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William raised an eye at Rintaro's placation but didn't comment further. While he would have disagreed with Rintaro spilling out his business to Sanzoku, it was his customer's business after all. That aside, Sanzoku seemed incredibly proficient in pissing him off with that side-eye look. He rolled his eyes. While William figured that wasn't the intent behind the gesture, he was the type to get mad about anything. Taking a bite out of his red bean bun again, he swallowed the sweet down his throat and took a look down at Taeru.

The Wynaut seemed to have already finished his five buns by the time William took two bites out of his. Taeru's stomach was an enigma to William. No matter how many times William watched the blue Pokemon eat, it would always inhale its food without chewing anything. It's not like Taeru was incapable of chewing; it just preferred to down its food in one sitting.

Looking back at his two customers, it seemed like they were starting to get chummy with each other. Swallowing the last of his red bean bun, he got up from his seating. "Seeing that my business here is done, I'll leave now," William statedly flatly. Taking out his wallet, he left the amount total and a good tip behind on the table and started to head out. While he didn't like Ikoma's cooking, she did provide a service for him, so he was obligated to pay a few extra more. That and Taeru seemed to like her red bean buns a lot. "Taeru, we're leaving," He flatly said as he started to move. The Wynaut got up and waved goodbye at Marrow before following William.

His eyes wandered off to the side to see the tail end of a haunter flying back to its owner and a furret scurrying away. Following the Haunter with his eyes, his eyes landed on Tamaki. "Ah, good morning, Tamaki," With the greetings done, he turned to look back forward and leave. It was sad to say that Tamaki might be one of few cordial relationships he had in this town. He often visited her shop to tell his fortune or buy a few good luck charms. Other than that, they were just buyer and seller, just like Rintaro and Sanzoku.

Exiting outside the Inn, William sighed, "Now, I guess I have to get back before the old man starts-" Before he could finish his sentence, someone screamed out.

"Everyone evacuate from the south gate! There's an alpha Pokemon on the loose!"

Alpha Pokemon? William watched as people started to run away from the source of the danger. God fucking damnit, this was going to do poorly for business. He doubted people would come to his uncle's shop with an accident like this. That being said, this could also be a positive thing. He had been working on a PokeBall, and he heard that Alpha Pokemon were strong. Was his PokeBall strong enough to catch the likes of an Alpha Pokemon? "Let's go, Taeru," William said to his partner Pokemon.

It wasn't too far from the Inn, but William had already understood the situation. The town guard were combating that beast along with an old man and his Murkrow. They were soon joined by Hanabi, but he didn't think the odds were going to be in their favor. His eye zoned in on the injured guard and immediately went to tend to the wounded guard. Turning the man slightly over, he grimaced to see the man's bloody innards and dropped the body. "Shit..." William said to himself. Capturing the beast was now a priority. It was too dangerous to be left alone, and William didn't know if the town guard, Hanabi, and the old man could kill that beast.

"Taeru, stay back," William said to his friend. There was no way Wynaut could take a hit from the Persian in front of him. That said, he still needed to help deal with that thing. Unfortunately, he had left his bag behind at his house, but he still had something he could use. It was time for a Pay Day. Taking out his wallet, he loaded the space between his fingers with coins. With careful aim, he raised his arm. "Take this!" William yelled out as he threw the coins.

The coins were soaring through the air. Aside from being less deadly than arrows, they still flew through the air, coming down like a golden rain at the feline beast. The Persian was pelted by the barrage of gold coins. An annoyed glare was tossed at William, but the Persian couldn't ignore the four combatants that were near by it.

William rolled his eyes at Sanzoku's friendly welcome. He would never understand how a brute like her could maintain a smile with her background and face. She's probably seen dead bodies as often as people considering the small scars he could see on her, not mentioning that she has an eye patch. "That's good," He finally said after a pause.

The furret came with William's order of red bean buns, though it seemed less than pleased when serving him rather than others, and quickly ran back to fetch more orders. He took one of them and set the rest on the ground for Taeru to eat as he took a bite out of the bun. "Bland as ever," William mumbled as he continued to chew on the bun. It was beyond him how Ikoma was still in business with her cooking skills. Taeru, who didn't seem too perturbed by Marrow's growling, seemed happy that the houndour's gestures until he noticed the buns set right next to him. Immediately, Taeru inhaled them, grabbing them one by one with his ears.

Though, it seemed his peaceful breakfast couldn't go uneventful as another person decided to join in the conversation. A slight scowl formed on William's face, and he shot a 'the hell do you want' at Rokuto. His expression softened as he slowly realized the man in question was, in fact, a customer of his. "Rintaro?" William said as he went into deep thought. The name seemed unfamiliar to him, though he did remember many people ordering climbing gear not too long ago. He took out a book and flipped through a few pages.

"Ah, Rintaro," William said, nodding after confirming the purchaser. "I'm in charge of crafting it, but it'll be a little delayed since I have to man the shop by myself. I apologize in advance for that." The main problem was him and his uncle. William was still learning how to improve the Pokeball after learning how to create it, so he spent less time working on the commissions. His uncle was a problem because he always made him go on meaningless errands. "It should be done sometime afternoon," William said after estimating the time when the commission would be finished.

His facial expression quickly into a scowl as he turned to Sanzoku.

"And, I'd appreciate it if you didn't but into my customer's business, Sanzoku." William was practically seething now. The business between him and his customer, Sanzoku, had no place or said in it. The connection between buyer and seller was a private relationship, which William, as a merchant, highly valued. "Whatever he wants, does, or buys is up to him. Now mind your own business, okay?"

@Scribe Of Thoth@DracoLunaris

William's eyes flitted around the town as he scanned for any open restaurants during this time of day. Despite staying in the village for several years, William didn't like any of the restaurants in Saffron Village. It was partly attributed to his noble upbringing and being a little picky in his food. The taste tasted bland to William, and he would always complain to the chef as if there was something wrong with the food. That's why he preferred to cook his food. The only time he would shop at a restaurant was to get a treat Taeru wanted to have.

"Taeru, what did I tell you before? Walk-in a straight line," William said grumpily as he glared at Taeru. Taeru, who was wobbling and spinning around for fun, saluted at William, "Wy!" before continuing his wobblings. A sigh escaped from the merchant's lips and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't have any energy to spare to scold the jovial Pokemon.

Finally, William's eyes caught at Ikoma's Inn. One of his uncle's clients booked a room there, if he remembered correctly. They went under the name 'Sanzoku?' One of their clients suggested their shop to her, or was it the other way around? Either way, her commission was about to be done later in the morning, so William figured he could drop by at the Inn to inform her while he was out. It'd be two birds, one stone, getting food, and talking to his uncle's client.

Entering inside the Inn, he went over towards the dining area to get breakfast over with. That's when he finally remembered what Sanzoku looked like just by staring at her back. When he first saw Sanzoku for the first time, he had never felt so small in his life. She was way bigger and had a massive frame. It was also the first time that William had to look up at his client to maintain eye contact. Regardless of Sanzoku's intimidating presence, William still called her an ogre when he met her.

"Taeru, over here," William gestured with his head before heading over to Sanzoku's table. Taking a seat right next to Sanzoku, he looked around. "Oi, Ikoma! Get me something sweet," He yelled out to the lady. While some might be taken aback by his loud behavior, others who would know him got use to it. While it was slightly to deal with someone like William, he ultimately didn't cause any trouble as he as he wasn't provoked. He turned to Sanzoku, "Hey, your commission is about to be done later in the morning. Be sure to pick it up on time."

"If there is any problem with the item, be sure to come back and inform my uncle about any problems you may have." With that out of the way, William turned to look at the servers. He didn't feel obligated to continue any conversation with Sanzoku, nor did he want to.

Taeru walked up to find Marrow eating at his treat. Despite the type disadvantage, Taeru didn’t seem to be too bothered and waved at the dark type with his ‘ears.’


William furrowed his eyebrows and turned in his bed at the grueling sound of the flying type outside his uncle's house. The desire to sleep in easily overcame his desire to wake up, so he tried to ignore the screeching sounds. It didn't necessarily help that something was bumping against his ribcage every time he turned in his sleep. He could already guess what it was, given the roundness and size of the object headbutting onto his body. It was about the fifth time he turned that he decided to deal with the problem. Opening up one of his eyes, he saw the blue perpetrator.

"Wy, naut naut naut naut, Wy, naut naut naut naut."

Taeru was outside of his Pokeball and decided sleeping right next to him was ideal. Granted, William didn't know whether the Pokeball was a good place for Pokemon to rest in. It was a recent invention meant to carry Pokemon around. Whether or not the Pokemon within the Pokeball was truly comfortable resting inside was unknown to him. Was it cold inside the Pokeball? Was it hot? Did outside factors affect the internal mechanisms of the Pokeball? Many questions were unanswered, but sleep was more important to William at the moment. Regardless, that didn't ease the annoyance William felt at the given moment. Slightly getting up from his bed, William grabbed Taeru's head.

"Get off," He said in a tired tone as he shoved Taeru off the bed. The Bright Pokemon rolled off the bed and bounced on the floor, and let out a "Wynaut" every time he bounced. Despite the forceful eviction from William's bed, the Pokemon still seemed to be sound asleep. Seeing that all threats to his slumber were now all gone, William tucked himself back to sleep. Slowly the sweet embrace of rest dragged him back in. He was going to rest for a few minutes before-


Right... William almost forgot that sleeping was forbidden at this time of day. He stared blankly at the wooden ceiling of his room before throwing off his blankets and getting up from his bed. "SHUT IT, OLD MAN! I DON'T NEED TO HEAR YOUR VOICE EVERY MORNING!" William yelled back. Getting up from his bed, he quickly dressed up and looked over to the still sleeping Wynaut. How the small Wynaut could still be sleeping despite all the noise was beyond him. William wasn't going to be who had to be suffering in the morning. "Get up," William growled as he nudged Wynaut with his foot before leaving his room.

Wynaut slowly got up and rubbed its 'eyes' with its ears before noticing William leaving the room. It slowly followed William, yawning along the way.

Coming out of his room, William surveyed the area. His uncle must have been in the back forging some items, given that he couldn't see the old man anywhere. With a frustrated sigh, he went out to exit the shop. "Let's go get something to eat, Taeru. I'll open the shop later," William said as he opened the door. He wasn't going to start the day on an empty stomach after all. There wasn't much food left in the storage and William didn't feel like cooking today.

Taeru saluted as they left the store.

Maybe interested.
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