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Milton Bertel

"Ngah?" Milton and his lady jumped at the sound of a new voice. Masculine with a little gruff on the side. Looking toward the source, I thought the green-haired man had come just in time. Slow on the uptake, as usual, it took a moment for Milton to respond to the green head man's question. "Ah! Uhh." Taking out his device, Milton paused for a minute. It didn't occur to the black hair boy that he didn't know how to operate the device despite taking it. He was never good with any type of device.

Thankfully, his lady was there to save him from this awkward situation. "Weren't you listening?" His lady said with a scoff. Her head turned towards Milton's hand and stretched out her own. Strings were drawn out of his lady's hand and phased through the boy's hand. Without Milton doing anything, his hand moved by itself. "The PDA is simple." Milton's hand was stretched out to show the weed hair man the PDA.

With simple movements, Milton's hand began to operate the device. "All you have to do is turn the device on. From there, the interface will pop it." As if on queue, the PDA showed the company's logo for a brief second before changing back into the interface. From there, Milton's hand tapped through the various apps with his lady explaining each one.

"Are we clear?" With everything explained, his lady withdrew her strings. Milton acted as if nothing had happened and beamed at his lady. "Wowww, when did you learn that, my lady?" The doll, in turn, shook her head. "When I bought a phone for myself. I even showed you how to use it, you moron." Her head looked back towards Milton's coworker. "As for the headphones, just turn the dial for the right frequency."

Milton nodded before he missed something. "Ngah, how rude of me. I didn't introduce myself." Looking back at his coworker, whose name he hadn't received, he introduced himself. "My name is Milton Bertel, and this is my lady; it's a pleasure to meet you." With a simple bow, he looked up eagerly to hear what the grass head man's name was.

Milton Bertel

Milton's head perked up at the sight of new faces in the room. Many of whom had unique features to each of them. Especially the man made out of metal. "He's not made out of metal! He's wearing armor, you dolt." His lady whispered to him. She whacked him with her porcelain hand. Though other than that, everyone looked normal. To him, anyways. His lady glared at every person that entered the room.

Milton's attention was caught by the person who called him in, with good manners and blue hair, but the man introduced himself as Nevyn, The Orchestrator. There was a moment when Milton wanted to speak up, but his lady pinched his hand. "Let him finish," With that, he did. It was for a good reason as well. "Ngaah? You want us to capture or kill this lady?" Milton said in confusion. Even though there was a group of people he would be working with; he was talking about debutante and himself.

The doll in his hand 'spoke' with the agreement. "I agree; if you think we can fight, you're sorely mistaken." However, Milton knew that they had little choice anyway. "Though, we'll try to assist with the extent of our abilities." They accepted the invitation after all. It would be rude to use an expensive ticket and leave without good reason. Another factor was also a part of Milton's reasoning, but that didn't matter now.

However, his assistant didn't seem to press his lady. After the doll stared at the assistant for a hard minute, she turned. "Let us go, Milton." Milton leaned forward and nodded in agreement. There was no point in staying after they had received a directive. However, the stuff in the locker room was... a bit much. For his lady, at least. "Do they have no sense of fashion? What hideous design. Milton, we're taking these clothes!" Milton jumped, "Ngah? Okay." Without as much compliance, he stuffed the clothes into his bag. He brought his sewing equipment with him so he could do that much.

The only thing left was the Anima itself. Milton stared at it for a while before closing the locker. He did not need such a thing. After all, he had his lady. With her around, Milton felt he could do anything in the world.

There was much time to reflect after he sat himself down in the back of the vehicle. "All of the things happened today, right, my lady?" Despite everything that happened, Milton held no strong feelings. Sure, it was a surprise to be invited to a security team, sure it was a surprise that they were sent to kill someone, sure it was a surprise that he would have worked with strangers, but that was fine. After all, it was good to take a walk outside the house.

Milton Bertel

"Naah, my lady, I think that's enough. We'll run late if you keep doing this." A black-haired youth said. He stood before a tall mirror, looking at his reflection before him. Though he wasn't alone. Two small arms patted down his clothes. "Non! You must look perfect! This meeting is of utmost importance, and I will not have you look like a bumpkin, Milton." Despite being a doll, it 'spoke' to the boy named Milton in a voice that sounded like a lower pitch than his own.

After the doll finished, Milton sighed. "But it's been two hours, my lady…." Since he had woken up, Milton had completed all the preparations before the departure, but the doll in his hand insisted on tidying up his already tidied-up outfit. "Two, three, five, time doesn't equate to progress if nothing is done! Especially with that wrinkle!" Before Milton could respond, he jumped at the sound of a clock ringing behind him. Turning his head around, the hands of the clock were at their assigned time. "Well, it looks like it's time to go, my lady! Time to go!" The doll didn't respond as the boy went and picked up his belongings. Opening the door outside his home, Milton shot one last look of longing before turning back around and leaving.

It was odd that he had received a sudden invitation to join a security unit in the 2nd pillar. Milton didn't know what that entailed but it seemed like a tough job for someone like him. What exactly were the qualifications? He remembered his lady mentioning security dealt with the 'bad people on the streets. Milton only knew how to sew and make tea to an extent, so he was slightly curious about their decision-making. Regardless, it would be rude not to show up after being invited.

Arriving at the train station, he used the special ticket. The number of uses went down to 0, and then he was allowed access inside the train.

The building soon became a blur. Milton looked back down at his lady. "What do you think we're gonna do once we get there?" He asked the doll. The doll shifted, looked up at Milton, and placed her hands on her waist. "What do you think? I'd imagine we'd have at least a basic introduction on why, who, and what we were summoned there for." That made sense. His lady's intuition was only wrong when the Earth was flat, so he trusted her.

After a wait, the train stopped. The few people on the train filtered out, and Milton followed suit. "Wow, so that's the tower?" Milton said as he spotted the tall structure from a distance. It was incredibly tall. Although redundant, Milton couldn't stop but try to process how tall it was. "Stop looking like a dumbfound idiot and enter in! You're making a scene!" His lady slapped him with her small hands. "Sorry, my lady, I'll get going," Milton said as he hurried inside.

The tower inside was as wide as it was tall. It took a minute before Milton moved up to the receptionist. "Hi! I'm here for the errr…." Milton forgot, what was it called again? "IXth SU's δ division." His lady suddenly spoke. A smile grew on Milton's face. "Yeah, that one! You always remember everything perfectly, my lady!" In contrast to Milton's excitement, the receptionist was weirded out by the interaction. However, they did receive directions on where to go next after Milton was verified.

Going up the elevator and heading towards the HQ, he entered inside. He introduced himself. "Milton Bertel. This room is for the δ division, right?" Milton's heterochromia eyes darted around the area. There were a few people other than him. The blue man that he saw before and another lady seemed slightly shocked. There were others as well, which meant that Milton wasn't the first to arrive, but he did arrive on time.
Milton Bertel




Anima (If applicable)


-An anima that takes the form of a Victorian doll. Debutante’s main ability is to enhance the wielder’s physical attributes by taking control of their body. With its strings that sprout from its porcelain body, Debutante can make the wielder more agile or temporarily stronger. It’s major ability is its ability to make the wielder unworldly physical feats.

Milton has a childish and playful demeanor. Reminiscent of a kitten, he’s often distracted by small things and is a little slow on the uptake. He also has an incredible imagination.

Chaotic Neutral


There isn’t exactly much to Milton. The first memory that he could recall was walking around the streets somewhere. He had no recollection of comfort from his mother, nor if he had any siblings. All that he knew was that he walked around everywhere and the scenery kept changing by. The concept of pillars or councils didn’t exactly matter to Milton since he was, after all, a cat.

That was until it did matter when he was caught after being baited into a cage by food. Everything was black after his capturers draped his cage with a black cloth. When he finally saw the light of day again, he saw a little girl before him.

In that first little meeting, they were friends. They would do so many things together. Playing dress up, house, dodging pillows, getting yelled at, and trying to learn how to make tea. He couldn’t quite grasp how to make it since all he had were paws. Every day brought him joy. Him and his growing lady. She grew to be the beautiful lady in his eyes and he somehow managed to transform into a human himself at times. Learning, chatting, getting yelled at, and having fun.

He still didn’t know how to make tea even with hands. It was blissful until his lady started to become more faded. Like a wilting plant, she became weaker and frailer. He tried to take care of her but nothing seemed to stop her age.

That was until a man came. Milton was ushered out when they spoke and when he came back in, they were gone. He was alone once more. Again, introduced to the darkness that was loneliness, Milton spent his time at his lady’s house. Cleaning the rooms, making breakfast, sewing dresses. Milton was intent on wasting in the now ownerless house until the man came back with her.

She was smaller and younger just like the day they met. The man introduced her as ‘Debutante,’ but Milton didn’t care. All that mattered to him was that they were together again.

Until mutual destruction do they part.
Additional information

Milton has the ability to change back to his cat to human form at will. A fact that he oftenly frequently forgets despite being originally a cat.

Milton's has above human level strength despite looking slim. He also has the senses as a cat in his human form.


"And I told you not to touch the apricots!" William shouted at the small blue Pokemon. Taeru merely did a slight tilt of its head as if feigning innocence. This act of silliness only infuriated William more, but before continuing his tirade, he noticed an item on the counter that wasn't there before. Dropping his one-sided argument with his partner Pokemon, he picked up the item, a letter, from the countertop and checked it. A frown formed on William's face as he saw the letter's contents.

No words left his mouth as he folded the paper and placed it back into the letter. There wasn't much he needed to know once he saw who wrote the letter. Walking into the smithy, he saw his uncle raise an eyebrow as he threw the letter in the forge's flames. The sounds of iron beating into iron stopped. William didn't take notice of his uncle's gaze until he spoke.

"Heading off to somewhere?"

William stopped, "Duty calls," With that, William continued walking. His uncle understood what he meant by that; after all, members of the Gold Clan what it meant to be called by the Shogun, even one that has left. His uncle nodded, "Take care then, don't make any trouble." William only nodded before leaving the smithy. He grabbed his bag and picked up Sanzoku's order. William had a feeling that he would be able to deliver it Sanzoku along the way. The object was strange and crude in his sincere opinion, which seemed to fit Sanzoku's ogre character. He'd provide it first before heading towards the southern gate.

Taeru didn't seem to share his mood as the little menace grabbed his attention by tugging onto his pants. "Return, Taeru, now isn't time," William said as he clicked the button. With the Patient Pokemon gone, William was alone in his thoughts. What caused the Shogun to call on him after all these years? Even after his exile period had long since passed, his family didn't bother to recall him back, so it wasn't that.

The only thing that came into mind would be the disaster earlier in the morning. The mere thought made William wretch inside. Though it seemed like that would be the only reason since William didn't hold any meaningful connection to the Shogun other than his affiliation with the Gold Clan. He should focus on the task at hand: Delivering Sanzoku's order and following the Shogun's instructions. That's all that matters as of right now. With that being said, he headed towards the Grand Gate. He'd bound to meet Sanzoku there, considering they were both accomplices in the
xd. I think I'm too busy. Sorry.

"Hey, I'm back," William yelled at the top of his lungs. There was a rumbling from the back of the shop as a man, who had ducked underneath the doorway, emerged from the forgery. Standing as tall as Sanzoku, maybe even taller, and just as muscular, Rickard Nelson was his name. Brother to his father and uncle to that Extention, served as William's ward during his stay in Saffron Village. He left the Gold Clan a little after William had been born, so William didn't get to know his uncle. After spending the last few years with him, William had concluded.

"You look like shit. Did you fall into Rapidash manure?"

His uncle was a vulgar brute—the epitome of uncivilized and dirt. William didn't know how his uncle lived in this dump of a home before he had arrived. There were beer bottles littered everywhere, and junk was spread throughout the house. It took William an entire month to make the place even salvageable.

"Shut it, I almost died today, so I'd appreciate it if you left me alone." William retorted back before taking off his bloodied boots. Rickard eyed the bloodied boots and decided not to press on the subject. Instead, he decided to bring up another subject. "Where were you this morning? I thought I told you to man the shop."

"I went out to get breakfast; why does it matter to you, you-" Before William could insult his uncle, he flinched as his uncle hit him on the head. William hissed but didn't say anything else. He was going a little too far with his uncle, who was only showing his version of 'concern.'

"...After I got breakfast, I met up with some of our clients and made sure that their orders were coming. There was an accident at one of the gates, so that's why I got here a little late." William finally said before shooting a look at his uncle. Rickard only looked back before turning around. "Take it easy today; you can close the shop early even; we have enough funds to last for a while." With that, his uncle disappeared back into his forge.

William sighed and decided to head back into his room and change. Wynaut popped out of his faulty Pokeball and followed him inside. The sun was still rising, and today was going to be longer than usual.

"What!?" William exclaimed.

The PokeBall he threw was smacked out of the air by the young girl. She went on to preach something about Yvetal; William's mind supplemented that it was some Kalosian Death God thanks to his tutor, which was ironic considering what would happen next. The Persian was still rocketing towards him. Taeru stood in front of him in a vain effort to protect him, but William hugged the small blue Pokemon to take the brunt of the damage. He closed his eyes.

The moment never came, and William slowly opened his eyes. A huge shadow enveloped both him and Taeru as he looked up. The figure had a muscular back, red as colorful as fire, and-

Oh, it was just the ogre. Sanzoku had appeared and intercepted the Persian's attack before quipping about he too didn't belong here as well. He could hear a big bang and a clean slice in the air as both Sanzoku and Hanabi dealt with the feline beast. The head of the slain Persian rolled down to where William could see it but its side. The stench of blood and dismembered head of the Persian made William nauseous, but he's seen worse. Watching Oichi would always be a traumatic experience that William could never forget.

"Return, Taeru, don't come out of your ball until I say so..." William quietly said as he returned Wynaut back into his ball. Taeru was still a little young to see things like this, and William wanted to keep his friend innocent for a little longer. He stood there in a daze as he listened to the conversation flow without him. He almost died today because of a child's ignorance and naivety. If it weren't for the fact that he had a close meeting with death, he would have screamed at the kid for her stupidity.

Himaru broke him out of his stupor. "Thanks for the concern, Himaru; I'm alright," He reassured the spiritualist. William didn't plan to tell her that he was planning on killing the Persian if it had been caught, but it would have been out of his hands anyways. The town guard would have decided whether or not what to do with it, and Himaru could have maybe convinced not to. Either way, it was a shame that the Persian was killed.

His eyes slowly looked over towards, Sanzoku. The woman saved his life, and he was grateful for it. With a sigh, he slowly got up from where he was sitting and walked over towards her. "Thank you, Sanzoku, you saved my life, I am in your debt" William said with an actual polite tone. He was more than capable of doing that, but he often let anger and grumpiness do the talking for him. "If there's anything you need, ask me, okay?" After saying everything he wanted to say, William was about to leave and retire back to the shop, but before that, he looked over to Shaakira.

"And you, I don't want to see your face around here anymore," William said. His look gave the impression that he was looking at Shaakira as less than human. If more appropriate, he thought of her as nothing more than a disgusting weedle, poisonous and harmful, and grows up to be twice as uglier when evolved. This child was responsible for his near-death experience, which William would never forgive nor forget. With that, he continued his trek back to his uncle's shop. He needed to rinse the blood out of his boots.

After his contribution to the fight, more people joined in the fight. Himaru seemed to follow him out of the Inn, probably hearing the announcement, and performed some sort of shamanism shit along with her partner Pokemon. What happened next surprised him. Concentrated pellets of ice began to rain down from the sky. "It's snowing?" William incorrectly stated. The hail pelted him with ice, but he wasn't too bothered by it. Looking over towards his right, he found the source of all of the hail—a foreigner who wore a cloak in the middle of Kanto. Wearing a cloak in a hot climate in the South of Kanto was beyond William's understanding.

Aside from that, he noticed a young girl amidst the crowd of fighters that had gathered to combat the beast. "Hey, Kid!" William called out to Shaakira. "Get out of here! This isn't a place for a kid to be wandering in!" He saw Rintaro come in. Rintaro seemed content to stay in the far back and provide backup if needed, so William glanced back at the beast. The feline beast seemed to be cornered by each combatant that joined the field. However, that's what it made all the more dangerous. A cornered beast became stronger the more fearful and weak it was. Yes, a cornered beast...

A sword stained with blood dripped onto the wooden floor. As the servants scrambled around like headless chickens to tend to his mother, William stood there watching. Their fearful looks were ingrained into his mind.

"Lady Dokuyu!"

"What have you done, Lord William!"

It was a reasonable response for them. A son attacking his own mother with a blade. Anyone would feel that way, but yet why. Why mother? Why did would you look at me like that?

"William... I'm so proud of you,"

William shuddered at that memory. That smile from her was what solidified that cursed moment. How it turned from a smile to a grin as if she was proud of him for doing something he should never have done in the first place. William snapped himself out of his remembrance. Now wasn't the time to be all nostalgic. He had a beast to catch. Narrowing his eyes at the beast, he took out a Pokeball. He had about three of them inside his pouch. Clicking the button to set into 'capture mode,' he began to aim at the beast.

Unfortunately, for William, it seemed like the Persian had snapped out of its confusion. Taking many hits and hitting itself seemed to break itself out of it. Persian glared at its prey. It couldn't run because of the accursed black bird, more humans were coming in with their Pokemon, and suddenly some strange cold object was raining down from the sky. His eyes darted to them until they landed onto William and became dilated. That device that human held in its hand. Persian let out a cry and dashed through the opposition even if it exposed itself to more damage. It could not run, so it had to fight. It had to kill that being before it threw its device.


"Oh shit," William said to himself. Tossing the ball up in the air for a moment, he threw the ball towards the Persian, who was dashing at him at high speed. William prayed that the ball would land on its target before the Persian could reach him.
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