Samoth took more significant strides as his fellow students seemed to be prepared to go their selerate paths. With each step, dust and undiscernable debris was flung into the air, clinging to his pants, and heavy military boots.
He approached the first door within his section, it appearing as if him and Cyan had made it to their objective before the others. He laid his gloved hand against the door, and then he side of his head. He didn't hear any discernable noise. He took off his right glove and shoved it in his pocket. His slightly thinner left glove still allowed him to dispel magic through it, while also reissting flames as well as various other cuts and scratches.
He quickly turned the handle and pushed his body into the door, expecting it to open up swiftly allowing him quick survey of the room on the other side. It didn't budge. It did make him look a bit silly though. Hugging a door and all.
He backed up a couple feet, and slammed one of his massive boots against the rickety door, smashing it in. The door hung off its hinges to his left, as he stepped through the threshhold of the decrepit room. The windows on the opposite side were heavily boarded, letting in little light.
Samoth could feel the presence if something close. But with all the entities in the proximity, it was a bit hard to tell where exactly. He turned to his right, a dusty bed with well-devoured sheet lain before him, and beside that a rotted nightstand, and a lamp. He turned to the doorway, where Cyan still stood, approaching it once again.
"Looks clear. Let's move-" he was interrupted by a wooden scraping sound, and then was struck in the back with a chair. The chair was heavily rotten, much like everything else here, seemingly. It helped that Samoth's learher coat didn't let much rotten wood through, too.
He turned on his heel quickly to see a stark-white entity, seemingly levitating a lamp post, and it was accompanied by a small, red, knife-wielding, devilish-looking creature only several feet away.
Samoth lunged forward, right hand reaching directly for the ghost, second hand moving towards the Imp, yet not intending to make contact with it.
The ghost weightlessly evaporated under Samoth's grip, the lamp post falling harmlessly to the ground, and the Imp crumpled to the ground, seemingly not even being struck, screeching in pain.
Samoth stepped closer to the Imp, eyeing it sourly.
"Pest." Was his simple statement, as he lifted his heavy left boot, and plowed it violently into the creature's skull. There was an assuring crunch, as its screeches ceased.
He turned, and look to the doorway, were Cyan had been expected to stay. He hadn't.
"-to the next room." he said, as if that hadn't just happened. He strode towards the door approaching the threshold, and advancing to he hallway, hoping the next room hadn't held too much for Cyan to handle.