Name- Samoth Maskono
Age- 18
Grade- 3rd Year (Transfer) St. Laurels High School

Biography- Samoth is a boy of 17, and stands above average in height at six feet. He has sun-tanned skin and a thin, yet muscular body. He has broad shoulders, which are clad in a long, black trench coat, which falls down to his mid-shins. He wears black straight Khakis, yet the pair still allows him to move fluently. He wears black gloves that mostly keep his arms from view. Under his coat is a black, Kevlar long-sleeve. He wears black formal shoes that allow him quick movement. Samoth has brown hair that shifts from light to dark,that(while it isn’t covered by his ACU cap) is placed in a side-parting, shaggy cut.
He was raised in a military family, on a paramilitary training base. His mother and father were surprisingly un-strict with him, despite him being their only child. They allowed him many freedoms the other children at the base did not have. Yet he chose not to exercise most of them. Instead choosing to spend his free time learning, reading, searching the web, and developing his mind. He strives to be the smartest person in the room. He made his parents proud.
He didn’t need his parents to be strict, he was strict for them. He developed a schedule for himself that he follows relentlessly, everyday: Eat, Hygiene, Mental Training, Physical Training, Eat, Hygiene/Rest, Technique Training, Eat, Hygiene, Sleep, Repeat. He followed this schedule for several years, without deviation. Until his parents requested that he go to St. Laurels High School. He has utmost respect for his parents’ authority, so he obliged. Samoth’s Mental Training involves interactive activities to strengthen the integrity of his mind, as well as the expanse of his knowledge. Specifically, he studies various Martial Arts, Weapon Arts, and what information he can find about powers over the web, and various books. He also studies military and Hand-to-Hand combat strategies, heavily believing in the maxim “Mind over matter”.
He sets his own goals, and now, at St. Laurels, he seeks to further his knowledge on Magical phenomenon, as well as further his experience in tournaments.
One would identify Samoth’s personality as stoic. He remains silent unless spoken to, for the most part. But he watches everything. He analyzes the behavior and personalities of anyone around him, and usually only speaks up when he has important input. And when he does speak up, people tend to listen. He seems to have a very stable temper, never losing his cool, or his calculating gaze.
He is not known to be too fond of humor, though with close friends(of which he has none, at the moment), he can crack a joke or two. But you should consider yourself extremely lucky if you find yourself catching a glimpse of anything remotely close to a smile. He isn’t looking to make friends, and can be blunt at times. But he is not by definition rude.
He is very focused on his studies, as well as any chances to gain combat experience.
-Newton Control- Samoth strives to be the smartest person on campus. A strong mind is just as important as a strong body. Even more so, actually. Samoth’s core ability was discovered when he was very young, as when he would throw tantrums as a child, objects around him would float, and be thrown across the room. His core power has many applications. Samoth can create a field of gravity up to 25 square feet. Within this field, he can control how much gravity is exerted upon each object within it, he cannot however change the weight of living beings. He can however, control the general mass of gravity in the area(to clarify, for example; he can give the area 2 times as much gravity, but he can’t exclude himself from the affected creatures, but he will take less of an affect because he does train in an increased-gravity environment).
One of Samoth’s favorite uses is to make a tube of decreased gravity around his arm, allowing him to punch at a much higher speed, and at the last second, significantly increase the gravity to make his attack have a heavily increased amount of force behind it.
Another application of Newton Control is the ability to manipulate friction. By doing so he can set things ablaze by striking his finger across them, like a match. He can also warm things up with a simple touch. Maybe the most pressing application is that he can cause his strikes to emit bursts of flame by heavily increasing the amount of friction between himself and the target.
-Telepathy- Samoth has the ability to communicate with, and manipulate, the minds of those around him.
He is able to communicate with any creature he can see that is within 100 feet of him. Creatures he cannot see, he can detect their presence, if they have a mind or magical aura holding them to the plane.
He can focus his mind to stab at his opponent’s conscious with a psychic blade. If they have no protection against mind-controlling attacks, they will receive an intense pain in their head, blurring their vision.
If he places his hand on a creature he can assert a slight influence over their thoughts, if they are unaware of his actions.
-Telekinesis- Samoth has the ability to manipulate his environment with the sheer power of his mind. He can lift and throw non-living objects and entities with his mind. He can only lift things if he could normally lift half of their weight(Of course,this can be manipulated with his core ability).
He can use this power to slightly change the direction of magical and physical projectiles, or slow them down, if he is aware of their approach.
-Telekinetic Combat- Having the ability to sense minds and objects around him, Samoth’s spacial awareness and reaction times are greatly increased.
With Telekinetic Combat, he is able to briefly make simple objects of pure mind power. Such as a transparent wall, or an illusion of himself making an attack/running away.
“The mind is a powerful tool, and WILL have more influence over a fight than the body that it commands.”
-Alto Ganze: Samoth has respect for authority, where it is deserved. And Alto seems to deserve it. Being so young, yet so talented is something to be proud of. He gets along well with Alto, and seems to be quite protective of him, and respects his opinion, as well as most if not all of his decisions as Student Council President.
-Clara Deimos Erdrigan: Samoth actually likes this one. Her personality is similar to his, and she is very focused on whatever task is at hand. Even being from a different school, he has no rivalry with Clara.
-King: Samoth does not like King. Not one bit. He does recognize that King may yield some power in the arena, but he thinks the premise of King being from another planet or being an alien, is entirely silly and immature. He would be insulted if King were to insist upon him that he was an alien, and would take it as an insult to his intelligence.
Age- 18
Grade- 3rd Year (Transfer) St. Laurels High School

Biography- Samoth is a boy of 17, and stands above average in height at six feet. He has sun-tanned skin and a thin, yet muscular body. He has broad shoulders, which are clad in a long, black trench coat, which falls down to his mid-shins. He wears black straight Khakis, yet the pair still allows him to move fluently. He wears black gloves that mostly keep his arms from view. Under his coat is a black, Kevlar long-sleeve. He wears black formal shoes that allow him quick movement. Samoth has brown hair that shifts from light to dark,that(while it isn’t covered by his ACU cap) is placed in a side-parting, shaggy cut.
He was raised in a military family, on a paramilitary training base. His mother and father were surprisingly un-strict with him, despite him being their only child. They allowed him many freedoms the other children at the base did not have. Yet he chose not to exercise most of them. Instead choosing to spend his free time learning, reading, searching the web, and developing his mind. He strives to be the smartest person in the room. He made his parents proud.
He didn’t need his parents to be strict, he was strict for them. He developed a schedule for himself that he follows relentlessly, everyday: Eat, Hygiene, Mental Training, Physical Training, Eat, Hygiene/Rest, Technique Training, Eat, Hygiene, Sleep, Repeat. He followed this schedule for several years, without deviation. Until his parents requested that he go to St. Laurels High School. He has utmost respect for his parents’ authority, so he obliged. Samoth’s Mental Training involves interactive activities to strengthen the integrity of his mind, as well as the expanse of his knowledge. Specifically, he studies various Martial Arts, Weapon Arts, and what information he can find about powers over the web, and various books. He also studies military and Hand-to-Hand combat strategies, heavily believing in the maxim “Mind over matter”.
He sets his own goals, and now, at St. Laurels, he seeks to further his knowledge on Magical phenomenon, as well as further his experience in tournaments.
One would identify Samoth’s personality as stoic. He remains silent unless spoken to, for the most part. But he watches everything. He analyzes the behavior and personalities of anyone around him, and usually only speaks up when he has important input. And when he does speak up, people tend to listen. He seems to have a very stable temper, never losing his cool, or his calculating gaze.
He is not known to be too fond of humor, though with close friends(of which he has none, at the moment), he can crack a joke or two. But you should consider yourself extremely lucky if you find yourself catching a glimpse of anything remotely close to a smile. He isn’t looking to make friends, and can be blunt at times. But he is not by definition rude.
He is very focused on his studies, as well as any chances to gain combat experience.
-Newton Control- Samoth strives to be the smartest person on campus. A strong mind is just as important as a strong body. Even more so, actually. Samoth’s core ability was discovered when he was very young, as when he would throw tantrums as a child, objects around him would float, and be thrown across the room. His core power has many applications. Samoth can create a field of gravity up to 25 square feet. Within this field, he can control how much gravity is exerted upon each object within it, he cannot however change the weight of living beings. He can however, control the general mass of gravity in the area(to clarify, for example; he can give the area 2 times as much gravity, but he can’t exclude himself from the affected creatures, but he will take less of an affect because he does train in an increased-gravity environment).
One of Samoth’s favorite uses is to make a tube of decreased gravity around his arm, allowing him to punch at a much higher speed, and at the last second, significantly increase the gravity to make his attack have a heavily increased amount of force behind it.
Another application of Newton Control is the ability to manipulate friction. By doing so he can set things ablaze by striking his finger across them, like a match. He can also warm things up with a simple touch. Maybe the most pressing application is that he can cause his strikes to emit bursts of flame by heavily increasing the amount of friction between himself and the target.
-Telepathy- Samoth has the ability to communicate with, and manipulate, the minds of those around him.
He is able to communicate with any creature he can see that is within 100 feet of him. Creatures he cannot see, he can detect their presence, if they have a mind or magical aura holding them to the plane.
He can focus his mind to stab at his opponent’s conscious with a psychic blade. If they have no protection against mind-controlling attacks, they will receive an intense pain in their head, blurring their vision.
If he places his hand on a creature he can assert a slight influence over their thoughts, if they are unaware of his actions.
-Telekinesis- Samoth has the ability to manipulate his environment with the sheer power of his mind. He can lift and throw non-living objects and entities with his mind. He can only lift things if he could normally lift half of their weight(Of course,this can be manipulated with his core ability).
He can use this power to slightly change the direction of magical and physical projectiles, or slow them down, if he is aware of their approach.
-Telekinetic Combat- Having the ability to sense minds and objects around him, Samoth’s spacial awareness and reaction times are greatly increased.
With Telekinetic Combat, he is able to briefly make simple objects of pure mind power. Such as a transparent wall, or an illusion of himself making an attack/running away.
“The mind is a powerful tool, and WILL have more influence over a fight than the body that it commands.”
-Alto Ganze: Samoth has respect for authority, where it is deserved. And Alto seems to deserve it. Being so young, yet so talented is something to be proud of. He gets along well with Alto, and seems to be quite protective of him, and respects his opinion, as well as most if not all of his decisions as Student Council President.
-Clara Deimos Erdrigan: Samoth actually likes this one. Her personality is similar to his, and she is very focused on whatever task is at hand. Even being from a different school, he has no rivalry with Clara.
-King: Samoth does not like King. Not one bit. He does recognize that King may yield some power in the arena, but he thinks the premise of King being from another planet or being an alien, is entirely silly and immature. He would be insulted if King were to insist upon him that he was an alien, and would take it as an insult to his intelligence.