Avatar of Baphomini


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current HEY Y'ALL WE NEED JUST TWO MORE PLAYERS TO GET THIS GOING!! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Blazzit 4:20
6 mos ago
I find the fact that it tells you that you have no friends to be even more hilarious. That note on my sidebar is the reason I will never friend anyone here. It must remain as it is.
6 mos ago
Passing out in the middle of an online class that started at 5am đź« 
6 mos ago
@Lucid Dreaming Oh no, no jokes, you must choose. What. Are we having. For dinner.
1 like


[a misty valley of cascading waters and towering trees, dark clouds roll like a sea overhead, thunder rumbles lowly and wind rustles through the needles of the evergreen branches─goats screaming in the distance and a shadow emerges from the billowing mists]

Heya hiya, my name's Audley! Y'can call me Auds, or even just Goatif that suits ya! M'pronouns are they/their, he/his, ne/nir, and thon/thons; if y'have any questions regarding any of 'em n' how they work, please don't be afraid t'ask, m'always happy t'teach!

M'jus' a lil' amalgamation of a hundred or so goats all clumped together in a mothman onesie; y'never really know which goat you're gonna get until it screams at ya!

I like art and movies and anime and games about solving crime and horror mysteries through stolen phones (I'm looking at you, Elmwood Trail), I also enjoy life sims and dating sims and like to watch horror and thriller movies and series.

I like my cocoa spicy with a little bit of the sauce if you know what I mean and my sugar milk with coffee. Pork chops and applesauce or hit the highway, and lactose intolerance is just a reason to love dairy all the more.

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"Fuck you, and I hope ya choke on that nasty comeback."

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