Age: One.
Gender: None.
Race: Human
Sub-Class: Synthetic
Romeo, which is what we'll call him for simplicity sake, appears to be around the age of 25. Whatever material looks to be his "skin" is a very pale-sand tone, opposing the dark color of his black hair, which is held in a loose side-parting cut.
He is quite above average height, standing at Six foot Two, and carries broad shoulders, with a very stiff posture. Despite his deceptively thin appearance, he is actually quite heavy for his size, weighing in at 220 pounds, the result of him being constructed of steel, alongside a various array of light alloys.
His kind are manufactured to have the most appealing appearance possible. And Romeo is no exception. He is granted a sharp, well defined jawline, and flawless "skin".
Scientists in the lab provide the Synthetics with basic clothes. Black Khakis, a black T-shirt, and black Tennis shoes. The shirt, however, is slightly modified to allow for a small, yet important feature, that all Synths have. From their right shoulder sprout two thin steel pipes, each about an inch in diameter. His exhaust pipes.
Occasionally, during periods of heavy "exertion", you wouldn't exactly call it exertion as Synths are unaffected by the concept of stamina, steam will billow from these exhaust pipes, releasing any consumed gases into the atmosphere around them.
Synthetics usually have excellent posture, and never have the need to sit or lie down. You can tell them out from a crowd in a multitude of ways. One being, they don't really socialize well. Another, being their posture and absolute stiffness. A third, being how they look at things; they don't seem to be distracted vary easily at all, and can focus on multiple subjects at once, often gazing deeply into them with their emotionless eyes. Finally, they are generally very poor at creating facial expressions.
Synthetics are much stronger than their human counterparts. For purposes of lifting, pulling, pushing, etc. they operate at 1.5X the strength of peak human condition. Synths are also reasonably fast. Faster than most humans, but because of their weight, their ability for this is dampened. Synthetics have stellar endurance. The concept of stamina is no matter to a Synth, and they also don't feel pain. Even small blades, such as pocket knives, or switchblades, do little to no damage.
Another note, is that Synths have significantly increased reaction times.
History: Synthetics are a new technological advancement introduced by an organization known as "Myriad AI". They create these Synths for their own personal use, and mass profit. Originally having their synthetic creations armed only with military weapons and reconing technologies, Myriad AI began to develop more serious programs. One example of such program was an advanced experiment, code-named "Juliet". Program Juliet was an attempt to exploit emotions in AI. They attempted to create and control an artificial system of morals, advanced sentiments, and opinions, and insert them into the core hardware of a Synth. At first, they succeeded. And then they began the tests.
Previous Synthetics were not programmed to be, nor exposed to any level of emotional distress. R-27 was first on the line. In previous tests on humans, the results wildly varied, seeming to have widely different effects from individual to individual. Eventually, they began tests directly targeting Synth R-27. Throughout these tests, the limits of what the AI could handle were pushed severely, resulting in Project R-27 developing a systematical improbability, self awareness.
He becomes aware of himself as his own being. One able to make its own decisions, and develop its own opinions rather than being told how it felt at every step of its existence. He began to question why this was happening, and why he was here in the facility. Occasionally, out loud. He even began to show sign of insubordination, such as responding to a command with "Why?".
Myriad HQ was displeased. They ordered a reboot of his non-core memories, and a reset of his AI. Subject R intercepts this order, overpowers the unarmed staff, and escapes. He travels to a city call "Loom", and with Myriad agents in his tail, he needs to find refuge..and a purpose.
*Extensive knowledge on many many many subjects that one could commonly learn from the internet*
*Advanced capabilities when it comes to hacking and operation machinery and electronics*
*Extremely flexible fibers covering Subject R's chest, thighs, shoulders and back allow him to essentially ignore small caliber rounds(most handguns and pellet-loaded shotguns, and reduce possible impact of grazing larger-caliber firearms. Crude projectiles such as arrows, rocks, or sling bullets have utterly minute affects, if any. Note, this does not prevent R from having his artificial skin from being torn(only aesthetic affect, has no other purpose)*
*Subject R can choose to switch his vision from normal to infrared, and often does so when meeting strange characters. He can use this to detect whether something is human or not. Synths give off no heat, and Demons almost always give off more than humans do, even if they appear the same*
*He has a small set of various tools hidden within compartments on his arms, and some on his fingers. These include, screwdrivers, serrated blades, blowtorch, welder, files, and various other tools.*
Notable Belongings: None.
PC Encounters:
Holly Amanda Knight: On a few scattered occasions, whilst living among the unfortunate homeless of Loom, Subject R notices a woman who introduces herself as a one "Detective Holly Knight". She offers the destitutes food and small favors in exchange for information. He learns to be careful around her, and try to avoid her gaze, or her general presence entirely. He doesn't need his secret getting out to anyone. Especially not authorities.
Matthew Daniel Stanford: The encounters had with this character seem quite odd. It appears as if this person is paying vagrants to...suck..on their neck? None of his databases show any information on this act, the closest thing to it being prostitution, though it isn't quite that. One thing he does know however, is that this man has a quite higher heat signature than any other human R has seen around.