Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

She actually appears to be a completely normal 6 1/2 year old. She's short, has long brown hair, blue eyes, adventurous personality, but it may seem weird to people that she doesnt respond to them sometimes, as she talks to Cahrtikan and forgets about her other conversation
So the powers are basically a time stop on an object and anything that hits it with force, a sort of prolonged close distance teleport on an object, a boost in cutting power, and i dont understand the rust thing?
(Car-tea-can whats going on, why did the plane get so loud?) [Its ok little one, let us go find the pilot.] Shadda and Cahrtikan converesed in her mind. Then off farther into the plane they heard muffled shouts ending with "-afraid!" (Car-tea-can! Someone is yelling for help!) [I dont think they-] The demon was cut off as the small girl began tramping towards the front of the plane in her little steps. [Wait!] Shadda quickly stopped at Cahrtikan's warning as a overhead compartment fell open and several suitcases and wires fell out, the latter sending off sparks into the isle. [Be careful Shadda.] (Okay, Car-tea-can.) She then began to go down the isle again at a slower pace until she got to the about half way through the plane, and moved a curtain to the side, stepping through.
Alright looks good
Name: Kashki Todami
Male. 18
Nation- Dark Zone
Clan- Gear Chronicle
Brief History: When Kashki's father died, all he hsd left of him was a small chest, of which the contents were unknown. So when his father passed he had only this box. And no matter how rude and abusive his mother was, he would never let her have it. He was suspicious of his 'mother' and though many things about her, but never said anything, for fear of ending up like his father. So when he saw his oppurtunity, he took it. He escaped. He then was found by a caring woman who adopted him for her own family. He was a single child who lived with his mother and father. Then he asked his new father about his box. And he opened it for him. And then they sent him here.

Personality: He is very quiet, unless he is spoken to first or someone is in trouble, he will not speak. However, if you do befriend him, he becomes an open book. Many people think of him rudeness or selfishness because he keeps to himself, but he is just shy. He has a soft spot for puppy-dog eyes.

Deck: Starter- Gunnergear Dracokid
Grade 4- Interdemensional beast, Upheaval Pegasus x2/ Interdemensional Dragon, Chronoscommand Drsgon x1
Grade 3- Dimension Expulsion Colossus x4/ Steam Knight, Ubaru Tutu x2/ Steam Maiden, Elul x1/ Fatewheel Dragon x1/ Chronojet Dragon x2
Grade 2- Distance Running Gear Horse x3/ Steam Fighter Amber x2/ Great Carapace, Gear Turtle x2/ Iron Fanged Gear Hound x3
Grade 1- Summit Crest Gear Wolf x2/ Withdrawn Gear Raven x3/ Steam Scara, Gigi x2/ Steam mage, Ennarda x3
Grade 0/ Triggers- Wakey Wakey Worker x1/ Vainglory Dream Gear Cat x3/ Luckypot Dracokid x3/ Steam Maiden, Uluru x4/ Heart Thump Worker x4/ Steam Battler, Dadasig x1
:O Damn, warpers? I shoulda brought Dmitri. Oh well. Kamato is a good teammate.
Also, how yall wanna work the post rotations?
Like this:
Gun, DJ, Star, Bart?
Gun, Star, DJ, Bart?

Or we can have anyone who is affected by the post go next example:

Gun attempts to punch DJ, so DJ posts next.

How yall want it?
You can post first if you like. Ill be looking for Shadda's bio btw.
Im having a hard time keeping up with your multiple accounts thing. >.<
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