Avatar of Baphomini


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5 mos ago
Current HEY Y'ALL WE NEED JUST TWO MORE PLAYERS TO GET THIS GOING!! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Blazzit 4:20
6 mos ago
I find the fact that it tells you that you have no friends to be even more hilarious. That note on my sidebar is the reason I will never friend anyone here. It must remain as it is.
6 mos ago
Passing out in the middle of an online class that started at 5am đź« 
6 mos ago
@Lucid Dreaming Oh no, no jokes, you must choose. What. Are we having. For dinner.
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[a misty valley of cascading waters and towering trees, dark clouds roll like a sea overhead, thunder rumbles lowly and wind rustles through the needles of the evergreen branches─goats screaming in the distance and a shadow emerges from the billowing mists]

Heya hiya, my name's Audley! Y'can call me Auds, or even just Goatif that suits ya! M'pronouns are they/their, he/his, ne/nir, and thon/thons; if y'have any questions regarding any of 'em n' how they work, please don't be afraid t'ask, m'always happy t'teach!

M'jus' a lil' amalgamation of a hundred or so goats all clumped together in a mothman onesie; y'never really know which goat you're gonna get until it screams at ya!

I like art and movies and anime and games about solving crime and horror mysteries through stolen phones (I'm looking at you, Elmwood Trail), I also enjoy life sims and dating sims and like to watch horror and thriller movies and series.

I like my cocoa spicy with a little bit of the sauce if you know what I mean and my sugar milk with coffee. Pork chops and applesauce or hit the highway, and lactose intolerance is just a reason to love dairy all the more.

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@Crimson Flame đź«  Sorry, Pine is a neat character, it's just that Sorrel really clicked with the vibe I was looking for
Y'know, I should have known that the villian would be the more popular role to try and claim, are heroes that boring? XD
Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot hot hot hot hto hto thit hot htir hrkr rhrir hrorhririrhrirjr8thtothtothtorhtorhrirhrirhrirhrirhrirbrirb



This is what I'm looking for!!! The origin story! The drive! The complexity! The power to drawback pull and balance!

I love him, and his bitter view of the world would pair so well with Li's own bitterness. I can see them clashing, but also agreeing on a lot of things. Li would honestly support him and probably secretly be part of his online cult, he's just not loud about it or making crazy gestures or anything. I love that he has anti-hero energy. but he's decidedly not a hero. A lot of anti-heroes still act as heroes in the end, helping people and doing what's socially right. But this guy, naw, he's eating up the villain role like candy while still presenting himself as a hero in his own mind. I love this so much. Li would pester him so much about his mutation and radiation and probably ask if he can mutate him to have powers or something. I'm feeling a lot from this guy and he's stirring up a lot of ideas đź‘€
Like, something personal and life altering that connects them to their decision to take up the role that they did. More than "Well I have these powers," or "I got rejected."

Consider if Professor Oak was acting as a villain as a means of protecting the earth and environment. Yes, in the eyes of society, he is "evil" but the fact is, he's a hero in his own eyes.

That's always the mark of a good villain! A villain shouldn't be a villain for the sake of being evil, but for a cause that is dear to their heart. They're fighting for something, something important to them that they aren't willing to abandon even at the cost of the lives of others or even themself.

The same can be said for a hero! They shouldn't be a hero just for the sake of being a hero. They should have something that drives them. Maybe the fire chief died, or was injured in one of the fires and the police doing nothing about it was a personal sting. Even heroes can be driven by revenge! Maybe the bugs want Cricket to protect people because humans play a big role in bug survival from planting flowers that bees pollinate, to leaving food for ants and other species, to their corpses being consumed by worms and the like! There's plenty of ways to go with it!
Ok, finally got my thoughts in order and have a moment to type

@JewelSerket I love him, and he's so well constructed. He has a very unique origin story, and I love the body horror aspect of it. You don't see body horror too often, especially for heroes, and I love how scientific it is? Like, with the bugs eating the fat? Idk, it feels really grounded and well thought out! I'll definitely be keeping you and him in consideration for the role! Same as with Crimson, I wanna wait and see what other bites I might get.

@Crimson Flame@JewelSerket
Right now I'm mostly just unsure how I feel about the transition from civilization to hero/villain? I'm really looking for something deep, powerful, interesting. Something characteristically and morally defining! I dunno if I'm explaining it right...
What if the story is about when the slashers and cryptids are "off-duty" and it's a behind-the-scenes look at their daily lives when they aren't killing, maiming, and scaring the bejeezus out of people? Heck! Maybe it's a mockumentary-style story where we get to see glimpses of their lives while they're "on duty" and they talk about how their day has been going and whatnot, so we still get those slasher and horror scenes, and they can interact with each other as classic mockumentary friends: pranking each other, talking shit on each other, and overall just being awful to each other in the funniest and most meme-able ways

And what if off-duty Slenderman is a fucking dork?
Hmmmmmm 🤔

I love him and he sounds like such a good boy, I just don't know how well I'm connecting

For one thing, I've never been crazy about casual time travel stories/usage. When I do time travel plots/elements, I typically have a lot of structure and rule to it, and even then it always gets complicated, so I usually try to avoid it 🫤
As it stands in this world, I'd rather not deal with it, simply because the story is so focused on the love story and character relations, it feels too messy to get into time travel ethics, if that makes sense?

Another point is I don't really see there being separate races/species in this world except maybe in the possibility of alien races (in the case of Superman types)? Mainly there's humans, and "metahumans" but metahuman is just a lable given to people who have these strange genetics and in the end they're still human. I don't see the meta gene being structured or consistent enough to be passed directly in family lines, and definitely not repetitive enough to create a whole new race đź« 

And lastly, I'm not sure if the his reasoning for becoming "evil" quite vibes with the structure of the story? It feels a lot like he kinda just stumbled into the villain life and doesn't have a true connection to it? And I'm looking for a villain who has a strong rise to villainy, and a solid reasoning and defined goal, if that makes sense??

Again!! I love him a lot! He's a really good character and sounds like a really fun guy to interact with, I just don't know if he fits the role?
@Dragonfly 9 Oh man, I love me a good, "they were treated as an animal/object and need to figure out how to be a person" character arc, Li would definitely help with that reintegration and see the person this guy is beyond the animal he was made to be...Li would also want to punch whoever treated this guy so horribly, but that's probably not the best idea

Do tell me more!!
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