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The Knight's fist connected into the smoke. As if mirroring the same instance from before, her fists connected but failed to inflict injury beyond the barrier. The barrier was a success, though further refinement was needed in the future. Practice makes perfect as his mother would say. It could make a difference in a life or death scenario if he could finish innovative ways to apply Personal Barrier.

"Understood, Professor Alto." Utilizing Primal Essence was strictly forbidden. Chunji could only imagine what the consequences were if he were to use his Primal Essence for a spell. While he didn't know his Primal Essence, they were at least connected to his eyes. It could mean that if he were to make such a risky gamble, he may have to sacrifice his eyes along with his ethos in return. That was a prospect that Chunji didn't want to entertain.

Chunji listened into to the slight conversation between Rio and Otis. It was a sight to see when Chloe suddenly hit Rio out of nowhere. Perhaps it was related to her research? This thought process may prove to be unfounded, but Chunji let it off. There was room for possibility after all, even if it sounded absurd. Other than that, Chunji thought back to when he fought Rio at the bridge of the academy. Did he envision them dancing together during that fight? A future conversation to be had in the future.

Speaking of conversation. Chunji drew his attention back at Iraleth as he caught another of her fist with Personal Barrier. With the amount of force she was putting behind it, Chunji almost thought it was personal. Throwing another punch in return, Chunji decided to strike up a conversation. "The local festival you spoke about, the one you mention in your introduction, what is it? I'm unfamiliar with the culture of the Vaalin Union, so I was curious on what you were talking about." A mixture of both small talk and curiosity. With what little remaining time they left, it would be good to know understand his classmates better.
Should I post again?
For a brief moment all Shun saw was red. Her brain buzzed in happiness and her attack connected true into her target. Hard bone and soft meat were met with an unstoppable hurricane that tore all in its path. Her mania clouded her senses to the point she didn't realize she was giggline. She soon turned into laughter and then straight into hysterics. Yes, this is she what she wanted. To bath in the glory of her enemies. This must be true freedom. Freedom to do whatever you want in spite of consequence.

"More, more!" As if to answer her pleads, voyeurs seemed to come to spectate the scene. A grin grew on her face as she looked over to them. "How did you like it?" Shun uselessly said to the beasts. As denizens of this strange world, it must've looked like she was nothing more than barking them. In a sense, talking to them wasn't for the beasts, they were for herself. "A sudden departure! A sudden twist! Something that'll make a footnote in your mundane lives!" However there was one concept that was universal for all.


With a cackle that seemed to shake the trees, Shun dug into the entrails of the mammoth. Her teeths met into the chewy flesh and immediately went down her throat. For a car to move, it only needed fuel. While the taste left much to be desired, just like oil, all she needed was something in her stomache. Even if it wasn't efficient, all it needed to be was enough. With the mammoths flesh stuck between her teeth, she stood from her bloody playground.

"Let's us be merry and have fun!" She screamed outloud. Drunk off of her previous victory, Shun charged back in. No strategy was involved, only fighting to till the end. Shun launched herself into hulkphant. Whatever remained or was restored from her meal wouldn't be left unexpended. Shun was intent of wiping all them out along with herself.
"Understood," Giving a nod in recognition, Chunji dug into his pouch. He withdrew a bandage and began wrapping around his hand. Once he had a good grip, he looked back at Iraleth. "I'm going Miss Kyrios." Shifting his stance, a blur shot out from his. His fist felt a firm resistance when he threw it against Iraleth's barrier. Simple, effective, and necessary in the midst of combat. Was there a way to make an attack that would bypass Personal Barrier?

With Iraleth's face undamaged from Chunji's jab, it was now Chunji's turn to apply Personal Barrier. Taking a few steps back, Chunji exhaled. The occult required superstition and belief. In a way it worked similar to the Divine. The way it differed was the process. In Chunji's breath in place of air was a dark smoke. Clouds of smoke that obscure the eye and prevent blows from being received.

It would distort and twist attacks away from Chunji by diverting the hit. "I am ready, Miss Kyrios. If you would." Personal Barrier was simple enough to cast. Now it was time to test if it was effective.
I'll be double posting for Iraleth soon, if that's alright.
Chunji jotted down notes into a spare notebook and followed along Alto's words. A broader understanding had been obtained and would be put into practice when there was time. PB, or Personal Barrier, sounded easier to master now that it wasn't exclusively emotional magic. While it was an integral part, Chunji could empathsize with the idea of "I do not like getting hurt," and use that for his essence.

Although Alto's words concerning using prime essence for any type of spell seemed concerning. Chunji doubted there would be a need to utilize that method, espescially since his prime essence was unknown, but who knew. "In the case of using Prime Essence, would Personal Barrier become stronger?" It may seem obvious like the reasoning why an apple would fall from the tree, but Chunji wondered how strong would using Prime Essence to fuel a spell would be.

Other than that, it was time for application. Rio and Chloe seemed to be sticking together and Davil was homing onto Otis. That left Chunji the three possible choices of Hildegrunde, Ciara, and Iraleth. It was obvious who the choice was. "Would you like to partner with me?" Chunji said upfront to Iraleth.

Chunji wanted to minimize interaction with Hildegrunde out of respect and he had a bad opinion of Ciara thanks to their terrible first impression. Naturally, it left Iraleth as the best possible option out of the trio.
"Hmmm... This taste disgusting." Shun mumbled to herself as she ate an insect. The wanderlust curiosity had soon faded as she finished it up. It took her a few minutes to down one of the critters and she wasn't going to do it again. The last thing she wanted to have a meal in this world was a bug. There were several suspicious looking mushrooms that looked somewhat edible. She picked a few but did not eat them. They would make do for dish along with the other plants she'd found.

Even if the events of foraging seemed to be mudane, it felt liberating for Shun. Without any worry about her future and only focusing what was in front of her was the ideal life she'd imagine.

That was until she stepped three foot lower than what she should have. Animal tracks and ones that Shun were familiar with. The same animals- No monsters that crushed Yuudai when he was still in the bus. What was once desire for adventure soon became a thirst for vengeance. She needed to kill it. For Yuudai, for herself.

That monster would become her prey.

Shun thought to herself and formed a simple strategy. If she crippled one of its legs, then she'd have an easier time killing it. No matter how thick the hide, a blunt attack will strike true to the bone. "Ah..." As she knelt down to conceal herself, a sharp pain stabbed into her leg. She had forgotten but Shun knew instictively what it was.

Ayana/Oro's rock.

This rock was a good charm or whatever. Perhaps it would give her some luck in return? "Please give me strength..." Shun muttered. She clutched the rock before putting away back into her pocket.

All or night.

The engine in her soul breathed out life. Her body accelerating, the promised thrill was envisioned. In one moment, Shun was within the bushes.

Until she wasn't.

A Shun sized projectile shot forward towards the hulk-phant. The metaphorical meteor that would wipe out the monster out from existence. Sun was giving it all she had.
So that's what their names were. Chunji took mental note of those who fought with him at the auditorium. Otis, Ciara, Iraleth, and Hildegrunde. Along with their mannerism based on their brief introductions, this group was an odd group. Nonethenless they were going to see each other for a year. Forming connections would make future interactions more fluid and concise, which would be helpful in situation where a fight may be incurred. That was a smaller priority however. Chunji wanted to focus on his studies before all else.

When the word 'empathy' was said, Chunji immediately reminded of the librarian. Empathy seemed to be a recurring theme, he'd need to find a way to better understand that word. Chunji's eyes followed Alto's movements. The moment Alto drew out his sword, Davil suddenly came out of his seat in a sprint. Only for the sword to bounce off of Alto's head. Out of courtesy, Chunji focused on the demonstration rather than the circus- his peer that was returning to his seat.

Now it was time for questions. Personal Barrier, or PB, seemed troublesome to learn. Chunji would need to make a few adjustments to suit Personal Barrier for his own needs, but it'd be best if he experimented with the original technique. "While I understand the fundamentals, I'm inexperienced in the application of it." Chunji informed the instructor. There were a few spells that he knew that performed the same function as Personal Barrier, so he'd have to borrow some of that experience and try to combine it with emotional essence.

The process of employing faculty seemed to be a difficult job for Principal Raja. Regardless on what Chunji thought about Alto, the man in front of him was Professor Alto. Chunji had to respect him as a Professor and Alto may have some capacity to teaching if Principal Raja was the one to employ him. Alto was considerably younger, when compared to Professor Lumyr, with the age gap being four year. Was there some sort of commonality?

Though they were not jumping straight to learning rather than an introductory course on what to expect from the class. Chunji presumed this was normal as he hadn't been to school before. Either way, what Alto said about Personal Barrier seemed to be a useful skill to learn. Personal Barrier would allow some room for error in the heat of battle. As Chunji had learn during orientation, skill and dexterity weren't enough to avoid injuries. Learning to block more efficient may prove useful.

Seeing Alto prompting his peers and himself, Chunji looked Alto dead in the eye. "Chunji Yi, 18, the average human body consists of 207 bones, I was once bitten by a snake and was bedridden for a month, my goal is to become a doctor." The former information was spoken in a dry tone, which may hint in indifference. While some part was true, Chunji saw that introduction were essential to camaderie. The problem was that Chunji didn't know what to say. His life wasn't particularly interesting and all he knew was anatomy. So Chunji did his best and relayed information that he thought was suitable.

Chunji wanted to ask a few questions but reserved them for later. Would there be more students in the classroom? There seemed to be a lot of vacant seats. Furthermore, how would one refine their ethos? Chunji was fairly curious on what Alto was referring to.

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