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As I'm writing, I'm unsure about my character concept. I planned on making a tutorial NPC that only stuck around for the first half of the game. He serves as a rare material gatherer that would give the heroine valuable items in exchanging for ludicrious amounts of money. Though his second function is to provide the heroine an indicator on which route she his heading both in romance and in game genre.
@TheNoCoKid I was planning on terastallize him. Is that alright?
@TheNoCoKid Is there anything needs to be changed in my sheet?

Interested in dark type.
Might be interested in dark type.
Milton Bertel

"Ngaaaahh." With everyone's attention fixated on the metal man, Milton walked towards the restaurant, undetected of their attention. The world spun round and round in his head. Any thoughts or voice of reason, Margo that would have stopped him didn't. "I'm seeing stars..." With that, he made it up to the front of the restaurant. It seemed very worn down and slightly decrepit. He stood at the door and looked over towards his lady.

"Mmmm'lady, what do you think of this place?" His lady didn't like dirty and unkempt places. If there were so much as a spec of dust on the house, his lady would have him clean it up. While he didn't understand why his lady made extreme efforts to maintain clean spaces, as long as she was happy, he was happy. "It's a messsss. Not even aaaaa doggg wooould come digging in hereeee." Margo's distorted voice came out. If she had anything else to say, she didn't as she remained quiet.

Without delay, Milton stepped into the restaurant. He took a few steps before suddenly kneeling on the floor. "BLAAAAAGH." It seemed like only some things had left his system. When he finally recovered, he looked at the mess he had made. "Oh, my bad." Wiping his mouth, Milton took a look around the area. Well as best as he could as everything spun around him. There target was here somewhere? What did she look like again? His legs wobbled from the motion sickness.
Milton Bertel

While everyone was seemingly moving around the vehicle, Milton's brain became putty. "Ngaaah.." The boy groaned. While he had been in cars before, like the train he had used earlier, when the metal man started the engine, something inside him became sick. Milton was slumped against his seat belt and was looking pale. His lady, who was in his grasp, also looked ruffled from the drive.

"G-Give me a second," Milton said in a daze. It took him five times to hit the button that released him from his seat. It took even longer for him to stand up properly. "Ngaaah, the world is spinning." By some miracle, he stumbled outside of the vehicle. That was only to take a turn and go to the back of the car. "Blaaaaaaagh." His stomach was promptly emptied out.

He didn't hear anything that Sophia said and didn't register that Rokkit had already run off to fight. Reaching out and gripping the back of the vehicle, he used too much force and started crushing a small part of it. "Haaa, haaa, haaa..." Breathe in and out. Milton felt a little better, but the motion sickness was still there. "Ngaaaah..."

His lady slowly raised up. "Milllltonnn. Yoooou haaavee to geeeet uppp." Was what she roughly sounded like to him. It came out somewhat distorted to the ears of everyone else. Perhaps his lady got motion sickness as well. However, that was the slight empowerment that Milton needed to hear. Slowly rising up, he came out from behind the car. His thoughts were in disarray as he began to walk towards the building without everyone else.
Floyd "Flemma" Cloute

Milton Bertel

“My lady’s name? It's um…” Milton stumbled on his words. What was his lady’s name again? It had been such a long time, since he had actually referred to her as such. Though such a scene was an eyesore to the puppet, who smacked Milton on the head. “You’ve actually forgotten my name!? You fur-brain.” The doll scowled before sighing and turning to the green haired man.

“You may call me, Margo, Mr. Cloute.” There was a small pause from the doll when considering which name to use, before settling on the one that had neither nickname, nor the suggested name that Floyd offered. The green-haired man simply nodded in acknowledgement, shrugging off the ignorance.

Milton shook his head before looking up again. “Why am I here?” Milton pointed towards himself. There was a thoughtful expression, before Milton shrugged. “Dunno. I just received a letter and came with my lady.”

“What they expect from you is unknown even to me.”

“Ngah! Dotcha think that’s kinda rude, my lady?”

Flemma’s lips curled slightly. “Really? I mean, like…what do you want out of this job?” He said, listing out, “Money? Prestige? Quality of life? All three, I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Tax exemption?”

“Also, I’ve been wondering.” The gentleman looked over to the small doll on Milton’s hands, amused but curious. “What’s your relationship with Mr. Milton here, Ms. Margo? You seem to be…umm…quite a governess to him.”

The initial word was babysitting, since she’s been way less airheaded than her partner, but he didn’t want to sound patronizing. Either way, it was pretty funny.

“Oh that? Ngmmm. Well, I guess it’s a good opportunity to walk around.” Milton simply said, as if being a part of a security team was like taking a stroll around a park. Margo placed her hands on her temple and let out a deep breath before looking back up at Floyd.

“I’m his caretaker for reasons you have mostly seen.” Margo said while reaching out to pet the back of Milton’s head. The heterochromatic boy leaned slightly forward to the touch and had a happy look on his face. “If you gave Milton a crossword puzzle and gave him specific directions, I’m sure he’d answer the Across questions with the Down answers.”

Though Margo had a few question of her own. “How about you, Mr. Cloute? Unlike Milton, I know the gravity of our situation. Why are you here and why did they recruit you?” From what the two of them had seen, everyone in that room had experience doing dirty work before.

“Their offer letter said a guy with my level of experience is very valuable He curled his hand’s index and middle finger in response. “I used to fight people as per my old job, so I guess that’s enough reasons for them.”

“As for why I am here…” He gave a thoughtful look, carefully considering what he were to say. “Let’s just say I pissed off some people back then, so they want me dead. I figure why not give them a legit reason to do so, meanwhile hunting them.”

There was a moment of silence from the doll. It was as if those cold beady were judging him for what he said. Though the doll closed her eyes. “Do make sure that your little dispute doesn’t get Milton in trouble.” With that, she removed her hand.

Realizing the source of his headpats were gone, Milton briefly looked downcast before spotting the apparent lack of a right arm from Floyd’s body. “What happened to your arm?” Milton innocently asked as he eyed the stump where his arm should have been.

Margo gave Milton a criticizing look for his lack of tact. “Milton…” Margo began.

“Oh don’t worry.” Flemma let out a laugh, waved his hand casually. “I got asked that a lot. It’s just a result of weapon unfamiliarity, and a LOT of pissed off people.” He pointed to the long sword hanging diagonally on his back. “Don’t worry though, I adapted. Now if anything, they’d be unfamiliar with me instead.”

“Anyway.” He gave the two of them a two-fingered salute and a smile. “It’s nice talking to you guys. Gotta read up again on what the commander said, so talk to you soon…when the mission starts~”

“Okay~ It was nice talking to you Mr. Floyd.” With that the conversation was left finished. Margo sighed as she leaned over towards Milton’s ear.

“You’re quite troublesome, aren’t you, Milton.” The black haired boy beamed at the doll. “You always said that was my best trait.” Though in context, Margo said those words with a mix of sarcasm in them.

“Just make sure to think before you act. Even if your head is filled with dust, at least it’s filled with something. Also refer to him as Mr. Cloute. It’s impolite otherwise.”

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