Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

Masami stood near the edge of a crowd, with her side facing those she was listening too, with her ears perked up. She listened the whole while as the boy explained in more detail the events to Andras.

That being said, I'm looking rather low on spells right now...
she overheard.

Ahh..so they do have a limit.. Masami thought to herself, glancing over to see catch the twinge of embarrassment across Andras' features.

Then the "Demon" Lady began searching for something, her eyes scanning the area for whatever it was she needed. The fox watched as her eyes laid upon her. She looked away quickly,as she had noticed it must have looked like she was staring at them from a distance. Like a weirdo.

Andras wasn't slow to wave her over, to Masami's surprise. She hesitantly stepped from her watching position, walking over to the group.
Shortly after the fight, Masami was slightly swarmed by a group of eager watchers, who bombarded her with questions about her powers, where she was from, etc. etc.

The fox girl departed herself from the crowd, looking around for Andras, realizing she hadn't spoken to her after the defeat.
She spotted the card-slinger, and began to approach her. She was about to call to her, but before she could, another voice rose up. Followed by a second.

She looked towards both voices and, as expected, didn't know either of them. One of them, the younger-looking one, began shouting some nonsense(which in all honesty Masami would expect someone to not yell in the middle of a public event) about a Vittorio...and some deaths...and..a Demon.

Another Demon??, Masami thought. But wait. Why would he ask Andras for help if she herself were a Demon? Something was off, she thought.

As she approached closer to Andras, Masami's Starballs began to fluctuate in color and brightness. It was a sign Masami knew all too well. There was a Demon present. She didn't think it was Andras. She had been right next to her during the fight, and the Starballs behaved as normal.

She would linger around a dozen feet away from her, and listen to the events that unfold, as her ears perked up for more attentive hearing.

As Samoth charged, Bak began to spin her turrets, ramping up for her signature attack; a hot volley of metal to the face. But Samoth's charge cut her off before she was capable. But just as his arms reached her, he felt her own grasp meet his hips. She was now holding him in what he perceived as some sort of awkward dance-pose that you saw on those dancing shows. He looked at her as she looked at him.

Her face developed a smile. Shit. he thought. He had underestimated the strength of the younger student. She turned to the wall beside them, shifting her grip and throwing him into it before he could turn his focus to a mental attack.

A loud crash, as well as the sounds of splitting and creaking wood, accompanied Samoth's pain as he hit the wall, and then the floor on the other side of it. Dust filled his eyes and the wind was knocked out of him as he felt the grip upon him disappear, being replaced by the grip the pile of broken planks and debris that were now under him.

He groggily tried to clear the dust from his eyes, as he heard the shrieks of terror from nearby creatures, scurrying around and presumably scattering from the room. He lashed out at the nearest consciousness he could sense, landing his fist upon a dazed imp, sending it across the room as he recovered his eyesight.

He looked over, seeing a student unconscious on the floor beside him. That's...one...

He hurriedly attempted to scurry to his feet, while moving away from the direction he thought he had come from. He wouldn't underestimate Bak Tsarevna again, but he also need to flank the other Mephisto's crew, and provide support for his fellow student, Katherine, below.

Samoth turned as Andreim called to him and began to initiate his plan. His display of ability was met with the desired affect, and the ceiling behind them fell through. Flanking seems an appropriate action, given the circumstances; Rurik and Christine wouldn't easily get past that Katherine. Thobias...maybe. But he wasn't much of a threat, given the seeming nature of his powers. In any case, Katherine can handle herself, he thought.

He ran to the cyclone of water summoned by Andreim, stepping upon it as it pressurized and blasted him through the air onto the third floor, landing in a roll. Quickly gathering his bearings, he analyzed his surroundings.

He spotted King. Among others. The Vigilantes?!?! he thought. This is getting...interesting.. Not good.

Taking note of those present in the group; including Vittorio, Aram, Brutus, and King; Samoth turned his back to them, in the direction of his objective.

Bak. Jesus Christ, why are their so many people here? he thought. He immediately charged towards towards the Mephisto's student, without hesitation. There was no time for it. If he gave her opportunity to respond, she would...well, let's just say it wouldn't be the best idea.
He planned to leap upon her, catching her in a grapple, and pinning her to the ground. From that point any magic she was utilizing would be nullified. In his mind.

Masami took a couple hesitant steps backwards as this "Andras" approached her. D-demon Lady?? she thought, her left hand very slightly hovering over the hilt strapped to her left hip. Maybe..maybe she is nice. She wouldn't admit it to herself, but she doubted it. Most demons are naturally malevolent in nature. Masami liked to think of herself as different, in a humble way.. she wanted to help people.

She shifted her jaw, opening her mouth and allowing the Starballs to slowly drift from it, before speaking. "M-my name is Masami. Masami Souma.. she stuttered. Jeez, you're showing reluctance already. Calm yourself. her conscious urged her.
She stood up straight, now firmly grasping her hilt, and allowing her Starballs to each float a foot away from her, between herself and Andras, as they emit a dim blue glow. She hoped her facade wouldn't be realized as she tried to keep her ears and tail from revealing her true emotions.

"I am new to Rhea, and have just enrolled at St. Laurel's school for Academic Excellence.

Masami stepped off of the bus, taking her first steps onto the sidewalk, while dragging her suitcases down the treads of the vehicle. In reality, they were her first steps in Rhea as well. And they happened to be in the dead of night.
Originally, the vehicle was supposed to arrive at noon, but they had a slight delay seeing as certain buses didn't allow pets. Especially ones that talked. As a result, the the coach was arriving at nearly midnight, along with a slightly grumpy, and tired, Masami. But she was eager.

As soon as her bags left the last step of the bus, the doors swept closed, and the vehicle sped off, leaving Masami alone. But not actually.

While she couldn't see as well as she'd like, she could still hear and smell just fine. And there was a lot more activity this late at night than she expected. Across the street, in the middle of a park, there was a ring of people, accompanied by bouts of commotion, and cheering. It seemed as if there was a fight.

Masami hurriedly drug her cases across the road, and lifted them onto a nearby bench a few dozen feet or so away from the small crowd, then walked towards it.

As she got closer, the cheering increased as a bout of electricity threw one participant out of then ring. "C'mon, who's next?!" a voice shouted from where the student had been blasted.
Masami pondered her choice. Picking fights this early upon my arrival? Probably not a good idea..but maybe it's a sport here?! Just as she began to raise her arm and was about to call out, another voice interrupted her.
"Your opponent will be none other than I, Andras, the Demon Lady of Despair!" It called. Masami looked directly at the voice that came from the relative darkness, as the speaker dropped from a nearby tree. "What do you say, mortal?"
Oh? A title? This person must be very important here. I better not interrupt their bout. Masami thought as she shook sleep from her eyes.
Rather than demand she fight first, she called out "I'll take on the winner!" raising her arm as high as she could, developing an eager and happy face as she spoke the words, looking over to the hooded figure.

WAIT... DEMON LADY!?!? she thought, her tails standing on end.
Lol shush Bunny.
Aram watched as Clara and the other Mephisto's student began to leave. It felt wrong watching them walk away.

He leaned on the Claymore that Brutus had given him, pondering what to do next with this situation. That was when King suddenly appeared in the doorway beside them, with a student over his shoulder. "Well, isn't this a bit of pickle!
Aram jumped at this, the sword falling from beneath the weight of his body, causing him to start falling to the floor,
waving his arms wildly. "AH!" he yelped, hitting with a thud. "Ow.." he said, rubbing the back of his head. "What the heck? Maybe give some kind of a warn-"

That was when he heard the singing. "I'll clench my fists and open my eyes. I slash the air, as sharp as knives. Forever more... these chains will bind, clipping my wings... leaving me behind. Weighing me down. Letting me drown I can't... escape."
It was...ominous. Creepy. Aram lifted his head up, looking towards the source of the music. It was another ghost.

He grasped for the sword that had fell beside him, then standing up, turning towards the ghost again.
Wait.. he thought ..that's..Vittorio?
He didn't like Vittorio. His ethereal form, or whatever the hell it is, gave him the creeps. It reminded him of the ectoplasmic beings you saw in those bad ghost films. He didn't like those films.

He addressed Brutus, seemingly asking him of his alignment. Which looked pretty obvious, being as Brutus was currently helping the Vigilantes.

Aram was pleased with Brutus' answer. It was indeed a noble cause. Anyone who were to deny such a cause was surely evil, no doubt.

In any case, Vittorio was a Mephisto's student. And even though they had just spoken to Clara herself, Vittorio seemed to have his own way about doing things. "Vittorio, why must you assault Vigilantes with sad poetry?" came a call from down the hallway. It was Tsarevna.

Aram looked down the hall to where the other Mephisto's had disappeared to then back to Vittorio, then to the Bing Bong sword currently in his hands. Then at King.

There wasn't much time for any of the group to respond as Vittorio launched himself through the ceiling into the next floor. Samoth didn't truly believe what he had said about being alone, but why would he be here anyways? It couldn't possibly be a coincidence.

Seeing as there was no immediate danger, he began to follow the other students, while keeping his eye out for anything else that could cause them trouble. Be it a Demon Beast, or another unwelcome student from a rival school. They found the latter.

He drew up beside Andreim and Liselotte, their fellow Laurels student Katherine up ahead, but halted. That's when he saw Rurik and Christine. This was not a good thing.

Why would they be here? They are obviously along with Vittorio. And who else? His guard was immediately up. He assessed the situation. At the opposite end of the hall was a wall of ice the encompassed the entirety of its width. And to their right(left of Mephisto's students) was an elevator. Most likely out-of-commission. They were probably going to use that to get away if any place, considering their proximity. They were cornered. Any way they try to retreat would be heavily telegraphed.

Samoth stood about where Andreim was, out of Katherine's inferno range. Being burnt to a crisp wasn't going to help anyone, so it would be good to use their numbers to their advantage if it did come to combat, which there was a good possibility it could, unless the Mephisto's students played it smart.
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