Name: Socialist Augustine Republic
Demonym: Augustininian
Description: All hail the glorious founder Augustine, may his name live throughout the annals of time and so forth.
Government: Socialist Republic. El Presidente does in fact wear aviators and a slick black suit.
Head of State: El Presidente Commodus Augustine
National Anthem:
National Religion: The State has no religion, apart from worshipping their glorious founder Augustine of course.
Leader Traits:
A: Background- A/12. Generalissimo
The leader was a professional military officer.
B:Rise to power- B/13. Heir apparent
The leader inherited the position from his predecessor, who may or may not have been a relative
C: Qualities- C/11. Athletic
The leader is noted for his active lifestyle
D: Flaws- D/8. Paranoid
The leader is tinfoil hat paranoid. He doesn't merely believe that Jews are plotting to take over the world through financial markets; he thinks they do so at the behest of aliens.
D/12. Pompous
The leader cannot stop talking about himself, much less listen to others.
D/5. Alcoholic/Addict
The leader's fondness for certain substances is well known.
Population: 2 Million
Geography: - Small mountain range in the north, primarily flat lands and rivers winding through the lands.
Demographics – Majority speaking Latin, some Spanish and major second language English. Other religion apart from the worship of our glorious leader is not permitted.
Notable Locations – Augustgrad: Capital city
Victoria Divina ad portum: Primary coastal city, home of the mighty Augustine navy
(Will update later)
Primary Economic Sector: Banking
Secondary Economic Sector: Tourism (Sex)
Abundant Food Resources: Seafood (Common), Coffee, Cocoa
Abundant Non-Food Agricultural Resources: Tobacco (common), Hemp
Abundant Mineral Resources: Silver
Army: Experienced Small Army, former colonial military units that served in colonial wars abroad prior to independence. Decently equipped.
Navy: Small navy, a couple destroyers and a submarine in addition to torpedo boats.
Air Force: Small and antiquated with old surplus aircraft.