can you tell me more what's it like to live in your hometown?"

She also agreed with Kiara, it would seem like they had similar thoughts. "Agreed, they would most likely prove troublesome to capture." Thankfully, Sophiel knew some moves that would be able to hinder their movements. It might be a little painful for them, but at least they would be apprehrended.

Then, Sophiel sensed a disturbance in the force. Turning around, she saw Mandi walking down to the station to where they were. "Ah, Good Morning, Mandi," She greeted with the same polite tone she greeted with everyone else. Sighing at Mandi's flattery over her clothes, she opted to not respond to it. She also took a few steps away from Mandi in response to her flighty steps. As much as she would tolerate Mandi's eccentric personality, whatever she was going to do by getting close to her while others were around was prohibited. It'd be straight down embarrassing if out of nowhere she was receiving a hug from Mandi. "It seems like you're excited about the mission," She commented about Mandi's exuberance.

She greeted Caelum with the same "Good Morning, ______," and shook her head without turning around to look at Mandi. "Ty, you don't have to respond to that question." With another sigh of exasperation, she looked towards the orange haired boy. "Mandi's just trying to-"

I think, I'll go with Soph. She's the cutest."

Sophiel opened her mouth and closed it, opened it again, and closed it. It took a good few seconds for her to process what Ty said before flushing over the comment and punching him in the shoulder, with a little more force than what she would have liked. "Ty! You could have just said that you didn't prefer anyone, or you liked us all, or any other neutral respond!" She scolded with flushed cheeks. In comparison, to Mandi, she didn't mind them all too much. With the tone Mandi usually said it, it usually came off as slightly serious and non-serious. But with Ty? The pure genuinity of that statement was a little much. This shook her off so much that she didn't greet Ankaa as she showed up at the station.

With all of her composure gone, she could only wave at Yvain and glared at Mandi. "Be quiet, Mandi!" With that she entered inside the cart, passing by her professor due to being unable him to greet him properly. She couldn't muster the inner model student within her to even try and figure out where in the world were Sekhandur, Kress, and Alberta were. Going over to a window seat, she plopped herself down onto it and opted to stare outside the cart to distract herself from the 'compliment' that Ty gave her. "Why..." She muttered to herself as she buried herself in her arms.

That was probably the first time she called cute... Excluding the times Mandi has called her cute or anything remotely similar to it. Though, it was probably the first time she was described as cute by a boy. Groaning from eternal suffering and embarrassment, she decided to drive off these thoughts by looking at the cart. They were rather fortunate being able to ride such a luxurious cart. She would have doubted her predecessors before her would have been able to ride the cart, let alone ordering beverages for free.

Might take me a bit because I have a lot to respond too.
Local small boy gets terrorized by crazy plant lady.

Edit: Also you might have forgotten that Kiara was called, not Sophiel.
"Perhaps, Ty lived in the more rural parts of the city?"

Lol. The city. Good one. Now to think about how Ty will meet Mandi's challenge.

Yeah, I had a brain fart so I typed in city. Was I supposed to use country?
Sophiel Sargute

Her practice was interrupted when she heard someone call her name, or rather a nickname. Looking towards the origin of the sound, she spotted a person with orange hair. Ty, she recognized as he came closer. They hadn't interacted that much from the past few weeks aside from simple hellos, or goodbyes. "Good Morning, Ty," She greeted with a smile. She admittedly was surprised that Ty would be one of the first, aside from her, out of her classmates to arrive at the station. It was mostly from the troublesome attitude that he had exhibited on the first day. Perhaps, she should quickly judge a book by its cover.

"To say that he hates us is a bit much, Ty," Sophiel said after she shook her head. "While his personality leaves much to be desired, he is a good professor in my opinion." She agreed with Ty in his sentiment. He didn't seem to care about them that much aside from the fact that they were students. He took his job more professionally instead of personally, if that made sense. It would be nice if he was a little nicer, but you can't have everything in the world. Sophiel attention shifted as Ty's awe of the train made her turn to look at the train. "You haven't been on a train before?" Sophiel asked. It was a little strange, for her, to see someone be excited for a train. Perhaps, Ty lived in the more rural parts of the countryside?

Upon hearing a familiar voice, she looked towards Kiara. "Oh, Good morning, Kiara," She greeted with a smile. Thankfully, she wasn't greeted by the painful feeling that plagued her during the match between her and Kiara. However, she frowned when she heard that good news from Kiara about her tome. "Is that so, again I apologize for that." Sophiel said, emphasizing it with a bow. Straightening her posture back up, she looked Kiara in the eye, "Though if you need any help, please tell me." Sophiel still felt guilty over breaking her tome. Even if it was fixed, she still wanted to amend things.

“Regardless of that, what are your opinions on the mission?” She asked, deciding to make a conversation while they awaited for their classmates and professor to come. While she knew Ty was excited for the mission, she wandered if he felt anything aside from that. She also wanted Kiara’s opinion to hopefully get a better opinion so that she could focus on that aspect rather than being envious. "In my opinion, I'm surprised we were assigned this mission. Shouldn't this type of mission belong to a higher authority in the academy?"

@relin @TheWendil
Should I try to post again btw.
Sophiel Sargute

The past few weeks for Sophiel were filled with disappointment. Not for the class, Professor Nyx was a good teacher despite his general cold demeanor towards everyone and everything that wasn't himself. It was her performance in class. While she did well in the physical aspects of it, the mana flow meditation training went as expected. To put in a simple, casual way she was shit as it. It would seem that Professor Nyx shared that same sentiment by the looks he gave her whenever she failed at a simple mana flow exercise. It was the expected result if anything, though she did feel like she was getting a small smidgen better.

Aside from class, she tried to help Kiara with replacing her book but it seemed like she had it handled. Perhaps, she could help Kiara at another point of time. Nothing of a note happened aside from that. She went out with her roommates to buy ingredients and tools for the kitchen, she did some maintenance in their dorm room, and she joined the Yearbook club. While there other clubs that she would have liked to join, she wanted to check out the club for personal reasons.

Awaking very early in the morning, she got up from her bed. Today was an important day as today was their first mission. Professor Nyx had announced it yesterday in class. They were to pack any essentials that were needed for the trip, which Sophiel had managed to obtain yesterday after class was dismissed. The mission was simple. Find the thieves, apprehend them, and deliver them to the city guards. Granted, it was going to be easier said than done. They did manage to steal an artifact from the academy and got away with it, for now, which was a great feat itself. "Though, they won't get away from me," Sophiel muttered to herself with a smile of confidence as she continued to pack her things.

After finishing up dressing up, cataloging their necessities, and eating a good morning breakfast, Sophiel decided to practice her mana flow meditation the way that Professor Nyx taught her. There was a still plenty time in the morning, Yvain and Mandi shouldn't be up any time soon. Walking to the common rooms she shifted about a little. "Okay, step one..." Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. "Envision the mana within yourself," She muttered in a trance. The light green of her mana flowed within her, this was the step that she always got right. After a few minutes she proceeded with the next step. "Now reach deep inside," Sophiel muttered, her voice tracing a small amount of doubt. Inching closer as if she was approaching a small animal, she proceeded to tap into her mana. But, just as soon as she tapped into the it, it retreated away. She opened her eyes and sighed.

"What am I doing wrong?" She asked herself. "I listened to what the professor said, yet I'm still at a loss?" No matter how hard she tried, no matter how hard she sang, it always came out with the wretched failed song. She could only perform 'Inconsistent Chorus,' and nothing else. She was doing something wrong and she didn't know what. "I guess, I'm just a lost cause," Sophiel said with an uncharacteristically deprecating chuckle. As much as Sophiel would like the mope on her failure, she noticed that it was almost time. Well, almost time for her. She had to run a few errands and would like to arrive at the station ten minutes before the actual time. Leaving a note behind to tell Yvain and Mandi she was departing, she left the dorm after she grabbed her coat and essentials.

Soon arriving at Genelogia Station, she decided to wait at the entrance to meet up with her classmates or the professor. The place was crowded. She had to wait perhaps an a hour and, exactly, ten minutes before they departed, but didn't she mind. She could practice, and fail, at tapping into her mana pool. With that, she waited for anyone else to get here.

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