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What are the general rules of teleportation?

Say to go from Point A to B, would the two places be intrinsically connected through say a leyline or something?

EDIT: Also, Chunji is going to use Dayin to track Rio's current location.
Yeah, I'm fairly interested. Are we allowed to play Psychics (Trainer).
"Hm. While I may not speak for everyone here, I believe it was only the natural course of action. There is no need to feel indebted, Ms. Steeler." It was normal to be concerned, but to be this oddly invested meant there had to be more than worry. Did Steeler have a phobia of death? While it was natural to fear for one or another's safety, to be driven to tears by a classmate known for less than half a week. It was an enigma to Chunji, but one that wouldn't bother treading on.

"If it's the duty of nobility or weight of consciousness, I will begin compiling a list. I'll inform you by the end of the week of what my potential demands are." With the delivery of a brick wall, Chunji replied in earnest to Steeler. However, he quickly went to her side as a flash of pain painted her expression. He helped her over to the bed and laid her comfortably in it. It seemed her symptoms were worsening past the minute.

"Understood. I, too, have questions that I desire to be answered." With a nod, Chunji began to leave the room. Just before he opened the door, he spoke up. "Regarding your illness... If you have any troubles with it, you may request my assistance. While I may not be a licensed doctor like the Overseer or Dr Kann, I'll try to provide aid in any capacity I am capable of." With that, he left the room. Steeler provided that same concern to Davil, so the natural action was to show the same to her.

With that obligation now fulfilled, rest was now required. Taking a seat inside the busied clinic, Chunji contemplated. Without his Ethos, there was no way to tell what was happening outside the clinic, and he wasn't in a condition to leave it either. If there was a possible interrogation for the Academy's staff, he would have to prepare a proper response as well. He could, however, fulfill one duty while waiting in recovery.

"Davil and Steeler are currently in the clinic being treated. Everyone else in our Compact is here as well. May I inquire about your location as of right now?"

Sent. Dayin disappeared as Chunji rested against the chair. Who knows where Rio was in all this? Chunji, as a classmate, did his job of informing him about the circumstances. He closed his eyes and tuned out the hectic noise of the clinic to recover from his ordeal.
At Dr Sylv's instructions, Chunji wordlessly held down Davil to the overseer's instruction. He could feel Davil struggling as Dr. Sylv proceeded with the operation. From the brief respite they were given, Chunji was unsure how much essence Iraleth, and he could provide, but it was a given that they would stake any amount of sacrifice for Davil's sake. However, what was more concerning was Dr. Sylv's calcifying hand. A brief look of surprise washed over Chunji. It was as if she had grown a claw of dragon in place of her arm. However, he recovered and focused back on Davil.

Dr. Sylv plunged her calcified arm into Davil's torso-

And then the world became undone. In its place was an unfamiliar scenery that held a serene beauty. The moon reflected off the lake's surface, leading to Chunji's eyes landing on two prospecting figures. A person he had never seen before and a Davil Chunji had never seen before. It was clear what they were spectating. A close, intimate memory that was held in the heart of his peer. Davil's purest feelings at its origin.

Then, like a crashing wave, everything changed. Images of Davil's life streamed through and rushed past. The multitude of sparring partners, the endless grit to train, and the insurmountable mountain that could not be scaled. Chunji almost felt sympathy until the blood-soaked moment appeared. "Ah, you weren't so different after all." Chunji thought to himself. He had underestimated the Davil, who could only win through murder. Before Chunji could ponder further, reality came back into shape.

Chunji nodded and began providing nama and rupa into Davil's body. Specific essences were selected as donating the Great Lotus Serpent's essence would have proved detrimental to Davil's body. Sweat grew on Chunji as he strained himself to do so. His body felt like it was burning as he provided essence. Then, once they were done, Chunji backed off and took composed breaths.

"...I will be fine," Chunji stated after he regained himself. "Rest would be enough to remedy the exhaustion. If I face complications, I'll make an appointment with the receptionist." Then, just like he had entered, Chunji turned to leave the room. There wasn't a need to inform others of his plans.

Standing in front of Room S-120, he knocked on the door. If the room was busy, he'd summon Dayin to compile a message to Steeler. Regardless, he'd inform Steeler about the events transpiring.

"Davil's stable. Dr. Sylv has said that he only needs a week's rest to fully recover, but he's alright."
Huh, now that you mention it, that sums it up well.
@Psyker Landshark

I think Raja is just moving to the other end of the room and letting Dr. Sylv perform her operation.

EDIT: We should be good now!
It seemed the complexity that ailed Steeler was worsening based on what was overheard. That was concerning, but it seemed that the information shouldn't have been privy to his ears. Pretending not to hear it would be best, if an event related to this happened, he would at least used this tidbit for understanding.

Though the one that took priority was Davil first and foremost. Based on the looks on both doctors, this was not ordinary case as Chunji expected. Dr Kann in particular seemed stressed at the thought of treating it, but the overseer, Dr Sylv, would take his place in stead. "Understood," Chunji bowed with his head. Before he followed the overseer out of the room, Chloe spoke up.

It was truly an oddity that Chloe showed concern over Davil's situation rather than her own. Didn't they only know each other for two days? However, such behavior was not unusual based on the training at Professor Alto's class. "I will inform you through the Adapa about Davil's condition. If the Overseer permits, I will inform you on the step by step process on it." With that he turned he followed after the Overseer.

When he came in after Dr Sylv, the situation was tense as he had expected. Principal Raja loomed over Davil to what he presumed was she an attempt to cast a spell on to him. It didn't work judging on his facial features. Though with the Overseer here, that expression would most likely not change, but he'll be better.

Thankfully, what Otis had tried didn't turn out badly. Chunji walked up and took his side of the bed. "I will provide assistance. Please proceed with the instructions." If helping the Overseer would improve Davil's condition, then staying still wasn't an option.
Chunji, for a moment, stared at the rat boy in front of him. There was an odd air to Chunji as he stopped moving, his pupils dilating. Though he finally spoke, "Thank you." With directions to where Dr. Kann was, Chunji was about to head there to inform him until he felt a dangerous presence behind him.

Headmaster Raja was right behind him and was directly staring holes into Iraleth.

If Iraleth's zealous wrath was a forest fire, then Headmaster Raja was the sun, waiting to explode and consume the world. Little imagination needed to be done on why she was angry. An Umbralist attack on the Iris Record under her watch? Chunji felt a sense of preservation to head into room S-120 before being caught in the Headmaster's rage.

Quickly heading into the room, Chunji peaked in before fully opening the door. "My apologies for the interruption. This is Chunji Yi," Chunji said as he entered the room. "Dr. Kann, we've uncovered the source of Davil's plight. The remnants of the umbralist's blades were left inside Davil, along with a strange liquid currently encroaching on Davil's heart. I would implore you to hurry before Otis gets an idea on how to solve it."

Considering his facial expression, he was unfamiliar with the other face in the room, but it was either Dr Kann's coworker or superior. However, what caught his eye was Steeler's presence in the room. "Hello, Ms. Steeler." It was odd that two doctors were in her room, but Chunji decided he didn't need to know it. It was best not to know about circumstances beyond his concern.
Now, Ciara has to be worried about getting choked out by two people.

So the special care room. Is Chunji able to peak inside to see if the Dr is in the middle of something?
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