Avatar of Baphomini


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5 mos ago
Current HEY Y'ALL WE NEED JUST TWO MORE PLAYERS TO GET THIS GOING!! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Blazzit 4:20
6 mos ago
I find the fact that it tells you that you have no friends to be even more hilarious. That note on my sidebar is the reason I will never friend anyone here. It must remain as it is.
6 mos ago
Passing out in the middle of an online class that started at 5am đź« 
6 mos ago
@Lucid Dreaming Oh no, no jokes, you must choose. What. Are we having. For dinner.
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[a misty valley of cascading waters and towering trees, dark clouds roll like a sea overhead, thunder rumbles lowly and wind rustles through the needles of the evergreen branches─goats screaming in the distance and a shadow emerges from the billowing mists]

Heya hiya, my name's Audley! Y'can call me Auds, or even just Goatif that suits ya! M'pronouns are they/their, he/his, ne/nir, and thon/thons; if y'have any questions regarding any of 'em n' how they work, please don't be afraid t'ask, m'always happy t'teach!

M'jus' a lil' amalgamation of a hundred or so goats all clumped together in a mothman onesie; y'never really know which goat you're gonna get until it screams at ya!

I like art and movies and anime and games about solving crime and horror mysteries through stolen phones (I'm looking at you, Elmwood Trail), I also enjoy life sims and dating sims and like to watch horror and thriller movies and series.

I like my cocoa spicy with a little bit of the sauce if you know what I mean and my sugar milk with coffee. Pork chops and applesauce or hit the highway, and lactose intolerance is just a reason to love dairy all the more.

Most Recent Posts

@JewelSerket No worries! Take your time, and just a few thoughts for names, maybe you could pull from different types of beetles, such as long horn, hercules, jewel, scarab, or even firefly. Maybe something like Captain Herc, The Jeweled Soldier, or Fireflier!
I LOVE THAT!! It's a really good dichotomy! The balance of bugs and plants clashing and relying on each other plays in perfectly to the villain and hero eventually falling for each other hehehe
You can just be a dudebro jock to Pine’s nerd. 🤓

True! The clash can come in character too! Pine is a chaotic nerd, whereas the hero could be a more gentle and traditional sort of gentleman who goes for classic dates and nights in, a good foil to the potential danger and excitement the villain could bring with dates and time spent together
@Dragonfly 9 You can still try out! This isn't fcfs, it's who I feel is going to offer the most substance for story and character interaction! Tell me your ideas :D
@JewelSerket I mean! Lots of things can clash with plants! Tech, of course, a regular Batman or other techy persona. But also natural abilities relating to things like fire, ice, storms, maybe even animals? I don't know, get creative! Even the classic Superman/Metroman with flying, lasers, strength, and all that could be a good clash. Maybe the hero isn't even meta! Maybe he's just trained in martial arts and has a cool weapon! The possibilities are endless!
Lilian just likes salad I guess. :P

This made me laugh more than it should have XD
Hahaha, same brain moment
Uhhh, this is hard because I don't really want the hero and villain to have the same powers? I feel like they should clash more! Not necessarily opposites (nature vs tech) but something a little more umph, if you know what I mean?

@JewelSerket The scope of powers can honestly be as wide as Marvel, where you literally have omnipotent figures, though when I use god-like abilities, I tend to pile on weaknesses to balance it out and generally just have my ways of keeping op from actually being op. I honestly love the concept of a hero feeling the need to feed into the hypermasculinity of big-time classic heroes? It hints at a lot of personal struggle for the hero that Li can maybe help him work through! I'm interested in this body horror concept too, since I see this being a bit like the X-Men in a way were metahumans can have various physical mutations that may or may not go along with their powers!

@Crimson Flame Professor Oak is a really well-written character and I love his story. I'll keep you and him in consideration for the villain role. For now I wanna see what other bites I can get! I can definitely see Li having a lot of fun with him, and he definitely fills the chaotic role I was imagining for the villain side of the relationship that I know Li would love!

In case y'all want a feel for the reporter character, Lilian, or Li (lee) as he usually goes by, here he be:

@Crimson Flame Tell me a bit about this villain; what's his general gimmick and character and what all?

@JewelSerketMore akin to Marvel/DC where metahumans are an established part of society, but aren't fully the norm. People accept the heroes, though still turn up their noses at metahumans in general, especially since even the heroes pose a danger and a threat to society. As for transmasc, you've piqued my interest, so I'll hear the idea out đź‘€ I fully support trans men/women are men/women (be weird if I specifically didn't nsjssj)

The city of Wilacrik is in for a wild ride when mild-mannered reporter Lilian finds himself the object of affection for not just one, but two of the city's most powerful metahumans. On one side is [hero], the dashing and heroic protector of the city, who risks life and limb to keep its citizens safe from harm. On the other is the nefarious [villain], a brilliant but unhinged supervillain who plots to take over the city through his ingenious schemes. These two have been sworn enemies for years, clashing in epic battles that leave Wilakrick's streets in ruins. But now, a new battleground has emerged - the heart of the unassuming Lilian.

At first, it's a competition for Lilian's attention, with [hero] and [villain] trying to one-up each other with increasingly bold romantic gestures. But when the clever reporter reveals he has feelings for them both, things take a turn. To avoid losing Lilian, [hero] and [villain] must keep the peace, which proves difficult as they try to maintain their public personas as diametric foes. Through tense truces and private rendezvous, the two slowly become friends, bonding over their mutual love for the plucky reporter.

Soon, another surprise arises - [hero] and [villain] find themselves developing romantic feelings for each other! Now, these two find their hearts entangled in a complex love triangle, or perhaps more accurately, a love triangle rapidly becoming a love triad. Can sworn enemies set aside their differences and past conflicts to embrace an unexpected but powerful love between not just two, but three? The course of true love never did run smooth, but for the sake of their shared love for Lilian, [hero] and [villain] just may be able to build a new future together and become the most unlikely of trios. What happens next promises to be Wilacrik's greatest love story yet!

Hi, so, yeah. We got a funny little love story about a hero, a villain, and a reporter, and it's the gayest thing ever /pos
I'm looking for TWO people, someone to play hero, and another to play villain, and I'll be the reporter.
This will NOT be FCFS, I'm looking for solid writing and characters, so show me what you got!

  • This IS intended to be M x M x M so if you can't do a gay/bi male character, in the nicest way possible, please go somewhere else, lol, Li is gay all ways to Sunday, and he ain't looking for no femme fatales, he's after that good ol Superman
  • Also this IS intended to be a polyam story, and hero and villain are intended to fall in love too, but if y'all would rather them just be bros loving and protecting the same reckless civilian, that's probably one of the only things on which I'm lenient? We can talk more on this if that's the direction y'all wanna go!! There's still plenty of plot to be had if hero and villain don't smooch!!
  • I'm open to ideas and stuff, especially about metahumans and how heroes and villains work in this world! I love collaborative worldbuilding!
  • Lilian falls in love with the SUPER personas, and knows nothing about their civilian covers unless they tell him, so that could lead into some fun hijinks!!


Like a marionette without a puppetmaster, Kousuke immediately collapsed as he made contact with his new joints. A sharp gasp was the only sound to escape him as he tumbled into a heap, body splayed across the indefinable flooring of the void realm around him. Grunting, he pushed against the ground with intricately locked ball-joint fingers, fighting against his own weight. It was like that feeling after being submerged in water for too long, when gravity felt a million times stronger than it should be, their body feeling like lead. Slowly, surely, Kousuke rose to their feet, their body becoming lighter as they gained their balance. Dusting themself off, Kousuke looked down at their body in shock. Not only were they dressed to the nines in a pristine white suit with a striking red tie, but their entire body had changed.

Warm, honied skin was now stark white, hard yet fragile like porcelain, no, not porcelain, some kind of wood. His body was a collection of linden parts, strung together through wires and perfectly constructed joints. He realized quickly that what had once felt like hardened cement was now light and limber. He felt like he could dance on the air if he so pleased! He was half-inclined to give it a try, but before he could move, a yell broke through the darkness, splashing his vision with a wave of purple and pink that struck out like claws across the darkness. They shifted, awkwardly at first, turning towards the sound as it echoed out in a circular wave.

The air felt different now. Heat shifted and swirled around Kousuke, moving this way and that. There were cold spots, as cold was merely the presence of less heat, but the cold didn't draw his attention as much as the heat. It culminated in one direction, rising hotter and hotter like a burning flame. Maybe it was instinct, or maybe it was just common sense, but Kousuke felt he could read perfectly clear where he had to go. Now why he had to go, and, furthermore, why he even cared, well, that was something Kousuke decided to worry about later. At that moment, the only thing guiding them was that heat, burning in front of them and searing through the center of their chest like a white-hot blade driving them forward.

Without another thought, Kousuke took off running toward the sound, toward the heat. He stumbled at first as he got the hang of his new limbs, but quickly enough he felt he was running through the air, flailing--no, dancing on the wind of his own speed. For once, his lungs burned not with the inability to breathe, but with a power he couldn't even describe. He felt strong, powerful, commanding even. It was a feeling he had only ever felt in small amounts. Only in fractions of what he felt now. It was almost overwhelming, and he let out a harsh laugh, but kept on pushing toward the source of the heat, which only grew stronger the closer he got, like some kind of overpowered game of hot and cold.

Rounding one last corner, Kousuke found himself in the center of the sun, the heat was so great, but there at the center of it all was the source. Just beyond the horrific creature was another. Though the other looked more human...a girl? It wasn't Sayuri, or either of his sisters, so who could it be? Definitely not... Kousuke shook his head, getting rid of the memory as always, and focused back on the present. There was no time to question who this other individual was, or what the hell was actually going on. Shifting to a more offensive stance from his kendo training, Kousuke looked bigger than they actually were. Stronger. More fierce.

"Get back!" he called the words as a command, directing it at both figures ahead of him. They weren't really sure why that was the tactic they chose, but it felt right, and they had never been one to ignore their gut before.
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