Avatar of Atsushi akajima


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current if anyone wants to roleplay with me go ahead and pm me if ya want
1 like
5 mos ago
sunny pulled the trigger of the gun and he slept a beautiful sleep he can never wake up from
5 mos ago
it's been years since I watched/played any Pokemon related things
5 mos ago
omorionette is an au made by otomerson on ao3 based on the game omori
5 mos ago
omorionette new chapter...when???


all I have to say is don't ask for nsfw it will be an automatic no :P

Most Recent Posts

こんにちは、JustSlayan 初めまして (hello JustSlayan nice to meet you)
In tbhk 10 mos ago Forum: Free Roleplay
no one is taken - yashiro nene
In tbhk 10 mos ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Autumn was staring at the people at the sea thinking if she would ever at accepted by people.
"I wish my parents were still alive to see this...It's so nice out". she whispered to herself.
okay :D

Name: Autumn
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: She is a funny and nice person. her parents died when she was 5-6 years old which made her mean to people.
she is a very curious kid. People make fun of her for being parent less

looks: she has brown hair and green eyes she never shows herself to public

hobbies: She is a writer, a book reader, and also is a hunter.
Likes: reading, writing, game design, and drawing.
Dislikes: Going out in public, people, socializing.
Room Design: She has two shelves of books, a drawing table, a lamp, a bed, and a writing table.
can we do five nights at Freddy's @Coltshan
can i join
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