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Chunji pursued his lips when the security man left the clinic. It was more so of him smoking inside the clinic rather than the insinuation that Chunji would be like his fellow classmates. It was a possibility considering his class's track record that he would be become collateral damage, but Chunji was confident in his skills to at least mend his wounds.

"Yes, that would be greatly appreciated." Chunji nodded towards the receptionist. Not being able to visit Steeler was shame, as Chunji wanted to discuss about Rio, but it could be left at another time. The goal of his visit could still be partially be fulfilled. Chunji pressed his Adapa against the clinic's Adapa.

"I intend to visit here from time to time. If allowed may I observe the practices of the clinic in the foreseeble future?" Chunji would have fix his schedule at a later time. For today, he'd ask and leave. He needed to see Davil and afterwards head to Professor Lumyr's workshop. It was best to start learning now rather than later.

With that all said in done, he walked over towards Davil's room. With proper manners, he knocked on the door. "May I come in Davil?" Chunji asked behind the door. Chunji needed inquire the causes of Davil's injuries and what extent did he contributed onto his classmate.
Through all the conspiracies and schemes,

Chunji stands alone in his to become a graduate.
I forgot. Was the Duel mandatory to attend and did everyone receive a notification for it?
Rain Check?
The recent developments seem to have shaken everyone in the zone. It was also unsurprising that personal connections have influenced the state the academy once more. Chunji seemed indifferent to the entire instruction of a new faction. Another faction only meant more competition a facet of the academy that Chunji was unwilling to participate in.

"I will be going now." With the ceremony now accomplished, Chunji left his peers to their own devices. As of right now, today was free for the rest of them.

The chitter chatter of the compact's students made it clear where Chunji would head next. Ideally, he'd like to visit Professor Lumyr's lab, but he needed to head to the clinic first.

For one, he needed to check on Davil and Steeler's conditions.

Davil's was a personal responsibility. After all, Chunji had healed him within the leyline and he had returned in a worse conditions than before. Was it because he had decided to heal Davil? If so, then the blame lay entirely on Chunji regardless of the leyline accident. As for Steeler, he wanted to check on her to see if she had fared well in her separate incident.

Arriving at the clinic, he walked up to the nearest faculty that would take his inquiry. "Hello? My name is Yi Chunji, I'm here to visit my classmates Davil Wund and... Steeler's conditions. Are their conditions healthy enough to permit visitation?"

The other reason was that he wanted to see how the clinic operated. Back in the village, the technology there was rather rustic. Seeing a clinic in a more modernized setting would help in this endeavor. Perhaps he would inquire later if he could also help around the clinic. After all, Emelie was a librarian, maybe he could help out as an intern of sorts.

"Currently they're nine compacts, excluding ours, that each have eight students. Other than the compacts they're other groups, who I assume are taking the standard course, that have twenty to thirty students each. They're faculty, including Principal Raja, situated around the area of the Attunement Zone. Other than the Pillar, nothing else stands out."

Chunji answered Otis's question as he followed his classmate. The penchant for trouble seemed to have grown with every passing hour. With Otis's question bringing unwanted attention, it was about to hit everyone in the class as collateral damage. Though with their track record, Chunji reckoned his classmate would be undisturbed by such a thing.

Though the passing comment from Compact 4 made Chunji narrow his eyes. "Inconvenience." It was small mutter but loud enough for those nearby him to hear.


May I ask for an estimate on how many people are in each compact and how many compacts are there?
Chunji's personal feelings did not resonate with his peer's enthusasim in choosing sides. Perhaps he was too nihilistic or pessimistic about the entire event, but he couldn't understand their passion. From what he saw from his eyes, it was little more than spectacle that would turn into a ticking time bomb with the actors he'd seen throughout the school.

What he saw from the world...

It was indescribable.

The moment someone attuned with the golden pillar, it started many intricate processes. The identifying, authenthicating, assimilating, tethering, imprinting, and many more. It was only simple conjecture that Chunji had formulated, what was actually unknown to him. A present magnum opus of essence that-

The scent of iron interrupted Chunji's thought process. A burning sensation ruminated in his head that lead Chunji to impulsively wipe his nose. A brief touch gave him a quick answer.


Chunji immediately withdrew his Ethos and stopped usage. "Hmmm." A new limit had been discovered. A new limit to be tested. Another subject to be studied at a later time. His compact had been called and Ms. Ventaura had declared her afflilation. An unexpected designation, but something that wouldn't have bothered Chunji.

Finding himself next in line, Chunji walked up to take a spot at the pillar. His hand grazing his pillar itself. Chunji had reminded himself of what the pillar was.

An precipice of knowledge that build its base through blood, sweat, and tears from a suspicious source. He wouldn't stop it from connecting with him, but he could restrict what would it access.

Chunji tried his best to guide the pillar on where it could attune. It was an instinctual process, but one Chunji tried his hardest at. The pillar reached out and Chunji met it halfway. The pillar of the Primal didn't come, as expected, but the others did. One by one, he guided them to only assimilate at his hand. Perhaps it was pointless, but Chunji felt that he needed to try.

Isolating the place of contact to his right hand, Chunji called out his side.

"Sword of Wund."

The delivery in tone left much to be desired.

Got it, okay.

Chunji would like to observe the process of attunement. Would his Ethos perceive it?
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