Avatar of Baphomini


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5 mos ago
Current HEY Y'ALL WE NEED JUST TWO MORE PLAYERS TO GET THIS GOING!! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Blazzit 4:20
6 mos ago
I find the fact that it tells you that you have no friends to be even more hilarious. That note on my sidebar is the reason I will never friend anyone here. It must remain as it is.
6 mos ago
Passing out in the middle of an online class that started at 5am 🫠
6 mos ago
@Lucid Dreaming Oh no, no jokes, you must choose. What. Are we having. For dinner.
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[a misty valley of cascading waters and towering trees, dark clouds roll like a sea overhead, thunder rumbles lowly and wind rustles through the needles of the evergreen branches─goats screaming in the distance and a shadow emerges from the billowing mists]

Heya hiya, my name's Audley! Y'can call me Auds, or even just Goatif that suits ya! M'pronouns are they/their, he/his, ne/nir, and thon/thons; if y'have any questions regarding any of 'em n' how they work, please don't be afraid t'ask, m'always happy t'teach!

M'jus' a lil' amalgamation of a hundred or so goats all clumped together in a mothman onesie; y'never really know which goat you're gonna get until it screams at ya!

I like art and movies and anime and games about solving crime and horror mysteries through stolen phones (I'm looking at you, Elmwood Trail), I also enjoy life sims and dating sims and like to watch horror and thriller movies and series.

I like my cocoa spicy with a little bit of the sauce if you know what I mean and my sugar milk with coffee. Pork chops and applesauce or hit the highway, and lactose intolerance is just a reason to love dairy all the more.

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Please post your character sheets in THIS tab, NOT the ooc tab. I'll be taking the information you provide in your character sheets and inputting it in the template on THIS WEBSITE...examples will be up soon!

For now, prisoners and targets will be NPCs controlled by myself.

The Hounds Initiative

Three years after the horrifying fall of the once great superhero, Trueheart, in his catastrophic turn to a darker path which resulted in the chaotic destruction of much of Montreal back in 2009, Agent Roy Vega of the Department of Numan Conduct and Control (DNCC) proposed a daring new initiative called The Hounds Initiative. This controversial behavioral experiment was based on the philosophical writings of Malcolm Grey and his colloquially named "Grey Scale" theory, which described people - especially numans - as not simply good or evil but rather existing on an infinite spectrum between those extremes. Vega aimed to prove that even the worst villains could be redeemed.

The Hounds Initiative recruited incarcerated supervillains, offering them a chance to escape prison and serve as government-sponsored bounty hunters tracking down their former allies. Vega hoped that by turning these villains against their old compatriots, they would be reformed. However, saddled with some of the most dangerous criminals or so claimed the DNCC could find, Vega and his team have already faced extreme challenges. Less than a year in, the public had dubbed the villains "Hell's Renegades" and many questioned the safety and ethics of the program, calling for its termination.

But Vega held out hope. Promised one full year to transform these former villains into heroes, he clung to the belief that Malcolm Grey was right - no one was beyond redemption. Though the destructive monsters who had ravaged the public in the past now seemed irredeemable, Vega believed he could lead them back to the light and vindicate Grey's philosophy. The Hounds Initiative was his chance to prove that with guidance, even the darkest souls could brighten.
The Fall of Trueheart

On December 19th, 2009, the city of Montreal in the Canadian province of Quebec was shattered by a heartbreaking tragedy. For years, the superhero Trueheart had stood as a beloved pillar of hope and protection for the people of Montreal. Using his array of metahuman abilities like flight, super-strength, and energy projection, Trueheart tirelessly defended the innocent from all threats, becoming a local icon. The citizens would gather by the thousands for his annual holiday event to celebrate the season and show appreciation for their guardian hero. But on this fateful day, the image Trueheart had cultivated for so long came crashing down in a shocking display of violence and betrayal.

As the jubilant crowds filled the downtown square for Trueheart's event, the unthinkable happened. The once-noble hero viciously turned on the people, using his powers to gruesomely murder the Prime Minister right there in front of the stunned onlookers. Trueheart then unleashed a venomous tirade against the masses, cursing their very existence for worshipping him as a hero when he saw them as weak, dependent, and unworthy of life. Condemning them as "the true scorn of existence," the corrupted Trueheart vowed to destroy the city and people who had adored him for so long.

A devastating rampage of chaos and destruction followed, as the enraged Trueheart laid waste to entire neighborhoods, his incredible abilities now perverted tools of ruin instead of protection. The shell-shocked citizens could only run in horror as their trusted hero ravaged the city he had once tirelessly defended. In the end, it took the combined efforts of an elite team of special agents to finally end Trueheart's reign of terror. After an intense battle, they blasted the former hero out of the sky, sending him plunging into the river, never to be seen again.

As Montreal tried to recover from the tragic downfall of its once-beloved guardian, a pall of heartbreak and betrayal hung over the city. The people were left shaken to their core at how horribly wrong their worship and trust in Trueheart had gone. His twisted transformation from noble hero to most fearsome villain would haunt the broken city for years to come.
The Grey Scale

Dr. Malcolm Grey revolutionized moral philosophy with his seminal concept of the "Grey Scale," first introduced in his groundbreaking 1948 article, "Beyond Black and White: Embracing the Spectrum of Humanity." Grey challenged the prevailing tendency to divide people into simplistic categories of "good" and "evil" by proposing that all human beings exist along a nuanced spectrum of light and dark shades of gray. According to Grey's framework, no one is a paragon of pure virtue or vice; we are complex, multifaceted beings with both positive and negative qualities. Our seemingly "good" actions may stem from selfish motivations, while those who commit horrific acts are not doomed to eternal darkness, but with compassion have potential for redemption.

Grey rejected the notion that so-called "villains" deserve blanket condemnation or "heroes" universal adulation. Instead, he advocated recognizing the nuance of individual circumstances when assessing one's character. A wealthy philanthropist may appear saintly but exploit others behind closed doors, while a thief may steal out of desperation rather than malice. Grey maintained that even those who stray far into darkness are not beyond hope; with understanding and an awakening of conscience, they may yet walk back into the light. Likewise, those hailed as moral exemplars have flaws and complex motivations obscured beneath their shining façade.

By embracing the full spectrum between light and dark, Grey argued we could develop more humane, restorative systems of justice focused on rehabilitation rather than punishment. His novel framework sparked productive debates about the roots of human behavior and continues to influence moral philosophy today. Though imperfect beings, we all have light within us, even if at times it is obscured by the darkness of ignorance, fear, trauma, or despair. The "Grey Scale" compels us to seek the glimmers of hope and moral awakening within others, rather than writing them off as irredeemable. Grey's insights remain relevant as we struggle to embrace the diversity of humanity while upholding justice.

The Department of Numan Conduct and Control (DNCC) is an important governmental agency that was established in 1923 in response to the rise of super-powered individuals, known as "numans", who began taking on the roles of heroes and villains. As these numans started intervening in matters of public safety and law enforcement across the country and world, the need arose for an organization to regulate their activities. The DNCC was created to fulfill this purpose by bringing order and oversight to the world of numans.

Specifically, the DNCC aims to promote peace and cooperation among numans while also protecting the general public. The agency maintains a registry of all active numan heroes and provides support services to assist them in their duties, such as funding, equipment, training facilities, insurance, and secret identity protection. This allows heroes to focus on keeping people safe rather than worrying about logistics. The DNCC also constructs specialized detention facilities to hold villainous numans who break laws and threaten society. Additionally, they administer a justice system for determining how to handle detained villains and other legal issues arising from numan conflicts. The goal is to enable heroes to apprehend criminals with minimal collateral damage.

Through public funding and taxes, the DNCC is able to offer competitive salaries, benefits packages, and relocation services to registered heroes. If a hero's secret identity is ever compromised, the DNCC steps in quickly to re-establish the hero with a new civilian and superhero identity for their safety. This comprehensive support system allows heroes to serve and protect the public good without putting undue burdens on themselves. Overall, the DNCC provides vital regulation and assistance to the world of numans that enables these super-powered beings to use their abilities responsibly for the benefit of all.

A fairly recent addition to the numan classification are the outlanders, individuals who hail from other worlds and dimensions entirely outside of Earth. While the outlanders consist of various exotic beings like aliens, angels, demons, and deities, and are grouped together under the numan umbrella, they are quite distinct from other numan subgroups like metahumans, transmutes, and proxies. Previously, these supernatural entities were lumped in with metahumans despite their lack of a metagene. However, a movement was made to acknowledge the key differences between metahumans and beings from other planes of existence.

Much like metahumans who are born with their abilities, outlanders have innate powers and physiology tied to their homeworlds and dimensions. This includes traits like having wings, horns, multiple arms, unusual skin tones, the ability to manipulate magic, and more. Additionally, many outlanders have lifespans far beyond normal humans and some are even ageless or immortal. With such fantastic traits, outlanders stand apart from Earthly numans.

Despite their incredible capabilities, outlanders are the rarest type of numan, as most prefer to avoid interacting with humankind due to humanity's long history of prejudice, fear, and violence towards those seen as “other." Outlanders have faced persecution in the past when discovered and many remain wary of revealing themselves to human society. However, a small but growing number are cautiously engaging with the modern world. As outlanders become more integrated into human civilization, they continue to push the boundaries of what it means to be numan.

Proxies are a unique subclass of numans who possess supernatural abilities not inherently their own. Unlike innate numans who are born with powers, proxies gain their abilities from an external source that can be taken away, such as a mystical weapon, a totem, or possession by a supernatural entity. Though proxies are primarily humans who were born normal, the term can also apply to transmutes, numans, and even once-normal animals that have been granted powers in this manner.

A human who stumbled upon an enchanted sword, for instance, could gain formidable battle skills and strength from the artifact but lose these boons if disarmed. The abilities are not innate but drawn from the external object. Likewise, an ordinary hawk possessed by the spirit of a shape-shifting trickster could gain the power to transform into human form and back for as long as the spirit resides within. In some traditions, shamans and mediums channel deities or ancestors, acting as proxies for their wisdom and arcane gifts. As conduits for these external forces, proxies walk a fine line between empowerment and vulnerability. Their supernatural talents are only borrowed, not born from within. With the source removed, the abilities vanish. Nevertheless, proxy status grants these ordinary beings access to extraordinary feats they could not achieve alone - at least for a time. Though their powers are not permanently their own, proxies experience what it means to exceed their innate limits and tap into mythic realms beyond.

Transmutes, colloquially known as "T-MUs" and pronounced "tee-mews", are a subclass of numans who gained their abilities not through natural evolution but rather through artificial means. They differ from metahumans in that their powers were not inborn but rather bestowed later in life, usually through some sort of outside intervention. The most common origins of transmutes are scientific experimentation, accidental exposure to strange compounds or radiation, and purposeful self-alteration. Transmutes can originate from humans, animals, or even metahumans. Based on their original form, transmutes are categorized as either Hu-MUs (human-origin), Me-MUs (meta-origin), or Be-MUs (animal-origin). Hu-MUs and Me-MUs tend to be more varied in their abilities, which are often geared towards utility, whereas Be-MUs usually exhibit enhanced versions of their original animal traits as well as the possibility of higher sentience. However, transmutes of all types can possess a wide range of powers. The transformation process is unpredictable and abilities, as well as physical mutations, manifest differently in each individual. While less common than metahumans, transmutes are still abundant due to the many possible methods of their creation. Some seek out the change willingly, while others are altered against their will. Regardless of origin, all transmutes must adapt to their newfound gifts and find their place in the larger numan social order.


Hu-MUs, or “Human Mutants", refer to a unique subclass of transmuted beings who were originally ordinary humans that underwent genetic alterations, granting them extraordinary abilities and often radical physical mutations. While "transmute" is an umbrella term for any human or creature that has been mutated from their natural state, Hu-MUs specifically denote those that began as regular homo sapiens before undergoing their metamorphosis. The origins of individual Hu-MUs are widely varied - some were accidentally exposed to radioactive compounds or hazardous materials while others were subjects of unethical scientific experimentation. The resulting transformations display a stunning range, from subtle enhancements to dramatic physical changes. Their newfound powers and radically altered bodies set Hu-MUs apart from mainstream humanity, leading to fear, prejudice, and the formation of a distinct subculture of their own kind.


Me-MUs, or "Meta Mutants", are a unique subclass of transmutes who have undergone additional physical and mental transformations beyond their innate metahuman mutations. As their name implies, Me-MUs start out as metahumans, born with extraordinary abilities and physical features that set them apart from ordinary humans. However, through exposure to experimental chemical compounds or scientific procedures, Me-MUs experience further dramatic mutations that amplify their powers.


Be-MUs, or “Beast Mutants”, are a fascinating subclass of transmutes - animals who have undergone radical mutations and transformations as a result of exposure to mysterious chemical compounds or experimental scientific procedures. Rather than perishing from the mutagenic effects, these creatures have not only survived but evolved in extraordinary ways. While Be-MUs originated as ordinary animals like dogs, cats, mice, or even insects or fish, they now exhibit an astounding array of abilities and often extreme physical mutations. Their intellect and consciousness have likewise expanded dramatically, with many Be-MUs possessing human or even superior reasoning and problem-solving skills. Just as their bodies have been altered in unpredictable ways, their minds have also made the leap to higher sentience. Be-MUs straddle the line between animal and human, combining the instincts and raw power of their primal origins with sapient contemplation and self-awareness. Once mundane pets or wildlife, they are now fantastical creatures with the potential to change the world. Whether they are peaceful or hostile, Be-MUs represent the next phase of evolution, a glimpse of the incredible possibilities that emerge when science tinkers with the foundations of life itself.

Metahumans are a special class of numan born with extraordinary abilities and powers due to a very rare, double recessive trait called the “Metagene." While they appear mostly human, metahumans may exhibit minor physical mutations such as unusual hair, eye, and skin colors, as well as variations in the structure of their eyes, ears, teeth, nails, and more. The Metagene allows their bodies to evolve and adapt in incredible ways, granting them superhuman powers like flight, super-strength, telepathy, elemental manipulation, shapeshifting, and more.

Overall, metahumans represent the next stage in human evolution. Their numbers remain small, but they play an outsized role in society as both superheroes and supervillains. Feared and revered, metahumans walk among normal humans while possessing uncanny traits and talents, showcasing the remarkable potential of the human genome. Whether using their gifts for good or ill, metahumans have become an iconic part of the modern world.

The metahumans of the world are divided into three distinct castes that exhibit varying degrees of human and monster-like traits.

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Caste A

Caste A metahumans appear mostly human, with perhaps only subtle variations like oddly-colored eyes or hair to set them apart. Though they blend in easily with normal humans, traces of their metahuman heritage can be glimpsed in these subtle features.

Caste B

Caste B metahumans exhibit more pronounced physical differences that mark them as distinct from standard humans. They frequently have unusual hair, eye and skin colors, and may have variations in eye shape or structure. Elongated ears, animalistic teeth and claws, tails, spines, or even wings are common mutations among this group. Though still bipedal, Caste B metahumans have a more exotic, otherworldly appearance that evokes mythological beings.

Caste C

Caste C consists of the most monstrous metahumans, often referred to as “beasts." This group includes orc- and goblin-like beings with hulking bodies, tusks, and coarse features that appear far removed from ordinary humanity. Caste C represents a heavy concentration of animal DNA that manifests in a creature barely humanoid in form. These intimidating metahumans with fierce visages inspire unease in normal humans. Though the most inhuman in appearance, Caste C metahumans possess the same inner emotional life and intelligence as the other castes.

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Together, the three metahuman castes demonstrate a spectrum of human-monster hybridization. While Caste A could pass as human, Caste C is fully embraced as monster. Caste B lies between, exhibiting an alluring mix of human and animal traits. Despite external differences, all three castes share an inner personhood that longs for understanding and community.
The Caste System

Initially, the emergence of numans with extraordinary abilities bewildered and frightened humanity. However, over time scientists began to study these numans in depth to understand their origins and powers. After years of rigorous research, clear patterns emerged, allowing scientists to create a taxonomy of numan abilities and traits. The first category that emerged was the metahuman - numans whose powers derived from genetic mutations, passed down through families over generations. Their lineages could often be traced back to ancient sources, suggesting their genetics contained latent abilities waiting to be expressed. The second group was the transmuted - numans who acquired their powers later in life due to exposure to strange energies or substances. Their cellular structures and DNA were fundamentally altered, granting them incredible but unstable capabilities. The final group was the proxy - numans who gained powers through mystic rituals of possession or by being granted abilities by higher powers. Proxies channeled forces beyond their physical forms, serving as conduits for arcane energies. While the source of these numans' powers varied, their emergence revolutionized society's understanding of humanity's potential. The new classifications brought order to the chaos, laying the foundation for further research into the extent of numan abilities.
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