Avatar of Bartimaeus


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12 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Das okay xP

"I prefer Wolfenheim, thank you." he said kindly. Nove shyly rubbed her head against Clive's shoulder as the girl complimented her. The Duck Pokemon seemed to like her so far; she was nice. The male trainer listened to the girl's story, and couldn't help but smile at it.

"I'm glad you have such a love for your Pokemon. And actually, I'm not far off from where you are now. I'm new to being a Pokemon Trainer." he said. "But I used to be a Pokemon Ranger until a few weeks ago...when I decided I wanted to travel the region."

The girl's next question was one he had never really asked himself. But he felt he knew the right answer anyway. "I put a lot of trust in my Pokemon. I trust that when they do get hurt in battle, they will forgive me. I trust that they know I'm doing it to make them stronger. And the risk is well worth the reward when it strengthens the bond between us." he finished.

Jeez, I sound like such a softie. he blushed. He checked his watch again. He'd be getting to his destination much sooner than he had predicted.

Clive paused at the offered hand. He had never been comfortable with handshakes in general, and especially not from girls he'd just met, but he would always take the hand; it was the polite thing to do. He did so here. Her hand was surprisingly soft, which made him slightly more nervous. He handled the shake like he had a delicate flower in his grip. "Er, My name is Clive." he said slowly. "But people call me Wolfenheim; due to my last name. Pleasure to meet you." He lowered his arm again, his cheeks a minutely pinker tinge than before.

Clive listened to her as she spoke. Their stories sounded similar. Both raised in their hometowns until now, rarely having been outside of their respective towns.

Something else caught his ear. She seemed to genuinely care deeply for her Pokemon. As if they were her best friends. He smiled internally in approval. A Ninetales and a Seel. he noted. She'll be thrilled to see all the different Pokemon on her journey."

Nove had wandered over to his side as the girl talked. "What pokemon do you have?" she asked.

Clive grinned as he put his arm around the Golduck's neck, pulling her into a hug and earning an excited "Golllduck!" from the Pokemon. He removed his arm from her and pulled his coat back slightly to reveal the Pokeballs at his belt. "This here is Meistro." he said, tapping the first one. "A Toxicroak." he added. "Then we have Kita the Krokorok, and Breko, the Kecleon." he explained.

The train crew called for seats to be taken. Marie took her seat with Ninetales, and Clive did the same, as Nove accompanied him. The male trainer smirked as the Ninetales essentially trapped her partner in the seat. He would then pet Nove behind the crest on her head, which she loved, drawing a soft coo-ing sound from the Pokemon.


Welcome!! I hope you find something to quench your thirst for writing! Enjoy your return stay to the guild. :P

Wolf stirred awake as the train quaked to a halt. He wiped the slight grogginess from his face, then looking down to check the digital watch on his arm. He'd not even slept for half an hour. No wonder people liked riding these things.

He looked around, seeing that Nove was also awake. They were on an elevated rail above the ocean now, and were drawing upon the island Wolf recognized as Cinnabar Island. The place was known for the natural scenery. Specifically, the volcano that stayed as a attraction for tourists. If he stood on the edge of the dock from his hometown, he could see the great magma geyser reaching into the sky, as if it aimed to erupt above the clouds.

The doors slid open to allow passengers on, and few people boarded. One especially excited Ninetales bounded into his car, jumping into the seats that were near him. Wolfenheim sized up the Pokemon.

Ninetales. The Fox Pokemon. He'd hadn't seen a lot of Ninetales, but he knew about them from reading.

The golden Pokemon was followed shortly after by a short girl who seemed slightly younger than Wolf himself. Upon seeing him, she bowed, which he stood to return.

"Um...hi. Sorry if Ninetails has disrupted your ride! She's really excited like I am to see the world." she said.

Clive examined her as he bowed. She was short, with light pink hair. Her clothes were...small, and she had two Pokeballs at her belt. One of which, Clive assumed belonged to the Ninetales.

"Oh, hello there. She's perfectly alright. I've never actually got to meet a Ninetales in person before. Very Beautiful." he responded while observing the Pokemon. He'd turn his eyes back to her, and take her statement to mean she was also a fresh trainer, just like him. "So you're a new trainer as well, then?" he asked as he sat down again. "I just left my hometown, Fuchsia City."

The train crew called throughout each car from a microphone stationed on the wall at the front of the cabin: "Passengers, please take your seats. We will be departing shortly."


The wind blew through his brown hair as he took in the misty smell of the day. Nove raised her snout to the sky and in the same scents, wriggling her head back and forth in comfort. They had always loved the smell of the nearby ocean, and the nearby body always sent waves of slight drizzle over the dock at the South-to-South-East corner of the town.

Much had changed over the decades, or at least that's what his mother had told him. The cities were much different than they used to be; much bigger, more vibrant. More populated. People strolled across the boardwalk in front of Clive. The town had been even more populated in recent days in preparation for the summer solstice. They hustled and bustled all across town in the days leading up to the twenty-first. Setting decorations, putting up stands that sold various ornaments, foods, toys, prizes. It was something celebrated by everyone.

Clive had seen it every year for twenty-one years. He wasn't missing much by starting his journey today, in his eyes at least. He had never liked large crowds of people, and today was definitely one of the days that called for them. But he Nove with him, and the soothing fragrance of the sea; both things that lessened his sour feelings about- anything, really.

He walked with Nove down the boardwalk at a stroll. He was going to take in the sights and smells of his hometown before departing from it; hopefully it would stave off any home-sickness. He'd never really left his hometown, besides the occasional call for a Pokemon Ranger needed for various tasks outside the town.

"Mr. Clive!" came an old voice. Wolf snapped out of his thoughts, looking around before he had realized how far he had walked. He had just come across the front of a fruit stand, owned by a friend of his, in Mr. Yaki.

"You weren't going to leave without telling an old friend good-bye, were you?" he said with a kind smile. Nove had took it upon herself to move over to the man, who was petting her with a liver-spotted hand.

"Sorry, Mr. Yuki. I was thinking about my plans for my journey and lost track of where I was." the young man said apologetically as he moved past the fruit stand to offer the older individual a hug. The gray-haired man was dressed in a light-green long-robe and sandals, a usually look for those who sat or stood for long periods on the boardwalk here in Fuchsia city. He was somewhere in his sixties, and was missing more than a few teeth, but his elderly charm was undeniable. Clive actually enjoyed talking to him.

Mr. Yuki accepted the hug with gusto, giving Wolf a hug that belied his age. "Ah, it's alright my boy. I remember when I was your age. I was already partaking in the adventure of my life. I was a trainer too, you know. I even made it all the way to the Elite Four once.." he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, right." Wolf laughed. The geezer was infamous for making up tall tales, but everyone in town knew it was just so he could get a chuckle out of anyone who'd listen. "I've got to go catch my train, Mr. Yuki. Wish me luck on my journey!"

"You have all of my wishes boy! Remember to keep that badge safe, once you get more, they will get you far!" the man said as Wolf began a jog towards where his train would be arriving.

Wolf felt for the badge he had acquired some weeks before, which he found pinned to the inside of his coat. The Soul Badge. He had worked hard for it. It hadn't been easy with just four Pokemon...but his companions had good resistances to poison, which allowed him to win. Nove eyed the purple, heart-shaped badge, which was slightly visible from the outside of his coat, and let out a sound of pride. She had worked hard to earn it for Wolf.

The duo continued walking until they reached the train station, arriving at the same time as their transportation.

They boarded the locomotive, albeit reluctantly. Neither of them had been on one before. Not many people were getting on, but many got off, meaning the cabin was, for the most part, empty. Wolf decided to sit separate from anyone else, choosing to take an aisle seat, while Nove took the aisle seat on the other side. The seats were set in rows of two with an aisle big enough to allow a decent array of Pokemon sizes.

The young ranger leaned his seat back slightly, closing his eyes and letting the train rock him to sleep until the next stop. He planned to go where the accredited Professor Oak kept his laboratory: Pallet Town.
Still not completely certain quite yet if will be joining or not. I'm considering my options.

A ray of golden light, accompanied by the rattling of metal rings against the mantle of a nearby window's curtain, pierced the veil which was Clive's slumber. He stirred in his sheets for a moment, before realizing his mother had opened the window, allowing the radiance to pour over his room.

"Wakey Wakey, Clivey. You've got to eat a good breakfast if you want to be strong for your journey." she said with a smile as she tied the curtains open. "We must make sure your Pokemon are also ready for the trip ahead!"

Clive wouldn't see the smile, but rather hear the excitement in her voice as she said the words. She wouldn't say it out loud, but Clive knew that somewhere inside her she was a little disappointed that he had decided to not remain as a Pokemon Ranger. But she was supportive of him. She tried her hardest to provide for him the things he needed for his journey across the region.

He would be hiding his disoriented expression beneath his blankets to shield himself from the gleaming light.

His mother strolled back over to the door, briefly petting the head of the waking Golduck which lay at the foot of Clive's bed, earning a soft "coo" from the Pokemon. "Be dressed and downstairs in five minutes or less, for breakfast." she ordered before leaving the room, making her way downstairs. Still as bossy as she was when I was a kid... he thought with a smile.

He'd lay there for a moment before tossing the blankets from his face and sitting up. He had decided that he'd spend the the few days before his journey visiting his mother. They had talked about his plans, as well as what Pokemon he would be looking to catch first. But now it was time for him to depart.

He would remove himself from the bed, and dress before heading downstairs with Nove, his Golduck. He'd be dressed in his favorite coat, a orange-brownish, high-collar long coat which fell to his ankles. He also brought his satchel, which carried what supplies he could acquire for his journey, down with him.

He sat with his mother, after releasing his Pokemon from their vessels to get their own food, and ate the breakfast she had prepared for them. They reviewed his traveling plans once more before he departed. After returning his Pokemon, excluding Nove, and giving his mother a hug, he walked to the front door, his satchel at his hip.

"Thank you for helping me with this, mom." he said over his shoulder. She returned his words with a smile, which he couldn't see, but knew was there.

He opened the door, stepping out into the pre-noon sun, alongside Nove. It was time for his journey to begin.
xD Thanks :3
I have no problem with spoilers. If we’re gonna be using the lore, why not use it all imo 😛
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