Basic Information
Name⦁ 'John' Booke
Vigilante Name⦁ N/A
Age⦁ 67
Species⦁ Mutant
Gender⦁ Male
Ethnicity⦁ British
Nationality⦁ British
⦁ American
Occupation⦁ MSU Investigations Officer
Alignment⦁ Neutral Good / Chaotic Good
Detailed Information
Appearance⦁ Booke has well avoided the danger of frailty as he's aged. Standing at 6'2", and weighing 188 lbs, his liver spots and wrinkled skin belie his actual strength. He has made sure of this - due to the nature of his job. His hair is very much already grayed, and his eyes are a blue-gray tone that makes it seem as if he is in deep thought, in idleness - but those eyes can quickly change to a scrutinizing or angry mood.
When it comes to fashion, Booke prefers simple or discreet outfits - opting to don long-coats and Trilby-esque hats.
Personality⦁ In Booke's younger years of the MSU, he was one cocky bastard. Since then, he has mellowed out with maturity - however, the confidence that came with that attitude has not fully left him. With age comes experience, and Booke knows this. A fine advantage over the common crooks of the modern day.
Booke generally tends to watch a situation before speaking or acting. He knows when to listen, and when to initiate. This applies to conversation, his job, and even combat.
Socially, Booke is more reserved than most, but also laid-back. With age he has developed multiple facets to his personality, being able to be very serious, as well as playful, or even competitive, in the right circumstances.
Origin⦁ WIP
Notable Relations⦁ Socially, None.
⦁ Offices and Personnel of the MSU
Resources⦁ Sir Booke makes more money than the average citizen, and as such lives without financial worry.
Everyday Skills⦁ Household Chores (Cooking, Cleaning, etc)
⦁ Swimming
⦁ Board games / Card games
⦁ Exercise
⦁ Subterfuge
⦁ A large array of other skills gained throughout his lengthy life, and his occupation.
Fighting Style⦁ Booke is not even close to being the best fighter out there, but he is one of the most-fit of the elderly ones. His strength, and to a lesser extent his agility, are more befitting to someone in their forties, and this is a great asset to someone unbecoming of such traits. This is not because of any power or augmentation, but due to careful training and conditioning over the years and present, on Booke’s part. However, someone with a good build and younger physique will overpower him. He often is seen carrying a (uneeded) cane, which he will use to deliver swift, energy draining strikes to precise points in the body, such as the temple, jaw, or calf muscles.
He has a various toolbox of martial arts, due to his lengthy time in the MSU, but if he has to resort to true hand-to-hand, he opts to use techniques from several styles at once, making it difficult to read.
Strengths⦁ Booke has an easy time fighting people he can keep at a distance and strike with his cane, or his power.
⦁ He also has a nasty surprise factor in both his power and physical ability - who expects an elderly man to rival their physique in any way?
⦁ Time in the MSU has enhanced his combat sense by a great degree.
Weaknesses⦁ Booke, while he has the strength and agility of someone younger, can still tire. While he still has more stamina than the average seventy year old man, this is still a risk in prolonged fights.
⦁ He has little defense against someone who has more range than him, which isn't too hard to have.
Equipment⦁ His ordinary cane.
⦁ Light, scale-plate Vambraces / Greaves
Booke's power is a very odd, lyncanthrope-esque faculty. However, instead of a wolf, he has features of a Tasmanian Devil.Strengths⦁ This animal-attribute power gives Booke traits of a Tasmanian Devil, without the tell-tale signs one would normally receive from being a Lycanthrope; Howling, being especially hairy, loss of control, etc.
⦁ Booke's sense of smell is impressively more than that of a normal human's, and he has superior vision in dark environments. His reaction speed is also enhanced for someone of his age. His nails are also hardened and grow sharper than normal, and his canines grow sharp as well.
⦁ Additionally, he also has developed a system of tough vessels for use in conjunction with his ability to produce a easily-manipulated bodily fluid; this allows him to expel chemicals and other mixtures to around 3 yards. Moreover, being exposed to such odors for so long has desensitized him to pungent and harmful scents.
Weaknesses/Limitations⦁ The animal-attribute power also provides Booke with an array of negatives as well.
⦁ His eyes are light-sensitive, so he appreciates shade, tinted glasses, and brimmed hats.
⦁ His physical attributes are not enhanced, unlike Lycanthropes.
⦁ Beyond changing the odor of his "special fluid", Booke has to take customized pills to imbue it with additional effects - which can require varying amounts of time to take effect.
⦁ Booke trims his nails so that they are not sharp.
⦁ Booke's canines are duller because of his age, but as we know from dogs, they are still quite dangerous - if they can even get close enough to hurt someone.
⦁ Booke trims his facial hair regularly, as his power makes it grow at an increased rate.
⦁ His pills can take anywhere from a couple seconds to half an hour to take effect, and the longer he waits, the more boosted the effect.