Avatar of Axel
  • Last Seen: 29 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Axel19
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Axel 11 yrs ago


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- Looks at robots - Now this is why we need more moderators
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That moment when you realize that yourself is smarter than you :(
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Will the one true Axel please stand up? No cause I'm busy sitting down.
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"Life is a cigarette that we all have to smoke."
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@KillBox Never >.> - Pours tea down the river -

Technically, Seven has no limit. If Seven wanted to absorb a 40 story building, then Seven would absorb a 40 story building. The problem with that is that the time it takes for Hade's marking to spread throughout objects vary in time depending on the object's height, width, and length. For example, Seven could break down a tv in a matter of seconds but breaking down something as big as a 40 story building would take an hour at the bare minimum and that's me putting it lightly. Also, Seven has to create something within a certain time period of absorbing the mass otherwise, it'd dissipate.

The frenzied Jaguar can stay in that form forever...or for extremely long periods of time.

@alxmn "Filled with surprises." What do you mean?

"Johnny's trusty shotgun. It's range may be somewhat short, but if you get hit by it you'll explode (Literally!). The mercenary himself has no idea how he named this gun."'Is he utilizing some kind of explosive rounds for this shotgun or?

And Lastly: "Wolverine has regenerated from basically a cellular level. We won't be allowing something that crazy so please clarify."

Nice theme song btw ^-^

@xChrome Not sure if you were a fan of Ben 10 when it aired but your char feels like the combination of both Greed and Kevin 11. He seems pretty neat but having a vibranium ball with your chars ability is a definite no no. Even though his metal mimicking fades after awhile, Fergus can constantly reapply the same vibranium metal coating on him if he carries it around like an accessory. And unlike Captain America, Fergus would become nearly invincible to almost all forms of damage if his skin becomes the same material as the Captain's shield which is considered by many to almost virtually indestructible.

I've Arrived!!!
Reila's face lit up like a kid waking up to presents on Christmas as the captain spoke. His way of speaking wasn't any different from normal, which she was greatly fond with, since normal wouldn't be a very good word to describe him. Captain Imsar was an intelligent man who pondered all that the world had to offer while being able to possess an immense amount of spiritual pressure at the same time. In short, he was a master of everything. Of course that was likely an exaggeration but the man had yet to falter in her eyes.

Captain Ismar began walking in the direction of the Squad headquarters before continuing on, triggering Reila to follow behind him closely. "It's going pretty good, all things considered...ok, I jest." A heartwarming smile appeared on her face as she gently placed her hands onto her zanpakuto. "I know things won't be peaches and cream at times but as I see it, everyday that I go without having to use "Boido no hebi" is a great day. Plus, getting the opportunity to hear you talk while being able to bask in the vibrant rays of the sun is an extraordinary event all in itself. As for that..." She stopped her line of speech before proceeding to continue. "...well even though I've been your lieutenant for quite some time, I still feel like there's things I'm still not used to yet which is both a good and bad feeling. Still, I feel that I will get used to them in time so that's not really a problem and will do Captain!!! Also, how did the meeting go?"


Reila pulled out a turquoise colored pocket-watch while waiting on the captain. The object itself wasn't special by any means but based on the tender facial expression she wore while tinking with it suggested otherwise. "I can't wait for the day when I make you run around like a beheaded snake." Reila's face darkened as each and every word left her lips. The old fashioned watch began to seemingly be crushed under the pressure of the lieutenant's hands, causing the watch to create a small but desperate scream for survival in the form of a cracking sound. This plea for Reila to halt was naturally ignored, since she was too fixated on picturing her target squealing in extremely violent ways to realize what she was actually doing.

"Oh!" He called, walking over towards to the young woman. Reila's face quickly returned to normal as her captain quickly approached. "Ryuga, funny seeing you here. Is everything alright back at the hq?" She stared blankly at him for a few seconds before nodding. "Wellllll everything is pretty much good except for some training problems. Right after you left, I began to train the rookies in combat but they don't seem to be catching onto it very well." Reila snuck her cracked pocket-watch back into her pockets as she continued. "Now I could've probably made them more familiar with our fighting techniques and workout regimen but I had paperwork, so I left it in some of the higher seated member's hands. I was going to go back the second I was done but I got word that some late entries were coming in and I figured that we could tackle it together!!! Besides, them having the opportunity to meet their captain on Day one would be quite the welcome." She noted while trying to hold in a smile.

Reila removed her hand from her father's face before entering the house. On the inside, the house was grandiose and far expansive than the already large exterior of it. It was so luxurious and vast on the inside in fact that one could mistake it for being a mansion of sorts. Most of the walls were made out of actual emerald and there was golden text on the ceiling of it, while the floor was composed of polished golden tiles with a crimson red javan tiger statue that was set in the center of it all. Though outsiders might see the text on the ceiling as simply being there for show, everyone raised in the Ryuga household knew of it's true purpose.

Reila made her way to one of the rooms without taking a moment to bask in the house's inner glory. It wasn't much of a surprise since she used to live there after all. Kicking open the door like an uncivilized brat, she walked into the room before quickly snagging something from out of it. "Just because I'm gone doesn't mean that you should be able to parade inside my room like an excited chimpanzee...but thanks for finding it father." Reila muttered lowly before disappearing from sight. She reappeared in front of the first division barracks shortly afterwards in hopes of greeting her captain on his way out from the meeting. Hopefully the man didn't shunpo away the second it ended for Reila's sake.
Lieutenant Reila Ryuga, 10th Division

Reila was in her room finishing up some paperwork while the Captain was busy at a meeting. The meeting was held by the glorious captain commander and it was exclusive to the leaders of each division of the Gotei 13. Though she couldn't participate due to not meeting the necessary requirements, she couldn't help but ponder as to what they were doing. Sure it was about business matters on the outside, but what about on the inside? They could probably be getting more hammered than the average drunk soul who decides to drink their life away for all Reila knew. Of course that was unlikely the case, since the Head Captain had a serious and diligent attitude whenever he was in her presence. Luckily for Reila, she was on her last set of papers which meant that she didn't have to keep thinking about random stuff like this just to pass the time.

Reila got up from her seat with haste upon finishing all of the paperwork. Being properly dressed prior to starting her work allowed the female lieutenant to kick open the door to her room without a second thought. She faded into obscurity right afterwards, only to reappear in front of a large house within one of the Rukongai Districts. A middle aged man casually leaned on the wall beside the door to the house as if he had been awaiting her arrival.

"Father." Reila replied while bowing before the man.
"You've been snooping around searching for him again, haven't you?"
"I know not of with what you speak father. But, if all you have for your beloved daughter is baseless accusations, then please excuse me." She said in an extremely polite manner as she made her way toward the house's entrance. Before she could enter however, her father grabbed hold of one of her arms. "Wait." Her eyes tilted in his direction. "Yes father?" The man's face was soaked in tears causing Reila to gently place her left hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry father for not being more considerate of your feelings but I cannot relinquish my position simply because my job is too dangerous. Besides, I won't even start to think about retiring until my blade has passed judgement on the one that brought its existence into fruition."
@Vongola_Hasayo I have a few but I'll pm you them in the morning.
@Zero Hex

So even after all this, you're still complaining? Well I guess stubbornness can't be helped at the end of the day but just be prepared to accept the end result. Now moving on to the meat of my response:

<Snipped quote by Phobos>

Okay so here's the funny thing then. A number of the abilities proposed there? They're exactly the same as what I had before, except slightly rewritten. They do away with the immunities to powers that take away all character agency, which is a different can of worms given my dislike over those things, but the ability to improve perception, amplifying his sensory abilities, focusing on positioning and whatnot? It was all there already. In fact, the ability to generate a field of perception is a straight upgrade over something I was told to get rid of, because it's going from having trained senses to a legitimate localized danger sense.

And I did explain my abilities. In detail, both thematic and in application, to the same extent as many a canon power considering they're oft-defined by user personality. I did it when I replied to the first message telling me to get rid of these things you're now telling me are fine, along with defining other things such as explaining that having grit and being used enough to fighting to adapt to battlefields and being quick to react does not make for completely ignoring all damage and effects, or how I was essentially spending superpower slots to further define how my character will fight with a sword. I'm starting to think no one actually bothered to read any of that, considering it was never really addressed beyond a fun fact video I put up.
I honestly don't see what's your complaint here. According to you,"They're exactly the same as what I had before, except slightly rewritten," in response to the proposed changes in your abilities. If that was truly the case then I doubt you'd be whinin over it cause any normal person would just probably interpret that as having them nerfed in some manner. But then again, I may be wrong, cause since it's you specifically, you're going to try to scavenge around for anything that looks helpful in order to argue a case that has been long since passed.

In response to the second paragraph, you didn't explain your skills in detail, so don't make me re pull up your cs again. Scratch that:

"1. A sound mind in a sound body: Toshiro’s body is tremendously resilient against poisons, curses and the like even when they’re created as a result of an ability as powerful as a zanpakuto’s released state, while his mind and senses are all but impervious to outside interference. Illusory attacks, perception-altering techniques, attempts at psychic invasion, none of these are really effective."

Wait I thought you said you explained it in detail? Oops, I'm sorry, you're right, you did explain it in detail. But was that amount of detailed information sufficient? No. Despite the good amount of text you put down for the skill, it might as well have said "Supermman can fly" if this same amount of detail was applied to a Superman char. If you didn't realize it already, I'm saying your skills have detail, but just not in the way you meant it. Like I said in response to your char's third skill "how is that possible?". If a skill like this one requires me or any other normal person to hunt down the creator in order to properly understand it, then it's not very detailed(Unless in the rare or uncommon case it was super complex which it's not).

"Does this game operate on bias? I'm getting the feeling that it does. Zobozun was ganged up on and called a troll for defending his character concept and when he understandably got upset he was the one punished, and then he was kicked from the game for being "disruptive". I explained my abilities in detail to try and work things out, then I'm told to suck it up and just change everything. Essentially identical, if not superior, abilities are then approved when posted by another player. Is this because I didn't accept the invitation to the skype group or because I had the temerity to correct someone on what a mary sue is?

I admit a couple of my powers might have crossed the line because I'm so zealous in trying to avoid powers that take away control of a character in a setting where there's no chance of failure or mechanics to constrain them in some way, but what about the rest? Tell me again I haven't been judged unfairly when apparently 3/5 of the things I had are just fine when proposed by someone else, yet I was told to get rid of it all and the only help I received after asking for it several times came from another player."

If you think it does, then it does apparently. I guess that would explain why everybody involved wasted time out of their day to gang up on you in the form of posts like these:

Wait hopefully some of this helps? Oh I get. They're ganging up on you in secret, sneaky bastards xD I mean it would make total sense for them to do so since you're implying that you're being ganged up on like Zobozun for defending your character concept just like him right? Stopping with the blatant sarcasm, you're simply looking for silly reasons to rationalize why your char won't get accepted...when you should be looking directly at the stuff in front of you(I feel like I said this twice).

<Snipped quote by Phobos>
I admit a couple of my powers might have crossed the line because I'm so zealous in trying to avoid powers that take away control of a character in a setting where there's no chance of failure or mechanics to constrain them in some way, but what about the rest? Tell me again I haven't been judged unfairly when apparently 3/5 of the things I had are just fine when proposed by someone else, yet I was told to get rid of it all and the only help I received after asking for it several times came from another player.
Oh wow!!! You just gave me the magic words to hammer the nail in the coffin!!! According to what you said in the highlighted quote, you admit that some of your powers are op(Or crossed the line if we're being technical). Despite that fact, in the very beginning of this nonsense, you had a rebuttal for each and every single skill I pointed out. What does that mean? That means you can be proven wrong...even to you. Not only that but by having a zealous mindset(You said it first, not me), you're at risk of being biased in favor of your cs regardless of the facts presented against it.

Honestly, I'm starting to get annoyed by your responses. Like every single time recently, it's always you complaining and it just so happens that it's about the same exact thing. Like why? Both me and Phobos who are two gms gave you the final say, yet you are still yapping on about it? Nearly everyone who has read it and voiced their opinion agreed that your char's op. I also went as far as having your skills looked at by two retired rpers(One who trained me(Or tried at least)) that wanted to vote in your favor solely to piss me off. You know what one of them said while looking at your Yaiba skill? They was like" It's not that bad," stopped talking suddenly just to make sure he read it before saying,"What dafuq?".

"and the only help I received after asking for it several times came from another player." And don't give me or anyone that sorry excuse for help cause it was a complaint in reality.

"How do you suggest balancing out a man whose thing is being a skilled actual swordsman with the low key powerset of "can sword real good despite being unable to powerblast", without being immediately rendered moot by the people summoning reiryoku-stealing, crushing bodies of water, creating poisonous clouds and a poison-on-touch armor, summoning and controlling magical shadows etc, all of them armed with a magical weapon as well, often with a higher level of proficiency in other skills to boot over my extremely overspecialized guy. Should I just scrap it and just have a samey powerset? Let go of an actual gimmick in favor of regular lieutenant levels of power?"

You think merely because you asked a question, it's asking for help? I'm not stupid, I know exactly what asking for help is and it's surely not that. Even if that was considered asking for help, I did you with my rebuttal which was basically me saying "broaden your horizons" in order to expand your sense of creativity. Was that not sufficient for your interpretation of the word help? Well maybe you should've been more direct with what you wanted help with. Besides, I said this at the end of my last response "Also, like I mentioned, you can always ask me or one of the gms for help and we can try to provide some innovative stuff for you char." so that's on you if you didn't get the help you needed.

Though I know there's no way in hell you'll see reason in this post, I hope for your sake you do. I'm out and goodnight Zero ^-^
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